What did you do to your FJR today?

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Haven't posted in the longest time and not today but over the weekend I bled the rear brake but it's still spongy. Guess I'll be bleeding them again next weekend going through the sequence from the beginning.

Haven't posted in the longest time and not today but over the weekend I bled the rear brake but it's still spongy. Guess I'll be bleeding them again next weekend going through the sequence from the beginning. :uhoh:
Don't forget to bleed the linked front brake.

mcatrophy beat me to it. Might as well bleed all the breaks and change the fluid while your at it. I try and do it every year.

T-rex guards arrived today. Looks like the hockey puck on the engine guards are different than what is in the picture. Oh well, they will serve there purpose. I may get started on them tonight. Still a lot to do and time is running short. NERDS is only 3 weeks away. Yahoooooooooo.


Changing the fluid is how I got here. Bled through the sequence last time around and wound up with the spongy rear so thought I would try hitting it again but I guess I need to go through it again.

Mounted up the rear T-rex guards last night. I will start on the engine guards tonight. I hope I don't have to remove the tupperware. I haven't looked at the directions yet.


Good to know. I will tackle it tonight then. Unless something bad happens I shouldn't need to pull the panels off for quite some time.


Installed a new battery. Mine has been giving signs of dying for a few weeks now. If the engine were off and something like headlights on for 2 minutes or emergency flashers on for 5 then there wasn't enough oomph! to start. I just went to my local Honda dealer and picked up a direct replacement for $64. And for those interested- what I took out was the factory original from 2007
. For those really interested, these things frikkin work!! I used mine twice, that's how I know about headlights and flashers.......

Installed a new battery. Mine has been giving signs of dying for a few weeks now. If the engine were off and something like headlights on for 2 minutes or emergency flashers on for 5 then there wasn't enough oomph! to start. I just went to my local Honda dealer and picked up a direct replacement for $64. And for those interested- what I took out was the factory original from 2007
. For those really interested, these things frikkin work!! I used mine twice, that's how I know about headlights and flashers.......
I changed out my 2007 battery a couple of weeks ago with ~170,000 miles on it. It was still OK and seemed to produce adequate starting current without excessive voltage drop but, like you, I experienced a decrease in reserve capacity. A few minutes with lights on might make a good start questionable. Don't need a failure at a campground somewhere.

I have been looking at that lithium ion booster pack (and about a hundred others on eBay and Amazon). I want to get something but I am having difficulty on deciding which one. MANY out there with wildly differing prices and specifications. Quite frankly, some vendors are outright lying about some of their specs. You really just need weight, physical dimensions, number of outputs (and type) plus a TRUE CCA and capacity (in ampere-hours @ 12V). Lots like to give the big CCA number but mention nothing about capacity or give you the Amp-hr at the 3.7 V nominal for a single cell which would be 4x higher than if calculated at "full" voltage.

I figure I would use this far more for portable power for charging stuff on trips and while camping - phones, tablet, E-reader, Bluetooth speaker, flashlights etc. Ideally, I would like to have a minimum of two high(er) powered USB outlets for charging electronics, a cigarette socket for an air pump or a small AC inverter (if it doesn't have an inverter built in) plus the outlet for the clamps for jump-starting. (Inverter needed because camera battery charger only works with AC, same with my charger for AA and AAA batteries.)

Edit: I have heard that some reputable manufacturers have had trouble with poor-performing counterfeits out there so be careful when you buy!

Edit again: I see that the company referenced for the Li booster (Antigravity) apparently makes a very compact tire inflator. Looks good and very compact.


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Finished installing my T-rex engine guards tonight. I didn't install the axel pucks. I wasn't feeling the love on how they are made. Maybe I am missing something. I will take a fresh look again in the morning.

Good night,


...and picked up a direct replacement for $64.
You either got a smoking good deal or (more likely) a Chinese battery. Hope it was the former.
Yeah, me too. I opted to get one cheap now b/c I have an all day ride planned with a co-worker for tomorrow and really didn't want the hassle or worry of a no-start or two somewhere in Boondocks, Virginnie . I figure if it'll get me through 2 or 3 yrs it'll be worth it. Felt pretty good about the purchase afterword when I plugged my Battery Tender, Jr. into it & the light went green in less than 5 minutes. Already looking at the MotoBatt website which of course are made in China.

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Changed Left Handlebar switch group on my bike. Rock broke the rocker switch on top.

Lubed Festar's rear suspension linkage, fixed Festar's loose Tupperware, Beautified his panniers and side panels. Diagnosed electrical problem with cigarette lighter socket and ordered a new one.

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Changed Left Handlebar switch group on my bike. Rock broke the rocker switch on top.
Lubed Festar's rear suspension linkage, fixed Festar's loose Tupperware, Beautified his panniers and side panels. Diagnosed electrical problem with cigarette lighter socket and ordered a new one.
Sounds like you had your way with Brian but what did you do to his bike.

Rode it through the cherohala and the dragon with the wife. It was her first time on 129, so she got lunch and a tshirt, of course. On the way back, my ever-sketchy 595LM led us through an extra hour of scenic backroads, despite being set to fastest-route, no avoidances. But it made for a good return, albeit one that made no sense and put us back an hour late. It was still a very good day.

RODE it. GREAT weather. Central PA. 80ish nice 65 at start. 380 miles. Wellsboro Willamsport. etc. Back roads up, Slabbed it half way back. Speedo was pointing straight ahead for a good part of the return trip.. Thats 95. But I never speed.

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I was hoping to get a good ride in but the oldest son came to visit. So riding was out. I have Wednesday off and we plan on going up to NH for a ride to check out our property. We haven't seen it in a while and may look at some other lots up for sale also. That's if the weather cooperates.

