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Ok, I missed something here - cat in a can? wff are you talking about?

Ok enough small talk about the wheels... We really wanna know if ya gots a cat stuck in yer can. Do I have to drive on over that way to help? :p
He's been sippin' on grampa's cider and can't see straight.....just let it go.

Mark started the whole thing about the cats
Yep...my fault. I thought that since Wayne had a damaged gen 2 can, he could put the whole "second series of catalytic converters" in the exhaust can (over and above the "precan" cats" shown on the Gen 1) to bed with an easy photo documentation for the whole innernet to see.

I guess not. :)

It's not Busts fault really. I shot the Sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

I still wanna know though :)

Plus, who shot the cat that's purported to be in Waynes cans? I can't imagine the damn thing went in there willingly..

If a cat climbed in there willingly, then about 30 seconds into the first ride he'd realized just how much he fooked up. Especially if he was in the can that got ripped off by that van...

I still wanna know though :)

Plus, who shot the cat that's purported to be in Waynes cans? I can't imagine the damn thing went in there willingly..
oh, and fooken wheaton too - I should have known...

Mark started the whole thing about the cats
Yep...my fault. I thought that since Wayne had a damaged gen 2 can, he could put the whole "second series of catalytic converters" in the exhaust can (over and above the "precan" cats" shown on the Gen 1) to bed with an easy photo documentation for the whole innernet to see.

I guess not. :)

It's not Busts fault really. I shot the Sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.
Wow... just saw this... really glad this didn't go sideways and all kinds of worse, Wayne! You really lucked out on this one! Start counting those nine lives and see how many ya got left! ;)

thanks Tyler - me too. I'm not so sure I want to check the score board on that; one thing is certain, someone is looking out for me.

Wow... just saw this... really glad this didn't go sideways and all kinds of worse, Wayne! You really lucked out on this one! Start counting those nine lives and see how many ya got left! ;)
New to the Forum, but glad to see your alright and did not have to take that trip to Hell and Regroup! (Got three cousins in the Corps, so I know the story :) The other guys are right as well about commuting, I live in Dallas and since getting my new-to-me 08 I have had a couple of close calls that were not my doing. The only nice thing is that I get to take advantage of a long HOV lane on the 60 mile round trip. While this does not serve to always mitigate the idiots, it helps keep me calm so I do not start a collection of side mirrors! lol

I started running video with a GoPro, so if something does happen I have a visual record of what happened. Odd thing is, once the surrounding drivers notice the camera on my helmet, I have been given a wider berth and treated a bit more nicely. It may be my imagination, or that they do not want to do something stupid on camera and have it come back on them. Either way, I will take it.

Good luck on the new bike hunt!

New to the Forum, but glad to see your alright and did not have to take that trip to Hell and Regroup! (Got three cousins in the Corps, so I know the story :) The other guys are right as well about commuting, I live in Dallas and since getting my new-to-me 08 I have had a couple of close calls that were not my doing. The only nice thing is that I get to take advantage of a long HOV lane on the 60 mile round trip. While this does not serve to always mitigate the idiots, it helps keep me calm so I do not start a collection of side mirrors! lol

I started running video with a GoPro, so if something does happen I have a visual record of what happened. Odd thing is, once the surrounding drivers notice the camera on my helmet, I have been given a wider berth and treated a bit more nicely. It may be my imagination, or that they do not want to do something stupid on camera and have it come back on them. Either way, I will take it.

Good luck on the new bike hunt!
