Tyler down in serious condition in Idaho!

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Welcome Ara and Spirit...may you find just what you are looking for on your journey

I wish you peace and contentment...

Oh, Lucy says hi to Spirit... <ruff, ruff !!!>


Saturday, 9:30pm

Good evening all,

Another banner day for Tyler. After a good night’s rest she and I went about our morning routine. Her hotsy totsy plastic surgeon stopped by to let her know that she is progressing wonderfully and the staff will get her into a chair tomorrow. Yep, that’s right. One day earlier than they expected. Woooohoooo!

I asked him about her feeding tube, as it is annoying for Tyler. He deferred to the nutritionist but added the importance of getting proper nutrition to support her healing thus it needed to stay in for now. I took that as a personal challenge to make sure Tyler gets the best of the best for her meals.

So I just asked her want she wanted to eat. I got the following, “Hmmm, I’d like a boneless and skinless chicken breast and zucchini”. How would you like the zucchini prepared? “ A light sauté please. Butter and garlic? “Yes please”. Is that Tyler or what? Telling us all just what she wants. It will be a pleasure to prepare her a meal with zucchini from my garden.

I left a short time later as she was expecting her folks before lunch and Shannon later in the afternoon. Susan had the night shift with Tyler and reports they had a great evening. Bright and cheery, Tyler ate well and laughed a bunch.

Susan had a giggle with the nursing staff. She told them I get it why there is always an orange on Tyler’s tray. It is a test. As soon as Tyler can peel it and eat the whole thing, she can go home.

Yikes, it is 10pm. I’m going for an early morning ride with a very special someone so I need to get some sleep. I wish you all a pleasant evening.

Night night,



Sunday, August 2, 2009 9:43 PM, PDT

Sunday 9PM

Greetings All,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. I sure did. Special thanks to Sue and Tyler’s folks for picking up a few extra shifts so I could get out for a ride and collect some TLC from loved ones.

Yes indeed our girl got into a chair today. You can tell how happy she was to be outta that bed by the big smile on her face. She spent the better part of an hour in the chair. Ed, Tyler’s step-dad, took the great photo. Thanks Ed.

Yes, I prepared the chicken breast and zucchini per the Queen’s request and arrived promptly at 5 to serve her meal. A bandage change delayed dinner so she was extra hungry when I presented her plate. The garlic and lemon chicken aroma filled the room. We giggled about the nursing staff and other patients wanting to place orders as well. Tyler happily ate the entire serving. Next time I plan to give her more than I think she will eat in the hopes she will eat more.

Today I saw a big change in Tyler. Susan and I have been asking her for days if she wanted her finger nails done. She always said no. This evening she asked me to do them. Then a bit later I noticed she was rubbing her face. I asked if she wanted help with a wash. She said yes. I expected to do it for her. Not this time. I can’t tell you how great it was to see her taking charge. Go Tyler go!!

Shannon was scheduled for the late evening visit. I said my good nights and left the two of them to catch up. Watching those two together fills my heart with joy.

Tyler is scheduled for another skin graft on Tuesday. As soon as I find out what time, I’ll send out the call for juju, mojo, prayers, and energy.

I bid you all a good night.

Sleep tight,


Hello All,
Another banner day for Tyler as she prepares for surgery tomorrow.

This morning I found her bright and cherry with a hardy appetite. We had a right giggle about her room being the transfer center for her team of visitors. Susan, Shannon, and I are constantly saying, “I’ll leave it in Tyler’s room behind the….”. Yep, the center of the universe is in Tyler’s room.

Tyler was again on her throne for an hour or so this afternoon. Too my surprise I arrived for a quick chat to find an empty room. I stood in there and looked at the nurses and said “Did she escape or did you evict her?” They laughed and then I saw Tyler being wheeled out of the shower room. Shinny, smiling, and sweet smelling, she was ready for lunch.

I noticed a change this afternoon. Tyler did not need me to open the silverware package. She cut her own food. Opened the milk carton. These simple everyday tasks we do with out thinking about it are huge wins for Tyler. I told her how pleased I was not to be helping her as much but, that I feared for my job. She laughed and said have no fear, I’ll always need your help. And she’ll always have it.

Shannon arrived a wee bit later so I scooted out to allow for mommy daughter time. Shannon looked as darling as ever sporting a new t-shirt with a motorcycle on the front. And what was Tyler’s comment? “That’s my girl”.

The physical therapist came in while I was there and pushed on Tyler to rotate and flex her ankles and lift her legs. Tyler continues to amaze me. She is such a trooper. I know how painful and difficult P.T. can be. She rose to the occasion to rotate and lift with ease.

Susan was there to handle dinner. I got a request for the “Sue Salad” I often made when Tyler and I had our weekly dinner date while Shannon took a dance lesson near my home. Tomorrow I’ll find out if the take-out version met with Tyler’s approval.

That’s brings us to the surgery set for tomorrow. She will have a repeat of last week’s surgery to cover the remaining portions of her legs with skin from her back. Though I wasn’t given an exact time, I was told it would be around noon. So let’s start sending the major mojo, juju, energy and prayers about 11 AM PDT.

Until tomorrow, sweet dreams.

Tuesday, 9PM

Helloooooo Everyone,

Tyler was a champ today. After four hours of chatting, opening mailing, reading her Guest Book messages, and sitting on her throne, Tyler was wheelied, oops, wheeled off to surgery about 12:30. She was more relaxed this time as we said our love yous and see ya laters.

When I arrived to Tyler’s room this evening, Susan was there. Having just completed a bandage change, Tyler was a bit drowsy. As soon as Shannon peeked her head in the door, she perked up for a bit. The three of us caught up on our lives. Susan headed for home leaving Shannon and I to see if Tyler would wake up enough to chat. She didn’t and we left her sleeping peacefully.

