Tyler down in serious condition in Idaho!

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Awfully good to hear of her progress.

She's probably gettin' cocky.

I'd better send her another card. You know, ......to put her in her place.


BTW, that address for cards is:

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

Patient: Tyler Risk!

c/o TICU

751 S. Bascom Ave.

San Jose, CA 95128

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Sunday, July 26, 2009 4:05 PM, MDT

Sunday 7/26 3:00 PM

This morning’s visit was about gratitude.

I arrived at the appointed hour, cantaloupe in hand, to find Tyler freshly bandaged. She was clear headed and bright. We chatted easily while she ate breakfast.

She wanted to talk about all the cards, notes, postings, gifts and monetary support she has received. I read a few of the cards and brought to her bedside a few gifts. Yes, John, I found the rubber ducky. We talked about the computer that she is still not up using it and the 471 pages, Susan G. printed them, of guest book entries on Caring Bridge.

We had a longer discussion about the over $12,000 donated by so many of her local, national, and international friends and loved ones. Her eyes went wide when I reminder her of the amount. :yahoo: Before leaving on vacation Jamie told me she and Tyler had discussed leaving the funds in an account for now. A wise choice since we do not know what expenses and needs Tyler and Shannon will have down the road. I reminded Tyler of that discussion and she nodded in agreement.

Tyler reflected a moment. She asked me to let everyone know how grateful and blessed she, and her entire family are to have so many generous and caring people as friends and loved ones.

On a personal note, I had a few things on my mind this morning as well. Tyler has been a friend I seek out to share happy times, challenges and silliness. Today I needed her guidance and she sensed it. She asked me how I was doing and I shared a bit. She offered her usual sage advice. I smiled back and squeezed her hand.

I left a few minutes later as she was tiring. I departed feeling grateful for the gift of having breakfast with my dear friend.


P.S. Look for another update after this evening’s visit.

Sunday July 26th 10 PM
Good evening everyone,

More good news.

I walked into Tyler’s room, dinner tray in hand announcing that Madame’s table for two is available. She giggled.

As I described what was on her dinner tray, she listened and made a few faces. Seems her tummy was upset and she felt erppie, a word both our mothers used, throughout the day. But she was a trooper and had a bite or two of stew and drank a good portion of her milk. Not much else interested her. I coaxed a list of a few of her favorites goodies out of her, which I will bring tomorrow.

Tyler’s day was filled with a visit from her parents and a dear friend Dorothy. They must have lifted her spirits for she was very talkative this evening. She wanted to know more about the Pashnit Girlie Ride, my next ride, did I get a hold of Shannon, how is my dad, what day is it, who is visiting tomorrow ……

We spent a pleasant 45 minutes chatting away. I told her about my day and she made a comment about wow girl, you get around. So I broke in the famous Beach Boy song “I Get Around” and she laughed and told me to take voice lessons. I heard the nurse laugh in the background.

While chatting and holding her hand I noticed a significant reduction in the edema of her hands. She could more easily grasp a cup, fork and spoon. They also had her in a more upright position where she seemed more comfy.

We talked about P.T. She asked me if I too had a hard time moving my leg. I told her absolutely and that I worked at all the time especially when the pain meds kicked in. Just a slight movement here and there made a huge difference. As I was telling her this, I saw her focus on her left leg and bend the knee. Toes wiggling as well. Well done I told her.

The staff in the Boise ICU posted a wonderful note on the Caring Bridge guest book, which I read to Tyler. I don’t know the story behind all the comments but Tyler sure does and she smiled and laughed as I read aloud. When I was done, Tyler told me what a wonderful group of people these were. None better she said.

I noticed her nurse Tina setting up for a bandage change so I said my goodnights and slipped out. I walked to my car knowing Tyler is in great hands and making forward progress everyday. Keep sending all that love and good vibes her way. I know it is making a difference.

Sweet dreams to each of you.

Hello everyone,
Tyler’s day started out with my usual visit at breakfast. She turned up her nose at the scrambled eggs and toast but was happy to munch on the fruit I brought and yogurt. We had a giggle about the fact that the yogurt was “mountain blueberry” not flat land blueberry. “Whatever” she said with her signature head wave and hand movement.

While we chatted and she ate, I noticed she was moving her legs differently. Yesterday she would move the left. Pause. Then move the right. Today she was moving as if she was walking. One and then the other. I brought it to her attention and she just gave me a silly smile and continued “walking”.

