Unlucky day today

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Mr. FJR Pig so your working 60 plus hrs a week wearing 2 hats and not being home with the family . Seems to me the city / state is paying one man to do a job for 2 keep up the great work soon you just might be wearing 3 hats and sleeping on a cot in the office .
Dang, sucked back into this again!

Thanks, Zorkler. It's all good. I have great support at home from the family. Of course, when things calm down, convincing my wife I need to spend time on the FJR is going to be a tough argument... :rolleyes:

Mogadishu, Somalia. You can drive as fast as you want. Need directions?
No you can't there are very few paved places. Also most of the motos you can get there are only 100cc. You will not be stopped for speeding anyway, you will be stopped because you are a white man and considered to be rich. The cop only wants a bribe so he can feed his family for another night. Knowin the truth actually makes your joke a bit more funny.
WOW!!! Perhaps I was a bit harsh. But to answer at least one question, no I have never had a cop help me. I have had things stolen and been in wrecks and no help. When the cops were called to the wreck I was told they were too busy to respond and that I needed to come in and fill out a blue sheet on the wreck. On the 5 mile trip home I passed 2 cops parked ready to give tickets. I hear police have quotas on tickets. So I guess they were busy from one point of view. I also had a RV stolen, I reported it and 6 months later the cops called me and asked if I had found it yet. And to the robbery/homicide thing. I had a nice officer that was a robbery/homicide detective give me a ticket, he was on overtime. Guess he ran out of robberies or homicides to investigate. I wonder if he was looking for my trailer at the time??? I guess my point is real crime is not hard to find. In most major cities you can find drug dealers on several corners. Why can't we focus our resources on serious crime rather than writing tickets. What ever happened to neighborhood cops? And don't give me some crap about there are not enough of us cops to work neighborhoods when they are out in numbers writing tickets. As several of us in a few states have done, we protect ourselves and no longer depend on police. They simply are not there. As police you really feel the way we currently police is serving the public well? If so you really need to examine crime rates in this country. I just don't think the pubic's best interest is what policing is about today. Do some reading before calling someone ignorant. BTW you can tell who the cops are here, very short fuse. Debate can be civil.

As police you really feel the way we currently police is serving the public well? If so you really need to examine crime rates in this country. I just don't think the pubic's best interest is what policing is about today.

Note: The serious violent crimes included are rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and homicide.

(For related data about homicide trends, see Homicide Trends in the U.S.). The National Crime Victimization Survey redesign was implemented in 1993; the area with the lighter shading is before the redesign and the darker area after the redesign. The data before 1993 are adjusted to make them comparable with data collected since the redesign. The adjustment methods are described in Criminal Victimization 1973-95. Estimates for 1993 and beyond are based on collection year while earlier estimates are based on data year.

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The chart above shows the effect of keeping repeat offenders off the streets longer.... and the effect of a steadily aging society.

WOW!!! Perhaps I was a bit harsh. But to answer at least one question, no I have never had a cop help me. I have had things stolen and been in wrecks and no help. .
-A valid point in your case, but, conversely, I have had cops help me..as I"m sure many others have....in fact I was in an collision in which a drunk driver hit me at an intersection. What was the cop doing there at the time? Busting speeders with radar...GLAD he was there; thanks to that, he witnessed the whole thing and arrested the drunk SOB at the scene (BTW it was his SIXTH wreck that year; thank the laws and lawyers for allowing this guy to still have a valid license at the time).

-After I got into EMS I could site DOZENS of times when the cops have helped sort out domestic violence situations and truly helped families in crisis...(I was there as well); trust me you DO NOT want that job!

-I've also been called to scenes where cops caught a criminal in action, stealing a car, breaking in to a house or business, assaulting another person...

-When we got back from a recent vacation, we found an officer checking out my house as I requested via the police depts. 'neighborhood service board' website; and no, the cop did not know who I was or what I did for a living. My neighbor confirmed they had been out numerous times prior...

-My brother had his car stolen twice, recovered both times; his wife had hers stolen once; also recovered..no LOJAC, just cops on the lookout for them; yep, they live in a neighborhood where crime is up, but in other areas its down.

-Sure, I've gotten my fairshare of speeding tickets but that comes with the territory; is that fair? Maybe I didn't like it, but I was guilty of it, so I guess I can't bitch; those cops were doing what they were assigned to do, like it or not.... debate could go on ad nauseam.

Ahhh, we need more people posting here!

And for gosh sakes! Nobody brings in a frikking cow bell!

is this thread for real?! :glare:

This has to be the strangest group of people collected anywhere on the internet. There's a whole lot of bitching, flaming, misreading, dissing... the list is long. You guys think you have the perfect bike... one would think you'd be happy.

