What did you do to your FJR today?

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Pulled the rear caliper off the 08. Yanked the piston out and cleaned all the crud off of it. Installed new brake pads in the rear and bled all the brake lines. After that I took it for a ride and got a haircut.

Thats all,


Took it over to the dealer to get the ecu reflashed to mother ship's latest and greatest ecu firmware revision 1.01. Haven't had the courage to try a slow key on event to test it out yet.

Per another member's comments, I decided to try a V Stream tall boy this time around and put one on, It well fits the definition of barn door imho, but I gotta say it fulfilled my quest to remove the turbulence I experienced at highway speeds with my mid sized Cee Bailey. Wow, what a difference it made, it's almost nirvana for this ole redneck here.

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Rode it to work ... with the winter gloves and grip heaters on "2". In the upper 50s, which is plenty cold riding weather for around here. Probably have to pull out a fleece layer for next week.

Rode it to work ... with the winter gloves and grip heaters on "2". In the upper 50s, which is plenty cold riding weather for around here. Probably have to pull out a fleece layer for next week.
In the upper 50's - winter gloves and grip heaters?

That's almost cool enough to wear something warmer than a t-shirt under the mesh jacket!

Fitted a new garage door remote control.

Usual long mcatrophy (illustrated) monologue:

Garage door is a heavy two-car wide door. First thing we did when we moved in was to fit an electric opener, there's no way Wifey could manually open or close it. It came with two remote controllers, these are large, but with a nice big button.
(Click on image for larger view)

When in the front inside pocket of my jacket, I could work it through the jacket material. However, if I put other stuff in the pocket (wallet, phone), it became a bit of a nuisance, and if I wore my other suit, I'd invariably forget to swap the controller.

So, I fitted the controller into a nice convenient slot just under the rear of the tank, wrapped in a plastic bag, switch wires protruding from the plastic case and a remote button mounted on a bracket by my left knee.

Remote control in place The button wires The button mounted

The garage door opener has been working for some 18 years. A couple of weeks ago the garage door motor started playing up, then finally failed. Spares are unobtainable, and I can't leave Wifey unable to get the car out if I'm not around, so we got a new motor fitted. It came with two remote controls, much smaller than our first.

Comparison, new and old

The new smaller controller comes with smaller buttons. Imagine trying to operate that with gloves on, those little buttons are flush. I didn't fancy doing my remote button either, that small case wouldn't take kindly to forcing wires between its parts.

So I splashed out for another remote controller, one designed to be placed in a car's cigarette lighter socket, a nice small controller with a nice BIG gloved-finger operable button

Old with cigarette lighter controller compared

Fits like a glove in my glovebox socket
in spite of all the junk I keep in there ...

Inserted but without junk

and I can operate it easily whilst sat on the bike whilst wearing my gloves.

Gloved hand hides button No glove so we can see it (its blue LED just visible dead centre)


Took it over to the dealer to get the ecu reflashed to mother ship's latest and greatest ecu firmware revision 1.01. Haven't had the courage to try a slow key on event to test it out yet.
Chicken! ;) Come on, take one for the team. :)

Put the trunk on so I could carry my framed IBA Saddlesore certificate to work and hang it in my cubicle reminding me of why I put myself through the whole "work" thing anyway. Oh yeah, day 177 consecutive riding.

Took it over to the dealer to get the ecu reflashed to mother ship's latest and greatest ecu firmware revision 1.01. Haven't had the courage to try a slow key on event to test it out yet.
Come on, take one for the team.
Ok, ok, it's been close to a week, I'll give it a try tomorrow maybe while it's still light out.

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