The Evil that is 13....

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a bloodbath divorce can take a serious toll on a man.
Wait 'til you've been through TWO...then remarry one of them! Sanity is in question. :dribble:

It's amazing how something SO bad can look so good when viewed through a 20 year filter. :lol:

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No. From what Richard told me, the 'ECO' light is like a gas mileage indicator. Ride like a granny, and the ECO indicator will show. Ride like Richard and you'll never see those bloody three letters. Ever. Word. :p
Perhaps another perspective is indicated.... :lol:

Supposed an individual is trying for his THIRD 2KDay - a feat never accomplished by any rider in history - and let's say this rider is at the 23:30 mark, and is only 20-ish miles from completion, when the low fuel display starts blinking.

In *that* scenario... said rider would be DAMN GLAD to have that little ECO prompt to help him achieve his goal. :D

You know... in case there is an individual out there who would like to try to score his third 2K-Day.... :eek:


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a bloodbath divorce can take a serious toll on a man.
Wait 'til you've been through TWO
Erm.... that *was* my second divorce. :( :( :(

...then remarry one of them! Sanity is in question. :dribble:

Shyeah, I am more than 100% confident I will not be exhibiting that kind of questionable judgement! ;)

That having been said.... those who attended the the IBA National at Denver this year, or Gerlachfest, are already aware of this new female in my life. It was Paula here who encouraged me to go after this new FJR... all men could use a female like this in their lives!

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a bloodbath divorce can take a serious toll on a man.
Wait 'til you've been through TWO
Erm.... that *was* my second divorce. :( :( :(

...then remarry one of them! Sanity is in question. :dribble:

Shyeah, I am more than 100% confident I will not be exhibiting that kind of questionable judgement!

That having been said.... those who attended the the IBA National at Denver this year, or Gerlachfest, are already aware of this new female in my life. It was Paula here who encouraged me to go after this new FJR... all men could use a female like this in their lives! ;)
When will you silly Admins learn that us peons need admin-rights to view/download attachments? Post the pictures to your nitrographix account!!

Okay, HERE'S something crazy....when I look at your post from the "standard" forum page, only the "attachment" links are shown and are un-accessible without admin rights, but when I opened the "Reply" editor, the pictures show up! How weird is that???

Do we have any ground spiders??

I'd like to know the answer to this question also. Just to clarify, does the GenIII use the same grounding blocks that the GenII uses?

edit: I'm not saying that it's a bad thing or that there's going to be a problem with them if they did, I'm just curious if they came up with something different.

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I started reading this a few minutes ago and it was three pages, when I get to the end it's now seven. :blink:

Congrats on being one of the first to have the 2013!! I was looking at it on the web last week, my wife walked by and said "don't even think about it". So it looks like I will be riding my 2012 again next season. :)

Distance to empty is new, bike temp read out is new trip timer is new.
That's a fun one!

Wouldn't bloody TWO be enough????? :D

But then there is that Watkins whipper-snapper.............
You only takes one day to do one of those things. With a long weekend you'd think doing two would be easy. Probably only take 125 gallons of fuel to do. ;)

When will you silly Admins learn that us peons need admin-rights to view/download attachments? Post the pictures to your nitrographix account!!

Okay, HERE'S something crazy....when I look at your post from the "standard" forum page, only the "attachment" links are shown and are un-accessible without admin rights, but when I opened the "Reply" editor, the pictures show up! How weird is that???
+1 on the reply editor viewing...odd indeed!

Two divorces here as well (one this year)...both very costly. :huh:

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Dale, you said that you were installing a Datel. The 13 did not come with a voltage display on the dash or did you just install an additional one?

Dale, you said that you were installing a Datel. The 13 did not come with a voltage display on the dash or did you just install an additional one?
If the Gen III bike has a voltage display among the byzantine maze of displays, it must be well-hidden, because I haven't found it. :huh:

The "Engine Trouble Warning Light" is supposed to fulfill the job of monitoring the electrical system, according to page 4-3 of the Owner's Manual.


The "Engine Trouble Warning Light" is supposed to fulfill the job of monitoring the electrical system, according to page 4-3 of the Owner's Manual.

Really... so the Check Engine Light is now the catch-all malfunction indicator. No more idiot lights at all?

Catch all electrical indicator.. but the Gen III still has a metric ass-load of all kinds of idiot lights, two rows of them located at the bottom of the center instrument pod.

Top row: Electrical, oil, neutral light, high-beam, and ABS idiot lights

Bottom row: cruise control, cruise control set, and Traction Control idiot lights


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The "Engine Trouble Warning Light" is supposed to fulfill the job of monitoring the electrical system, according to page 4-3 of the Owner's Manual.

Really... so the Check Engine Light is now the catch-all malfunction indicator. No more idiot lights at all?

Catch all electrical indicator.. but the Gen III still has a metric ass-load of all kinds of idiot lights, two rows of them located at the bottom of the center instrument pod.

Top row: Electrical, oil, neutral light, high-beam, and ABS idiot lights

Bottom row: cruise control, cruise control set, and Traction Control idiot lights

What is the red key in the lower right area of the tach for? Nice bike btw...

What is the red key in the lower right area of the tach for? Nice bike btw...
That photo is of a European FJR instrument panel; it's for their anti-theft key fob dealio, I believe.

North American GenIII FJRs do not have this light on their tachometers.
