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Would that cigar go with some premium Pyrat rum?

Suffice to say riding is not an option.

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My bike!



around 2000 bike... This event is organized by the BSPP (firmen of Paris). every rider should be dressed in Santa Claus, and each rider must have a small gift, that are distributed by firefighters in wards firefighters / police, and the socials works


and they fined a good utilisation of the tork of Harley!

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The ride into work this morning was a balmy 32 degrees. The ride home will be more spirited with a temp of 27 23 degrees and possible light snowfall.

Edit: fixed it


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It's a very nice and good evening, I do it every year. But around 2000 moto/sidecar with many young and mad bikers, who came for the first time, it's not always easy. Bud it's for a good cause. The ride finish under eiffel tower, nice... And it's funny to see face of people who see before and after the bike with it's light...


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Changed oil and filter after I got home from work and haircut. 19 degrees this morning riding in, 18 on the way home. Day number 206.

I was going to bail tomorrow and take the truck but now you put me in a spot. I will be doing the first oil change Saturday.


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Day 207 consecutive. 12 degrees this morning. Heated gear is the shizzle.
Just got a text from my neighbor questioning my sanity. LOL.
Day 207 consecutive. 12 degrees this morning. Heated gear is the shizzle.
Just got a text from my neighbor questioning my sanity. LOL.
No need to question your sanity...you're a certifiable nut-case.
Can't decide whether to agree: Eventually that may be just showing off, but for now, I'm both impressed and rooting for you. Be safe, my icicle-encrusted brother!

Not even sure myself at this point, just know I want to see how far I can take it. I know a lot of folks that track their annual mileage and I just opted to take it a step further this year. Every day I rode, usually to work, I marked it in my day planner. After a certain point I didn't want to miss so I've just kept it going.

I had a customer when I worked for the HD dealership who raced Triumphs and we sponsored him. He rode everyday and kept meticulous records. Start and end mileage, what bike, time of day, even weather conditions. Still friends with him on FB and he's up over 6000 days! I know I'll never be able to meet that and don't delude myself either. He owns multiple bikes including an old beat up dual sport that he studded the tires for winter use. He broke 40k miles for the year back in November. He's retired now and that helps. He told me a couple weeks ago that after day 1200 it gets easier. Um, yeah....

Tomorrow could be the spoiler, weather forecast is for ice and snow here thru midday and we have a Christmas party that starts in the afternoon so we'll see.


I'm using the same standard as my friend. 10 miles or more in order to count it. He's posted pictures on FB in the past after returning from a late night ride following a snow plow! FJR isn't really intended for that and I like mine too much to subject it to that.

Woke up to a coating of clear ice on everything. You could seriously put on ice skates and do better than walking. I have some salt working on the pavement, but if Chuck got a piece of this, I don't like his chances today. Afternoon temperatures are supposed to be in the low 50s. We will have to see if that can overcome the very cold surface temperatures prior to the freezing rain.

We got that same crap. I've got my driveway cleared and my road looks iffy. Going out in my truck to run to store soon and to scout main roads. I can deal with wet and sloppy. Ice? I'm not that crazy. Will keep you all posted!

Day 208 in the books.




I took my easy route. From my house to the interstate is less than 2 miles. Went down hopped on I-83 South for 2 exits then turned around and came back. The only really sketchy parts were leaving and reentering the development.