Susan took the dinner shift. She arrived with mandarin oranges, we learned Tyler loves them, of which she ate half the package. Tyler’s doctor dropped by during dinner to let her know a skin graft is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

This is really great news. Tyler is responding so well to the donor skin grafts that the docs are moving ahead with grafting Tyler’s own skin much sooner than they expected.

The surgeons will take skin from Tyler’s back. They stretch the skin and turn it into a mesh or sorts so it will cover more surface area. Their plan is to cover her entire right leg.

I was thrilled to hear this news cause it tells me our girl is a fast healer and she’ll be up and about faster than the average bear.

Tyler’s surgery is planned for late morning. I invite you to take a few moments at 10:00 AM PST tomorrow, July 28th, and send out your good vibes, juju, mojo, energy, or whatever else you wish to Tyler. I plan to make my regular morning visit about 8:00 AM and will tell her to reach out for it.

Sweet dreams,

Prayer go out to you Tyler. All of this bad news lately. Are we getting complacent about our own safety?
I hope not...it all does really play on my nerves, I have to admit

My bike is down for (hopefully) just maintenance...CCT in it's lil box...

But I don't feel the usual urge and pressure to fix it and get back on the road...

I thought it might be the deep south excessive heat I'm avoiding, but I think it's more than that...

let's ride SAFE and BE careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

Just a quick note to let you all know Tyler is out of surgery and resting confortably in her room. I plan to pop in for a quick visit after dinner and will post another update after I see our girl.



Tuesday, July 28, 2009 10:11 PM, PDT

Tuesday, 9PM

Greetings All,

Tyler had a busy day. The surgery went well.

I spent three hours with Tyler this morning waiting for her transport to surgery. She confessed she was scared and rightly so. I distracted her with a head and hand massage, sharing a silly dream I had last night and the latest postings to her Guest Book. She was hotter than usual this morning….hot in body temp that is….not that she isn’t a hot ticket….so I applied cool damp clothes to her head and neck. I told her what we really needed was her cool vest. She giggled and said, “Yep, that would keep me cool. If only the nurses would allow it”.

At 10AM I told her the good vibes, juju, mojo, energy and prayers had started flowing her way from all corners of the planet. We were quiet for a moment. I felt her hand relax in mine. She drifted off until the handsome transport guy came for her. We said our “See ya laters and love yous” at the door to the surgery suites and I watched the doors close knowing she was in good hands.

Tyler was back in her room at 4ish and Susan was there a short while later. Eric, Tyler’s father was there as well. The doctors grafted skin to 75% of her right leg and 30% of her left leg. The medical team was very pleased with how well Tyler handled the surgery. Plans are to finish the grafting early next week.

I will tell you my mouth dropped open when I heard this. WOWZA!! Nice job getting yourself ready for the grafts Tyler. I was not expecting to hear they covered so much of her legs. You are a Super Star!

I had short visit with her about an hour ago. I walked in and there she was sleeping holding an empty milk container. Her nurse Tina, what a character she is, came in to wake her for a bandage change. I told Tyler her family sends their love, hugs, and kisses. Said my good night, told her I’d be back for breakfast and slipped out of the room.

Tyler had a busy day. The surgery went well.

Night night,


Wednesday, 10PM
Good evening,

A bit later that I wanted to post…my neighbors kidnapped me for drinks and dinner. Blame them for typos and bad grammar. :))

Another day filled with good news.

Tyler and I shared our usual breakfast. She was bright, cheery and comfortable. She was doing her breathing exercises when I arrived and I reminded her to move those lovely gams. Her plastic surgeon stopped by to let her know first hand that the surgery went well. He talked about next steps including more grafts next week and getting outta bed and in a chair on Monday.

Oh my, Tyler’s eyes got big when she heard that, and we know how expressive that girl’s eyes are, and she said, “Really”. The doc smiled and said yep. Go Tyler go!!

Shannon spent time with her mom this afternoon. I was there when Shannon arrive with a Jamba Juice in hand. She makes a silly net cap and hospital gown look cute. Susan took the dinner shift where Tyler ate lightly. Anyone know some of favorite foods besides cantaloupe and mandarin oranges? Mom, Shannon, let me know.

Our girl is doing so well. Much of her forward progress is due to the outta this world support system she has…..that means you. Yes, she is a wicked strong woman however, your well wishes are spurring her along.

