In all seriousness: you MUST ride your own ride, and if you believe that trying to keep up with ANYONE is pushing your limits or putting you at risk, then for God's sake SLOW DOWN and drop back, or tell the sweep rider if you're going to drop out of the group. If necessary, ask for assistance on a map to get back to the hotel and always remember that the primary goal of the ride is to MAKE IT BACK TO THE HOTEL SAFELY for refreshments. This is a long ride, and in the heat of a late July day, concentration can wane, which can be dangerous. I ride these roads regularly, and MAY dial it up a bit in a few sections (like on Monitor Pass) but if I do (or even if I don't), I will usually slow to let others catch up and intend to wait at strategic locations to make sure the whole group is along (one of the reasons to limit group size) and to rely on the sweep rider's assistance in that regard before we continue. Please watch out for gravel in corners, tar snakes and inattentive cagers on vacation -- they can all be dangerous.