What did you do to your FJR today?

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Valve check

Pair removal/plates


CCT (what a b*tch)


reinstall valve cover

reinstall cam chain cover

drain coolant res and refill system

put the rest back together

Rode to work

Rode to another office at work

Rode back to previous office

Rode to happy hour

Rode home

While I'm here, I'll go ahead and update my status for tomorrow, too: Left it in the garage while I rode the S10 over to Leavenworth and back.

My bike was all dusty and dirty from riding in the rain and construction zones during our recent trip. Love the bike! I am quite confident that it will arrive dusty and dirty to SC. The only thing stronger than George's desire to ride a clean bike are his pledges to his friends. Must have killed George to not wipe that bike down.

I'm a sick man aren't I? :D

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Washing...dust, dirt, bugs and gravel off the FJR. I treat it like a rental but really do love this bike.
I once spent $10 washing a rental bike.

The previous day one of the roads near Monterey was thickly covered in mud/slime/ooze from the surrounding artichoke fields and it totally, thoroughly, thickly coated the lower 1/3 of the bike. Hey, it's a rental, who cares. The next morning everything was fine, we took the dirtball KZ1300S to the Monterey aquarium and everything was fine. We rode down to the 17 Mile Drive and got turned away because they don't allow motorcycles. Grrr. So, on to coastal Highway Rt 1, now we're talking. Lots of elevation change, lots of sharp corners with elevation change. Big Sur -- yeehaw, sparks off the pegs and center stand. A sharp downhill with a near 180° corner coming up. Grab a handful of front brake to adjust speed, release. Feather the rear brake for balance control the rear brake froze nearly full on, then nothing, whiff from the brake pedal. WTF? Well, it was a good day to die, and a nice location too. But, it wasn't to be, we ground our way around the corner without a lot of drama and only a little screaming. When I was able to pull over and inspect the situation there was a discovery. All the mud/slime with the temperature of hard braking had fired into brick and froze the brakes on. After a lot of chiseling with impromptu tools I got the rear pads to release off of the cherry red disk. Over the next half hour we enjoyed the elevated view down onto the coastal beach. The rear disk cooled to a nice dark blue, the brake fluid had condensed back into fluid and the day moved on.

The following day I took the bike into Paso Robles to the Bubble & Squeak car wash and used the pressure washer for about a 1/2 hr to get all the mud and brick like material off the bike. This was the first time ever that I washed a rental anything, I even returned a Dodge Aspen with seaweed still on the under carriage and in the wheel wells, but that's another story. When I turned in the rental bike the shop didn't seem worried about the heavily blued rear rotor.


So today I put a new tire flat fix kit in the bike to replace the tired, old kit which had probably expired some time ago.

Escort has just started selling a new (very expensive) radar detector mount which I cobbled onto the bike. Fred W will probably tell me I'll die from it, he's an optimist like that when he hears about the things I do to my FJR.

Since I made Givi trunk relocation brackets and moved the trunk back some a couple of weeks ago. 1) pillion is much happier 2) pillion's view of what's straight ahead of us has returned 3) I'm much happier now that I got some of my seat space back 4) pillion now sits so far back that she is off the back edge of the seat. So now it's time to go see what I can figure out to make that better for her.

A few minutes ago pillion tells me we have to go for a ride and test the new radar detector mount, see if the seat fix helps and there is a great need to stop by Memories or Benson's for ice cream on the way home.

Updated: The ride was nice. The radar detector mount needs more thinking. The ice cream was good. They were preparing to make more strawberry ice cream so 4-5 high school age girls were prepping what looked like 20 lbs of strawberries but the way they were going reminded me of Lucy in the chocolate factory. They make their ice cream so you can watch them making it.

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Cleaned the windshield and mirrors, topped off the tires and loaded the luggage in the side and top cases to be ready for an early morning get-away for our trip to British Columbia.

Stopping in Silverton, Idaho to meet up with Theresa's sister, Marian, and her brother-in-law Ralph (BMW K1200LT). After a couple of great BBQ dinners (and a little beer), we are all heading up for four days riding in south-eastern BC.

Put the stock windshield on just to remember what it was like. Looks good. But the Givi is going back on!

Nothing. She's resting after a rough week hauling me to Montrose and back.

Spotwalla maps: Westbound, includes towns named Atlanta in Kansas (green flag SE of Wichita) and Nebraska (green flag near northernmost point). Eastbound, includes Atlanta, MS (only green flag in Mississippi).

(Those GPS spots are very accurate! They show my bike on the west side of the Holiday Inn Express in Montrose; probably within 10 feet of my exact location. Security zones around my Denver buddy and Aunt Kelly keep those locations super-secret. Thanks, nankoweap!)

My Clearwater lights would not dim so it was time to check connections.

First I called Clearwater and they explained that it had to be in the dimmer switch or dimmer switch connections.

So i started removing panels until I could get to the green connection. The connector was corroded inside. Cleaned the connection and put some I will never corroded again stuff in it and put it back together. Alright, the dimmer is now set for 30% on dim and 100% on bright and everything works like new. Cleaned up the wiring and put it all back together.

I did take my time and did clean up some messes under the panels so it was time well spent.

Finished off tork rebuild (new bushings and seals). Replaced front wheel bearings and front brake pads. Replaced bent front brake rotor that got bent when the bike fell over in the trailer. Changed oil.

Going for a test ride. Too hot and too dusty to ride the dirt bike in the Gany tonight so riding the FJR over to Rhyno's in Bewdley located on the beach at Rice Lake.

TIL that a Reese Towpower 3 1/4" drop draw bar with a 2" ball in the RH saddlebag trims my '15 A model perfectly for hands-off cruise.

Now the question is do I weigh it and put a plate in the bottom of my RH bag...

TIL that a Reese Towpower 3 1/4" drop draw bar with a 2" ball in the RH saddlebag trims my '15 A model perfectly for hands-off cruise. Now the question is do I weigh it and put a plate in the bottom of my RH bag...
Try shifting your backside 1/2 inch to the right on your seat. You may want to ride no hands without your side cases on.