I hope you all had a lovely day and pleasant evening. Until tomorrow…

Night night,

Wednesday, 10PM
Good evening,

A bit later that I wanted to post…my neighbors kidnapped me for drinks and dinner. Blame them for typos and bad grammar. :))

Another day filled with good news.

Tyler and I shared our usual breakfast. She was bright, cheery and comfortable. She was doing her breathing exercises when I arrived and I reminded her to move those lovely gams. Her plastic surgeon stopped by to let her know first hand that the surgery went well. He talked about next steps including more grafts next week and getting outta bed and in a chair on Monday.

Oh my, Tyler’s eyes got big when she heard that, and we know how expressive that girl’s eyes are, and she said, “Really”. The doc smiled and said yep. Go Tyler go!!

Shannon spent time with her mom this afternoon. I was there when Shannon arrive with a Jamba Juice in hand. She makes a silly net cap and hospital gown look cute. Susan took the dinner shift where Tyler ate lightly. Anyone know some of favorite foods besides cantaloupe and mandarin oranges? Mom, Shannon, let me know.

Our girl is doing so well. Much of her forward progress is due to the outta this world support system she has…..that means you. Yes, she is a wicked strong woman however, your well wishes are spurring her along.

I hope you all had a lovely day and pleasant evening. Until tomorrow…

Night night,


== Most excellent news !!!!! ====

B....... :clapping:

Wow that is progress and all is heading in the right direction. Hi- tec medicine and a good patient = sucess

It won't be long before she takes that first step...................and then :bike: I'm back



Friday, July 31, 2009 7:43 AM, MDT

Good morning,

Silly me forgot to give you the mailing address for all those cards and notes.

Tyler Risk

Burn Unit 4th Floor

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

751 S. Bascom Avenue

San Jose, California 95128

Happy Friday,


Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:05 PM, PDT

Thursday, 10PM

Good evening,

Hope this update finds you all well. Not a heck of a lot to report this evening. Besides an increased appetite, reduced edema in her hands, and further discussion about getting into a chair, Tyler’s day passed smoothly.

She loves to hear the Guest Book posts so keep ‘em coming. We have opened and read to her all the cards. We have cards stacked to about 12 inches. I’m giving you all a challenge to make that stack 24 inches high. So chop chop. Run down to the store and get a card. Silly ones, inspirational ones, make one, have your kids draw a picture, or draw one yourself, recycle a card. Yes, she received a recycled Father’s Day card. She loves it. It had bribe money for the nurses and a dollar for the candy machine inside. Very clever.

When I have concluded reading Tyler’s Guest Book each morning, I close with, "that is all the news fit to print". So I conclude tonight's update in the same way.

I bid you all a good night.


Ara Gureghian and his dog Spirit have been living on the road for 3 years now traveling on his BMW with Spirit riding shotgun in the side car. He is an incredible photographer and also a great writer IMHO not to mention an accomplished chef. He is also a friend of Tylers and had some very nice things to say about her in his blog. I thought I would share it with you.

ara's blog

Ara Gureghian and his dog Spirit have been living on the road for 3 years now traveling on his BMW with Spirit riding shotgun in the side car. He is an incredible photographer and also a great writer IMHO not to mention an accomplished chef. He is also a friend of Tylers and had some very nice things to say about her in his blog. I thought I would share it with you.ara's blog
Good stuff... :thumbsup:

Thanks for the link...

Ara Gureghian and his dog Spirit have been living on the road for 3 years now traveling on his BMW with Spirit riding shotgun in the side car. He is an incredible photographer and also a great writer IMHO not to mention an accomplished chef. He is also a friend of Tylers and had some very nice things to say about her in his blog. I thought I would share it with you.

ara's blog

I joined here to add a few words. Not much if any that already has not been said!... and as I have written before, not exclaimed because I want to be nice... It is reality of Life as sometimes you are lucky enough to meet someone that really impacts you. I have my own reasons to be living "on the road" with my buddy Spirit, reasons that do not belong here explained at the present. When I met Tyler a couple years ago, as I am still now, but closer, I was so much searching for that light even so dim at the end of this labyrinth that had suddenly presented itself a few years back. She gave me strenght, she give me hugs I can still feel, she gave me those words that still echo deep down in this Soul of mine. She supported with never fail our Journey and it is only these past days that my eyes stay dry while I read the Blog on her condition. I can only hope and wish on everyone to experience some day her "presence" as I have, your light will shine brighter... I have no doubts. Ah! my good Friend Tyler... I cannot wait to see you!

Be well... Ara & Spirit


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