This has to be the strangest group of people collected anywhere on the internet. There's a whole lot of bitching, flaming, misreading, dissing... the list is long. You guys think you have the perfect bike... one would think you'd be happy.

The problem is that we have the perfect bike............... we have to find SOMETHING to bitch about! :D :D

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Oh, dan....we're happy with the bike....we are just not happy with the "other" people with the same bike. Assume this(the wrong way). I bought a scoot. Some other clown has the same scoot. He's either my best friend or my arch enemy. Then add in the fight or flight conflict that you "regular" humans have. It just gets worse and worse. This isn't a competition. That's what folks just don't understand. It's a means of motivation. I don't want to ride to reno to meet these people. But, am curious about them, nonetheless. Never wanted to meet all the harley riders at sturgis, either. It's hit or miss here. There is no win or lose. But, if you want to have some fun....reno is where it's going to be at for us fjr owners the end of the month. I may or may not be there....but, who cares....it'll be fun. Maybe you can watch rad and twn get into it about which farkle means the most....Where is the space shuttle right now anyways?

No, I won't be in Reno... but anyone who wants to meet me can find me by looking around.

Seriously, most boards with people having the same make/model bike are much friendlier toward one another. Leaves me puzzled.

New guys come here (not referring to myself, though I am relatively new), ask a n00b question and the replies drip with sarcastic put downs. Other boards, the guys either ignore, or if they choose post a short reply and point out the search function.

(Referring to this thread now) I've never seen the openly hostile & vulgar flames allowed not just by moderators, but by the general community as happens here. Just to check whether this is widespread or not, I checked out the worst perps' prior posts and found that nearly every post is like that. Your explanation not withstanding, what gives?

Another thing. The spelling and grammar police that reside here. Is that necessary?

I can easily ignore what I find offensive, but.... overall, it can't be good for the board OR sales of the FJR. (Not that they aren't real common anyway.) A friend of mine had an FJR and moved to another bike just because he got sick of being flamed here for refusing to pretent the heat issue did not exist.

You are correct; debate can be civil. The posters who have expressed reasonable opinions have been replied to in a civil fashion. There are some posters who have stereotyped police officers and bashed the entire career field. Let me say this; the officer that you deal with is a man or woman who is doing a job and implementing a mission that is set forth by higher ups who have, generally, lost touch with the nuances of law enforcement in their community. They have been administrators for so long that they have forgotten what it's like to be a line animal. It's their world, we just live in it.

I can tell you from 14+ years of law enforcement, that most officers could care less about writing speeding tickets. What they will do, however, is enforce the traffic laws that lead to the most accidents. Speed is one of those laws. I have been part of many traffic accident reconstructions and can tell you that speed is a contributing factor in many. I, for one, hate working accidents. Especially fatalities. I have also worked several motorcycle wrecks.

Take another thing into consideration. How many felons do you think are apprehended each year because of a traffic stop. Drugs...same thing. Stolen property? There you go. Before you go and disparage every officer you see; walk a day in his/her shoes.

No, I won't be in Reno... but anyone who wants to meet me can find me by looking around.
Seriously, most boards with people having the same make/model bike are much friendlier toward one another. Leaves me puzzled.

Another thing. The spelling and grammar police that reside here. Is that necessary?
I ain't looking for you dude. Don't care about you. I like to ride. Which is why I'm on this forum. Any question I have can be solved by me doing a search on here....and probably find my problem. As for the "brotherly love"....sometimes it's called tough love. Other sites may be so "into" the scoot they own that they "forgive" your "sins" even though you have no clue. Here, is the closest to reality I can get...for dealing with my scoot. As for the grammar police.....I'm one of them. Didn't you go to school? Did you graduate? We'll let rad or skoot or groo take it from here. Hey, check my spelling on the way.

Reading this I feel a need to vent. Sorry in advance for any fine police officers I offend with the following. Recently I was stopped in Louisiana doing 86 in a 70. It was just north of New Orleans and there were 3 cops standing under a bridge. I thought they had to call in the National Guard to patrol NO. Then again they have murderers, rapists and drug dealers down there, may be a bit dangerous. Anyway I did not even notice they were cops till I got up to them and saw their cars on the other side of the bridge. They flag me over and I stop. I waited a little over a minute, we even got off the bike to stretch, and none of the cars were moving so I figured I stopped for no reason and left. A little further down the road they catch up to me and are all upset and rude. The way the cop handled himself it seemed he was trying to start a fight. He cited me for failure to obey a police officer and 86 in a 70. Cops are just tax collectors with badges. A real PITA and little more. They wonder why their reputations are bad. Many cops fled NO rather than help its citizens. They are no help with more serious crimes. In most major cities I can go just blocks from where you may get a ticket and find a drug dealer on the corner. Once a couple of years ago I even pointed one out as the cop wrote me a ticket. Our brave boys in blue indeed.
It's not about making the roads safer, drunk drivers and people that simply fall asleep are 10 times more dangerous than a vehicle going 10 or 15 miles and hour over the posted limit - Its about generating revenue and anybody that thinks it's not is full of shit !!! :close_tema:

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No, I won't be in Reno... but anyone who wants to meet me can find me by looking around.
Seriously, most boards with people having the same make/model bike are much friendlier toward one another. Leaves me puzzled.