I spoke to one of her surgeons as I was leaving and she was very pleased with the surgery. Only a small area on her left hip and ankle are uncovered. All the grafts done last week are going strong. Way to go Tyle and her medical team. And to all of you for the rivers of mojo, juju, prayers and love flowing towards our girl.

I will close with a few photos Susan took of Tyler’s room. Look closely, you may see the card you sent.

Night night,


Edit: I can only post one photo per entry. I'll spread them out over the next few days. Or follow the link below to see them all on SBR. Go to the bottom of the page.

Good evening all,
Bet you weren’t expecting an update this early in the evening. Gotta keep you all on your toes.

As I was gathering up my papers and Tyler’s breakfast snacks, my phone rang. It was the hospital. After that initial moment of “Oh my god, what’s wrong”, the nurse told me Tyler asked her to call to find out if I was coming to visit. I get there between 8 and 8:15. The call came at 7:55. Can you say impatient? I got a good giggle and was on my way, petal to the metal. The Queen had summoned me.

I found Tyler bright and cheery and ready for breakfast. Her surgeon dropped by to let her know how well everything went yesterday. She was pleased. She had a rough go with an upset tummy. A common occurrence after surgery made worse by her morning vitamins. The nurse and I convinced her to take the anti nausea meds which helped.

We also had a conversation about taking the pain meds. She just doesn’t want to be foggy. I explained she needed to be comfortable so her body could focus on healing and not pain. She is so stubborn. Hey, I resemble that remark! She agreed to take the pain meds as I promised I would be back mid afternoon with a snack.

My afternoon visit found her with the physical therapist. Maria, a very nice woman, was working on her ankle flexion and leg lifting. Tyler was responding easily so Maria stepped up the efforts. She was to not only lift her legs but also use the sheet wrapped around her toes to pull back on her ankles. The task was to do this one time every twenty minutes. I was assigned the timekeeper and coach.

Twenty minutes later, we take a break from opening cards to do the exercises. She does one set. Looks at me and says “all this setting up of the sheet and stuff for one time?”. I shared my experience of P.T. It is not about doing many repetitions today. It is about being able to do the exercise tomorrow, the next day and the day after. Slow baby steps towards her complete recovery. Then I said, “OK do two”. She smiled and did another set. Go Tyler go. Just go slowly my friend.

Susan reports Tyler had a good dinner of chicken, asparagus and red jell-o. After a chat on the phone with Shannon she was sleeping soundly at 8:30. Sweet dreams Tyler.

And sweet dreams to all of you,

Thursday 9PM

Greetings Everyone,

Tyler is settling into her post surgery routine. Here is a glimpse into a Day in the Life of Tyler.


• Bandage change


• Breakfast of fruit, yogurt, and cereal

• Business of the day chat with me

• Morning vitamins and medications

• Teeth brushing and face washing

• Doctor visit

• Physical therapy

• Nap by 10AM


• Bandage change

• Lunch

• Afternoon visit with me or Shannon

• Exercises done

• Another nap


• Susan arrives with evening treats and news of the outside world


• Bandage change


• Susan returns to finish dinner

• More exercises

• Doctor visit


• Shannon or I arrive for the Sweet Dreams shift

• The Sand Man arrives shortly thereafter


• Bandage change

The doctors are again pleased with Tyler’s progress. She has a low-grade fever they are watching closely. The risk of infection is still present. Her appetite is improving. She will most likely be able to get onto her throne again on Saturday. Her humor is in full swing as demonstrated by her comment about the workmen with large tools. That’s our girl.

Your cards and notes continue to brighten her day. She now opens and reads them herself. The stack is not yet at 24”. Keep ‘em coming please.

Susan, who is managing the cards, has a request. Please add your e-mail address or forum screen name to the card so Tyler can contact you.

Tonight's photo is of the throne.

I wish you all a pleasant evening.


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To All ..... (near Tyler's present location)

Posted this on Caringbridge yesterday


Do you have a window view ??... can you see a parking lot ?? and can a whole bunch of us stop by and honk and waive ??

Just a thought......

or maybe ... a laptop with a camera and some link up to a laptop in your room.... this is Silicon Valley ... right ?? :unsure:

I have no clue how to do it... but I know it can be done. :dribble: :blink:



SSSOOOOOOOOooooooo ... can this be done and lets make it happen.



Brian, great idea. The laptop with a camera is easy - just use any of the dozens of IM clients, Yahoo, MSN, etc. and make sure Tyler has an account on the same IM system (AIM, Yahoo, Google Talk, MSN are the main ones). You can have a group video chat and get to see/hear Ty.

Brian, great idea. The laptop with a camera is easy - just use any of the dozens of IM clients, Yahoo, MSN, etc. and make sure Tyler has an account on the same IM system (AIM, Yahoo, Google Talk, MSN are the main ones). You can have a group video chat and get to see/hear Ty.
Thanks...... I am the idea guy..... need someone to make it a reality.

Here is a bump to keep it in your faces...... :unsure: :D ;)


Greetings All,
Another busy day for Tyler.

A few days ago she had a CT scan. The scan showed a pocket of fluid around the metal implants on her pelvic bone. The docs thought this might be the cause of her fever. Today they aspirated the fluid and installed a drain.

I visited mid afternoon when she was already looking better and her fever was down. We had a sncke of pluots (apricot plum cross), chatted, and opened her mail. She particularly enjoyed the post card with a naked backside of man hunting bear in Alaska. Her eyes got way big and said “Oh my. Why wasn’t this one on the top of the stack?”. We giggled and oogled, then place the card in a prominent location on her windowsill.

I left a short time later as she was sleepy. I expect she will be more alert tomorrow.

I wish you all a pleasant evening.


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