WFO Banquet

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That said, the dinners are priceless due to the comraderie shared with your FJR bretheren. This is going to be THE FJR event, and the dinners are probably the most important part of it.
There is no way in God's green earth that I'm driving 2500+ miles both ways to get to Reno and back so I can save $50 and miss the two big meals by eating at Denny's, and not with my friends. That's just whack... :blink:

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Given the built in entertainment that's sure to exist during dinner, the only way it'll be too expensive is if I don't make it back from my "1000 Before Dinner" ride and miss the whole damn thing.

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Given the built in entertainment that's sure to exist during dinner, the only way it'll be too expensive is if I don't make it back from my "1000 Before Dinner" rider and miss the whole damn thing.
No worries, you'll make it back in time.... after all, it's Nevada!!


There is no way in God's green earth that I'm driving 2500+ miles both ways to get to Reno and back so I can save $50 and miss the two big meals by eating at Denny's, and not with my friends. That's just whack... :blink:
+ fukkin 1. I too would have liked to have spent 80 beans getting better accomodations there and back, or a dozen other things. But these get togethers are THE reason for the trip. I can find nice ridin' country nearby, I can get some asshats together for a feed, I can get info about the feej on da net. But this is a major event of some magnitude that none of my efforts could touch. I can't understand why anyone would go out there and not show for the dinners. Maybe Old Country Buffet instead? Gimme a break. The shows Fri and Sat night are the real reason for my going, I don't doubt the $80 will be your best entertainment value.

There is no way in God's green earth that I'm driving 2500+ miles both ways to get to Reno and back so I can save $50 and miss the two big meals by eating at Denny's, and not with my friends. That's just whack... :blink:
+ fukkin 1. I too would have liked to have spent 80 beans getting better accomodations there and back, or a dozen other things. But these get togethers are THE reason for the trip. I can find nice ridin' country nearby, I can get some asshats together for a feed, I can get info about the feej on da net. But this is a major event of some magnitude that none of my efforts could touch. I can't understand why anyone would go out there and not show for the dinners. Maybe Old Country Buffet instead? Gimme a break. The shows Fri and Sat night are the real reason for my going, I don't doubt the $80 will be your best entertainment value.

Your right its the talking during the meal because most of thetime you wont be there as of rides etc, if I can spend 85.00 for the two meals there's others out there that can as well.I'm on a fixed income and its tought trying to make 400..00 a month last and something like this realy blows my income out of the water.Guys you miss this it will hurt :assassin: .

rogerfjrfaster :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :rolleyes:

Could I suggest that the organizers send an email message to all who have registered for WFO alerting them to the meal payment arrangements?

I've been on the road for 3 weeks and kept checking the WFO site - not the Forum. The WFO site just recently changed the Fees section to provide a link to payment arrangements. I suspect many others are unaware that we can now pay for the meals.

Just sent $85 to Paypal for the two banquet dinners. Look forward to putting some faces and "personalities" to the FJRForum members. Time to rumble.

Note to ALL RIDERS passing through Santa Barbara who plan on a stop here for dinner. Take out a home equity loan before you arrive.

Deez be some cheep eetz, compared to my usual dinner tab for similar fair. Wurd.

Note to ALL RIDERS passing through Santa Barbara who plan on a stop here for dinner. Take out a home equity loan before you arrive.
Deez be some cheep eetz, compared to my usual dinner tab for similar fair. Wurd.

+1 for Pasadena, unless you consider McPukes a fine dinning experiance.

We paid for Saturday's banquet already and just tonight decided to skip the Big Dog Ride to make it for for Friday's Banquet too. We've ridden the Big Dog Ride roads many times before and will continue to enjoy them, but this is our time to spend with you all. Yes, I'll be snapping away with my little camera. Smile :D :D :D

I had to change the terms of the banquet. The Hilton's contract we've signed will expect a final count of dinners two days prior to the event. That means I turn in that count Wednesday, July 26. If you try and pay for dinner after that at the may not get in.

You all REALLY need to sign up by the 23rd!

We have about 70 people signed up for the banquet at this point compared to the 230+ people confirmed with rally fee paid. We might be able to accomodate a few at the door, but no way we'll be able to accomodate 160+.

Please, get your banquet purchased ASAP!

NONONONO alll you cheap bastards eat at Mky D's, It increases my chances of winning some cool swag!!! :p

IT's a once in a year deal peeps, pry that wallet out of your tight asses and spring for dinner, memories last forever, that Denny's plate gonna be a memory ?? :glare:

IT's a once in a year deal peeps, pry that wallet out of your tight asses and spring for dinner, memories last forever, that Denny's plate gonna be a memory ?? :glare:
I have a Dennys memory, I'll bring the surgery and recovery photos to WFO, along with the various samples the lawyers said to preserve at all cost. ;)

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We have about 70 people signed up for the banquet at this point compared to the 230+ people confirmed with rally fee paid.
It may be an inverse reaction to the "Man Boob Contest" :bad:
Inverse? Naturally or mathematically for sure, but since we're talking about Rad-boobs, I'd say 'adverse' is more apropos... ;) Ouch, Groo's throwing stuff and he hit me in the eye!

We have about 70 people signed up for the banquet at this point compared to the 230+ people confirmed with rally fee paid.
It may be an inverse reaction to the "Man Boob Contest" :bad:
Inverse? Naturally or mathematically for sure, but since we're talking about Rad-boobs, I'd say 'adverse' is more apropos... ;) Ouch, Groo's throwing stuff and he hit me in the eye!
Or those with the affliction of "Back Boobs" it may be obversely proportional. Ewwww!

Just wanted to ask/clarify?

Mass email sent today:

Subject: WFO-5 Banquet Tickets: ACTION REQUIRED!

Is this just to spread the word to pay up, get the word out to everyone about the change in plans, pay by the 23rd or you might be eating at Denny's, those who don't spend much time in the forum, etc...

I know I am paid up, but still got the email.

Others might think their payments didn't go through or cause confusion.

You are correct.

T'was a mass emailing to make sure the word about paying for the dinners got out. Whether you have already paid made no difference.

So if you have already paid, don't worry about it. You're still good.

Just wanted to ask/clarify?
Mass email sent today:

Subject: WFO-5 Banquet Tickets: ACTION REQUIRED!

Is this just to spread the word to pay up, get the word out to everyone about the change in plans, pay by the 23rd or you might be eating at Denny's, those who don't spend much time in the forum, etc...

I know I am paid up, but still got the email.

Others might think their payments didn't go through or cause confusion.
Warchild sent that out to ALL people registered regardless status. I will endeavor to send out a confirmation e-mail tomorrow to those that paid specifically.

Please help me avoid the paradox of PM'ing me to confirm. I guarantee you the e-mail was not intended for you the 89 that have signed up....but one of the hundreds that has forgotten altogether or is putting it off. If you're part of the first group and PM, it will waste 89 minutes I could have better spent on something else to make WFO center displays at dinner.

Actually, I'm not planning to put votive candles or foofy center pieces at the tables for dinner. Maybe I'd throw down some schwag from Yamaha if they have some.......or cutting up sections of my recently abused Avon for your dining enjoyment ;)

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