New guys come here (not referring to myself, though I am relatively new), ask a n00b question and the replies drip with sarcastic put downs. Other boards, the guys either ignore, or if they choose post a short reply and point out the search function.

(Referring to this thread now) I've never seen the openly hostile & vulgar flames allowed not just by moderators, but by the general community as happens here. Just to check whether this is widespread or not, I checked out the worst perps' prior posts and found that nearly every post is like that. Your explanation not withstanding, what gives?

Another thing. The spelling and grammar police that reside here. Is that necessary?

I can easily ignore what I find offensive, but.... overall, it can't be good for the board OR sales of the FJR. (Not that they aren't real common anyway.) A friend of mine had an FJR and moved to another bike just because he got sick of being flamed here for refusing to pretent the heat issue did not exist.

For the most part the replys on this board are civil or joking unless the poster makes a really outragious (sp?) claims or is a known asshat.

On threads like this everyone who thinks all LEOs are bad and everyone who thinks all LEOs are good are going to jump in. Most of us who think there are good and bad just watch and laugh. Personally I have seen/experianced great and terrible LEOs and on the whole like LEOs, A friend of mine hates all LEOs with a passion (no he isn't a criminal), he was beaten literally 1/2 to death for being a motorcyclist! There used to be a cop in Sunland,CA who would pull over bikes for no reason and beat the crap out of them. That stopped when he did it to a lawyer on a HD.

>>What they will do, however, is enforce the traffic laws that lead to the most accidents. Speed is one of those laws. <<

Well, the public has a cynical attitude toward speed enforcement due to many things observed over the years:

1. The 55 mph nat'l speed limit. Loudly proclaimed as a life saver, accidents and deaths declined once it was ash canned.

2. Speed traps set not where speeding is the most dangerous, but the most likely. Think taxation on this one. Second thought, think taxation on #1, too.

3. Constant lowering of speed limits in some areas by local pols, hence increasing the number of speeders (since traffic generally moves at a generally accepted pace), instead of making the needed repairs and improvements to highways.

I could go on, but don't want to argue against your point with which I share some agreement. Speed in itself is not bad, it's speed that is inappropriate for the circumstances that causes accidents. Motorists forget that speed can be varied. Slow down near intersections, where there are pedestrians, driveways, poor visibility, reduced traction, etc. I do those things... that's why I don't get stopped often.... and for the most part, enforcement IS properly targeted. Just not always... and people seem to remember the exceptions.

Hey, sled....you have to mail out popcorn with that post. Sorry, dude. Might as well make it a political post.

A little radar basics for ya Starcruiser.
If your out in front and you get hit by instant on, by the time your detector goes off, you are toast. LEO already has your speed. Also, full braking does not distort the radar signal so no reading will be obtained. The LEO will have your speed locked and still will be able to clock you as you decelerate. Don't believe it? If ya have an LEO friend that has a Stalker DSR 2X radar in his squad go out and "play" with him.
This is not good news!!!!! Nor do I have friends in Squard Cars. so I believe ya.....All my friends seem to be attorneys...But anyway, hopefully my detector will pick up the stray signals from the Fuzz's Stalker DSR 2X that he's shooting at traffic in front of me ....Otherwise,,,WE OFF TO THE RACES!!!

No, I won't be in Reno... but anyone who wants to meet me can find me by looking around.

Seriously, most boards with people having the same make/model bike are much friendlier toward one another. Leaves me puzzled.

Another thing. The spelling and grammar police that reside here. Is that necessary?
I ain't looking for you dude. Don't care about you. I like to ride. Which is why I'm on this forum. Any question I have can be solved by me doing a search on here....and probably find my problem. As for the "brotherly love"....sometimes it's called tough love. Other sites may be so "into" the scoot they own that they "forgive" your "sins" even though you have no clue. Here, is the closest to reality I can get...for dealing with my scoot. As for the grammar police.....I'm one of them. Didn't you go to school? Did you graduate? We'll let rad or skoot or groo take it from here. Hey, check my spelling on the way.

There's a whole lot of bitching, flaming, misreading, dissing.
Oh, nevermind... :huh:


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