The Evil that is 13....

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Well ****, Dale -- sounds like you got into some bad mojo without the backstop of million dollar bonuses or a taxpayer funded bailout. Glad you've survived it to the point of being able to farkle that '13 without worrying that a damned bank will come get the bike and its goodies in the middle of the night. Lookin' forward to seeing the results and the report from the upcoming father daughter adventure. Is Lauryn still on her Kwak for this trip?

Is Lauryn still on her Kwak for this trip?
Yes, she will be riding her mighty, mighty Kawasaki Ninja 500 for this adventure:


We are going to blast outta here late Friday so we arrive in Anderson, California uber-early on Saturday morning. There, we are going to let Mr Rick Mayer fix this ass-fire-causing GenIII stock seat. Then we're are going to burn around the god-roads of NorCal and eastern Nevada for a couple days before heading back north to Washington.

We are going to blast outta here late Friday so we arrive in Anderson, California uber-early on Saturday morning. There, we are going to let Mr Rick Mayer fix this ass-fire-causing GenIII stock seat.
By the time you get there, I suspect smoke from the seat area. I can't even imagine sitting on an FJR's OEM seat for that long. We'll require a report, of course, but most of us know better than to ask you to document the ass-fire part with pictures.

Then we're are going to burn around the god-roads of NorCal and eastern Nevada for a couple days before heading back north to Washington.
Sounds like a great time. All the Sierra passes are open, including Sonora Pass (108) and Tioga Pass (120) -- unusually early this year because most of the snow we got this year was very early. For the northern part of the state, at least, the long term forecast is calling for pretty mild temperatures that weekend.

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This was the easy part... the trick for this farkle is placement of the Powerlet outlet attached to this Widder controller... unlike Gen I and II, the GenIII cowling near the left knee lacks a lot of the flat surface area the previous generations had, so placement of the outlet needs to be carefully considered. That's this weekend's adventure.
Dale, I'm still looking for a spot too. Been eye-balling the space on the right side between the battery and the fairing.

All right... finished with the Widder Controller/Warm-N-Safe circuit!

I found what I think is a killer placement for the Powerlet oulet, right above the left knee, the ideal location perect for tethering to one's tankbag.

Examining all available areas, I discovered there is *substantial* room behind this one small section of "flat" bodywork large enough to house the outlet... the black Sharpie dot on my cowling serves as the center for the ~ 0.9" hole to be drilled:


Going to need the Uni-Bit Stepped drill bit to drill a perfect circle to securely retain the outlet

First pilot hole drilled... NO TURNING BACK NOW!!!


**** me, here we go, let's drill some big-ass holes in my expensive, sculpted plasic... AYE-EEEEEEEE!!!!




SUCCESS!! Powerlet outlet threads in perfectly, and has sufficient threads on the back side of the cowling to easily retain the large locking nut:


All done and tested with the Warm-n-Safe liner!

I am pretty happy with this install placement... the outlet looks fairly innoculous when not in use:


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Gotta be careful with those unibits. We were drilling a friends fairing and it kind of got away from him. Ended up with too big of a hole.

Did a very similar ride, in reverse last week, including the stop at Rick Mayer's for a custom saddle for my '09 AE. If you're coming down 97, watch out for the deer, especially south of Bend.

Also, wonder why so many folks install a Powerlet instead of a different solution: running power from a charging pigtail. I run a short fused extender into my tank bag, then use a 4-way splitter and 12v-to-USB adapters and a hub to power my GPS, phone, tablet from the tankbag. I have 2 available 12v ports, and can run a compressor, heated vest, etc., from that... and no drilling. I can't be the only one using this safe, no-muss no-fuss solution, can I?

Read 3/4's of the thread.... thanks for all the updates WarChild..... Saw my first one in person yesterday - very nice, although the dealershit was super lame.... I asked to get the key to check out the new dash and they stated - there was no gas and no battery in it.

Guess I'll be looking elsewhere -

I have a question, not sure if it was covered here --- will the Gen 1 exhaust transfer over to Gen 3 ?!??!

Got a nice Leo Vince Carbon that I would love to keep if I make the move....

I have a question, not sure if it was covered here --- will the Gen 1 exhaust transfer over to Gen 3 ?!??!
Got a nice Leo Vince Carbon that I would love to keep if I make the move....
My suspicion is that it will transfer over okay, but I don't know that for an absolute fact. I seem to recall that Gen II's could swap over okay.

Actually, I still have the old 2003 FJR in the garage... I'll take a peek tonight after work, and try to see if there are any glaring differences.

Sweet, appreciate it - I love the looks and sound of my Leo Vince.... and would hate to have to buy again -

FWIW I did check on their website and selecting different years 05, 12, and 13 all give me the same pipe # so - it seems they must be the same...

Well, I am running out of time, so the Warm-n-Safe outlet and the Givi rack are all the farkling to be done for now.. we depart in less that 24 hours!


The V46 topcase with the '04 Cerulean Silver paint looks a little jarring against the 2013 Stone Gray paint, but I don't really care about all that cosmetic crap; I am appreciating the carrying capacity.

Front fender is off to install a Pyramid Plastics Fenda Extenda on it, otherwise, done working on the bike, time to start packing!

Lauryn arrives from college on her Ninja later today, and we have oil changes on both bike still to do!

The most glaring part of that partially farkled package isn't the Givi. It's the friggin seat -- looks like you've got an all night case of ass-fire ahead of you on Friday!

The V46 topcase with the '04 Cerulean Silver paint looks a little jarring against the 2013 Stone Gray paint...
I bet you could get a good paint job from Garauld on that top box at a convenient time to match that 2013 color.

I'll bet your right... I have never bothered to look how difficult it is to separate the Givi halves. It would of course be nice just to ship the part to be re-painted.

Good call, wheaton!

Warchild.... I know you touched on the thoughts from you and your lovely SO about the windscreen, not sure I have seen a picture/s of the windscreen in the mid to upper positions.... any chance we could get some pics... ?

The most glaring part of that partially farkled package isn't the Givi. It's the friggin seat -- looks like you've got an all night case of ass-fire ahead of you on Friday!
maybe that is his method of staying awake all night? Looks like a torture rack to me.

WC, glad you are getting to use the bike finally!
