What did you do to your FJR today?

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... these stupid little white things were falling from the sky. Too late now screw it I am going. By the time I got to work the road and grass were covered with the stupid white stuff....Dave
I don't do snow. At least not on the bike.
Unless forced into it.

(Click on image for larger view(

(Spain, 2012)

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I had an AR80 when I was in college in the UK. Electrics sucked (6v system) and were totally intolerant of water. Came out from playing snooker in Dudley all day to find it covered in snow - we'd gotten about a foot and it had been blown into the space below the tank where all the electrics were.

Pushed it over 3 miles to get home (no chance leaving it and coming back, it would have been gone the next morning..)

Rode it to work.....again....Oh yeah, day number 200 consecutive ride of 10 or more miles!

My ride home Tuesday sucked balls though.... sleet and freezing rain.

Rode it to work, and rode it home after dark in absolute bone-chilling 42F weather.

Bone-chilling? Careful, you'll incite our showoff northern brethren.
Mission Accomplished. It has been no warmer than 42 or so in Seattle and mostly colder. This week the temps are heading into the 20's with some snow forecast later in the week. Due to last week's snow calcium chloride mixed with sand and gravel is on the pavement. There will be no joy in Mudville until winter releases it's icy grip.

I looked at my 09 sitting in the garage on the tender.

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I looked at her wistfully as I moved the snowblower out to do the driveway.

I have blown more snow already this year than i did all last winter :(

Rode it to work. Again. Day number 204 consecutive. Weather forecast for end of week not looking good though. I fear my streak may soon come to an end.

Rode to work today, tomorrow high teens. Friday AM will be sub Zero temps. At this time of year you are lucky to ride at all up here in the great white north.

