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Have to say changing the oil but leaving the old filter on is like taking a shower and putting on dirty underwear afterword.For $5.00 or so why bother leaving on the dirty one? I know it's not filled with dirt but it's still dirty


You're also mixing dirty oil (which your changing because it's not good anymore??) with new oil, that doesn't make sense to me. Whatever floats yer boat but that's my take on it.
You're already mixing old dirty oil with the new oil anyway. Even if you do change the filter there is almost an entire quart of old dirty oil that you cannot drain left inside the engine. It's hard to argue with the specs:


5.18 qt - 4.23 qt = 0.95 qt. of oil left behind. The filter only holds another 0.21 qt of oil.

(all FJR1300 engines have the same oil capacities)

[edit - damn Ross beat me to it while I was copying and pasting pictures he was typing it in]

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But you included the awesome pictures, Fred!

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I'm gonna go out and drill a hole in my block so I can get all the dirty oil out. I'll plug it with Bubblicious between changes. AND FWIW, I change my oil filter every change too. Simple, cheap, and makes me feel better, so there!

Today, I got to ride it.

Took a little 4 hour, ~160 mile tag ride (you can guess the type of roads) up to Rochester, NH, then Alton Bay, and then just looped around a few roads here and there on the way back home. Felt really good to get back on the bike at first, but a couple of hours into it I was feeling some of that stiffness that only comes from not doing enough riding. I'm hoping today's delightful warmth portends a continuation of more of the same.

Yes, the B4 is a disgustingly sloppy mess right now. Who cares. It was worth it.

One observation: The roads of New Hampshire took a horrible beating this winter. The rips, pot holes, frost heaves, etc are the worst I've ever seen them. Even roads that were re-paved just in the past year or two were in pretty tough shape. Arrgh!!!

Took most of the fairing off, troubleshot a bad R/R. Though it was a beautiful day for it- clear and 60s- I would have rather been riding!

I pushed the Feejer out of the way so I could take the dual sport out. The driveway is still to messy to take out the big bike. Anyhoot it was fun to be on two wheels again.

Fred, the nice thing about the big red thumper. It doesn't matter how bad the roads are. She just sucks up the pot holes like nothing.


Took it all apart, held my breath and checked the valves. Three or four a little tight but I think I'm good to go. Left it apart for now so I can do some rewiring before hooking up them new lights. Weather was great so I at least got to work on it with the garage door open.

Had my first 100 mile day after bringing her home last month.

60 degrees so I rode her to Rapid City to run some errands.

Great ride even if it was all slab, too much sand and gravel on the good roads at this point.

I love the cruise, i had set her on 80 and the cop in the median just looked and waved :) .

Yamaha touring windscreen and hand guards very effective.

Biggest source of noise is the front top vent on my Shoei helmet. No buffeting to speak of but the vent noise was irritating. When windscreen is all the way up I look through it about 2 inches and the helmet noise goes away, can feel the air about an inch over my head then.

Stock Seat feels great, going to try to do 200 miles tomorrow if the wind isn't blowing like hell which it is right now.
