WFO Saddle Sore

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Have to find a poloriod camera (or two), though.
Being one of the organizers I have to be pretty honest with myself and I don't think I can do this myself. Sooooo, I'll plan on bringing my rally Polaroid and would be willing to loan it to somebody that doesn't have one....provided it they bring it back in the same condition and put a fresh film pack in it.
You the man Matt..... :yahoo:
I've got at least one spare poloriod I can bring. If I do this I may try it on Friday (I'm allready set up for a Saturday ride) so I may have two poloriods I can lend out.

I've got at least one spare poloriod I can bring. If I do this I may try it on Friday (I'm allready set up for a Saturday ride) so I may have two poloriods I can lend out.
Soooo, you're gonna do a SS1K in the heat and the next day one of the Big Dog rides (108-120?). Oooookkkaaaaayyyy! Yew suh, wood bee "Duh Mann"!

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Sooo, when you say Polaroid, I take it you mean Polaroid. i.e., digital cameras are not accepted as proof? Just asking.

Sooo, when you say Polaroid, I take it you mean Polaroid. i.e., digital cameras are not accepted as proof? Just asking.
Bingo...nail on the head. No digital.
Digital is allowed in the Cal24, as long as the rider has the means to print out his/her own pictures.
Perhaps I spoke out of turn...I was making an assumption based on my previous experince w/ The Spank Rallymaster.

In addition to my previous Spanking, I figured that it has something to do with keeping folks from Photoshopping their stops...

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Sooo, when you say Polaroid, I take it you mean Polaroid. i.e., digital cameras are not accepted as proof? Just asking.
Bingo...nail on the head. No digital.
Digital is allowed in the Cal24, as long as the rider has the means to print out his/her own pictures.
Perhaps I spoke out of turn...I was making an assumption based on my previous experince w/ The Spank Rallymaster.

In addition to my previous Spanking, I figured that it has something to do with keeping folks from Photoshopping their stops...
Yeah, that's what I was figuring. So, for those who never bought a Polaroid in their lives (no - it's got nothing to do with a boring sex life), are there any acceptable options *besides* a Polaroid that are available over the counter these days? Not bitching, just trying to find a solution.

I'm not sure about alternatives, but Wal-Mart usually has a few models of Polaroid Instant cameras...I picked up one for just under $30 last fall.

Not meant to be a smack, more of a motivation tool. I'm sure there are others out there who may feel this is not do-able. A few practice runs to build mileage and you'll be good to go. You guys riding in from back East will be rally prepared by the time you hit Reno. B)
Wasn't gonna go here, but I need to make something clear. Anyone think I'm trailering Frank to WFO cuz I wanna? Cfo, with it's 97 degree heat last year, almost got me. Doc says, do that again and you're looking at dialysis. Anyone wanna toss a kidney my way at the Hilton? You can all watch as I get surgery and my IBA plate at the same time. In the Army, I could and did go 72 hours without sleep in a 130 degree tank turret in combat. I am no longer what I was. My riding days are almost over, this could be my last hurrah. So STFU :angry: And apologies for the thread deviation/hijack.

Edit-but then you probably didn't know, and so didn't realize how pissed I am that when I can finally afford the equipment and skoot to do this, other factors eliminate the the shot. You have no idea how long it took to come up with a plan to WFO that satisfied a whole bunch of other folks determined to put me in a wheelchair. I refuse to give then ammo to justify their protests. So good luck, if I could, I would be all over this one. ;)

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You know, I sometimes get the urge to hang one of those plate frames over my FJR's tag. Then I come to my senses. :blink: I really don't think my creaking, aging joints and unpadded, skinny ass could pull off that kinda mission. Plus, I'm riding for two days before the rally and as many as seven after the rally, so doing that 24 hour, 1 K thing is pretty much asking for disaster, in my case.

No, me and rad will be sitting by the pool drinking sarsaparillas and bitch slapping each other while you guys go and collect that frame. Hope there's some cleavage besides his to gander at! ;)

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No, me and rad will be sitting by the pool drinking sarsaparillas and bitch slapping each other while you guys go and collect that frame. Hope there's some cleavage besides his to gander at! ;)
Room for a third..........


I've got at least one spare poloriod I can bring. If I do this I may try it on Friday (I'm allready set up for a Saturday ride) so I may have two poloriods I can lend out.
Soooo, you're gonna do a SS1K in the heat and the next day one of the Big Dog rides (108-120?). Oooookkkaaaaayyyy! Yew suh, wood bee "Duh Mann"!

Well I'm going to wait to decide untill I see how I do trying to finish the 1088! :blink: :blink: :blink:

So, for those who never bought a Polaroid in their lives (no - it's got nothing to do with a boring sex life), .

Ohhh, you mean THAT Polaroid! :blushing:


You know, I sometimes get the urge to hang one of those plate frames over my FJR's tag. Then I come to my senses. :blink: I really don't think my creaking, aging joints and unpadded, skinny ass could pull off that kinda mission. Plus, I'm riding for two days before the rally and as many as seven after the rally, so doing that 24 hour, 1 K thing is pretty much asking for disaster, in my case.

No, me and rad will be sitting by the pool drinking sarsaparillas and bitch slapping each other while you guys go and collect that frame. Hope there's some cleavage besides his to gander at! ;)
Nothing wrong with that, but maybe I can tempt you for another cherry popping SS1K ride planned a little later in the season? I'll PM you the details if your interested?

For those looking for Polaroid Cameras, has a ton of them, for as little as $23....

And Rad, meant no disrespect... didn't know the particulars, and was just ribbing ya anyway. I was thinking you were basing it on age alone... in which case TurboDave is an inspiration to us all... :thumbsup:


A Polaroid is a MUST. No digital.

I will not give out the route before the riders meeting. At the meeting, there will be a highlighted map you can copy. You are bringing a map of NV, right? Those who wish to copy the route into a GPS can do so easily.

You can do the ride anytime during WFO, as long as I'm there to verify the ride. However, I suggest you complete the ride Friday or by lunch on Saturday so you can recieve your cert's and stuff at the dinner banquet. Plan accordingly.

You cannot do the ride after I leave Reno. The ride must be FINISHED before I leave on Sunday late afternoon. Capisce?

There will be a riders meeting Thursday night where you will learn the route, receive your towel, and get last minute instructions. IBA/IBR Vet's will be hanging around to answer any last minute questions you might have, and to provide general good vibes for you Cherry-Busters.

For those who cannot make the Thursday meeting, I will do briefings as needed each morning.

When I receive your registration and fee, you will be sent further instructions and details.

See ya'll soon!


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The $7 is MY cost to put this all together. I've been given a special rate from the IBA so I can give you all the extra goodies at the same price as a normally submitted SS1K.

You're welcome.


Nevada temps in the high dez of the route won't be that bad, and in one spot on the ride you could actually get SNOWED on. Serious. The temps will be warm and dry, so the water/ hydration advice is still good counsel. But Death Valley it ain't.


Nothing wrong with that, but maybe I can tempt you for another cherry popping SS1K ride planned a little later in the season? I'll PM you the details if your interested?
My rickety bones are aching in anticipation! Send details.

(Note to self: By stock in Boots Group and Upjohn! :blink: )

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