What did you do to your FJR today?

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Just got home. Day 353 complete! Almost 37 degrees out but snow is coming. Penndot already declared some highways off limits to certain vehicles including motorcycles. My streak is intact for another day.
Yeah forecast was WAAAAY off. Storm went east. Got 3 inches in Allentown. Never got cold 38F all day just wouldn't stick. Ride on.

Plugged the rear. Riding 250 miles tomorrow to visit Mom for four days:


Yeah I know it's not a good photo. Tyler wasn't nearby, so I had to snap it myself.

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It was 25F this morning. Not a bad ride. The used calsci I bought (and received yesterday) and in my endless shield exploration was not something Id ever put on any vehicle I operate, but calscis quick responses to my questions about it make me warm and fuzzy about them. Will probably end up ordering one.

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Traxxion sent me back my Axxion valve equipped forks and Penske 8983 shock yesterday. Put them bad boys on and bike is amazing now.

Put new rubber on shift pedal. Rode it Saturday a few miles for day 356. Got up this morning to frost on the lawn and cars but went for a brisk ride in the 23 degree sunshine to secure day 357. Only 8 more days to make a perfect year. Watching forecast though as snow is predicted overnight. Hoping it's like the last one and misses me completely.

I rode around 2 blocks today. 11 miles in the books. I came up on local doing 20 over. Hit the brakes and smoothed by cautiously. No 18 year sticker on the plate yet. Left the wallet at home with my license in it. Yeh, it could have got interesting but fortunately he ignored me.


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One year ago today Mother Nature unleashed a winter deluge on my part of PA dumping almost 2 feet of snow in 24 hours and ending my first run at my "perfect year" at a total of 294 days. Not a bad first attempt but I was not satisfied and as soon as the roads cleared I started over. Rode to work this morning in a winter wonderland. Forecast from last night called for snow but my area got off pretty easy. Light dusting of under an inch and only in the grassy areas and on the trees. Clear roads with temps slightly above freezing made for a pretty ride. Day 359 safely in the books.

Good for you Chuck,

Snow is coming down sideways here on the east coast of Mass. Expected to accumulate up to 18 to 24 inches. What a suck fest after having a nice short ride on Sunday. Woodstove is lit waiting for the power to go out again. Lost it for 3 days the last storm. I filled the back of the pickup with some red oak for added weight in the back yesterday. I ask myself why do live here every year.


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That sucks! My niece and her husband are getting out of Hartford, CT and the weather is part of the reason. Increasing crime and high prices haven't helped either. They're relocating to Gaithersburg, MD where she was recently offered a position at Georgetown Law. I bitch about my area sometimes too but must say overall it isn't really that bad. Past few winters have been pretty mild and this year most foul weather has stayed to my east or north and south of me leaving me relatively unscathed.They are calling for some flurries around here with no accumulation and temps above freezing should keep me going. If I make it through next Monday I'll get my year.

Took my first ride of the year on Sunday.

Before taking off, had to do a few post-hibernation things.

1). I installed a chrome Cobra heat shield on the left bare pipe. Looks great!

2). Adjusted my suspension settings. I was so excited to get the bike last year that I didn't spend much time on the manual and, in particular, the suspension settings and double-checking the dealer's settings. I discovered several months ago that the dealer hadn't even set the suspension settings to Standard, but rather had them extra soft. So using the Standard recommendations, the front preload that was at six lines upon delivery on both forks is now at four, and the front redamping and front compression damping that was at wherever it was at (I didn't bother checking, but safe to assume it was way off) is now at 12 clicks each. The rear rebound damping is whatever it was at to now at 10 clicks. The rear spring preload lever will stay at Soft for my solo riding. I know these settings are still softer than some prefer, but with my bad lower back I'll start there and see how it goes. Early indications are good: I took the bike out for about four hours, and rode it on every type of paved road possible -- curvy, rough, highway, slow country, etc. -- and the Standard suspension settings seem just about right for me...it made traversing rough pavement firm and capable but not harsh, while still comfortable but not saggy. Very pleased with the change in performance as well...the mild heavy laziness that it had in cornering is now more like the cornering-on-rails memory that I have of test-riding a '15 a few years back, when I was still giving the bike thought and was struck by the FJR's performance as compared to the cruiser I owned at the time. I was never displeased with my '16 FJR's cornering, per se, but the settings change has given it a subtle but notable improvement.

Rode it to work yet again. One coworker, Mike a Harley owner, rode in as well. 28 degrees this morning and windy but calling for low 40's later today. Day 362 in the books with clear weather through the weekend. Next possible snow forecast is for Tuesday but anything past Monday will be gravy anyway for me. 3 days to finish out a "perfect year"!

Temps hit 50 this afternoon so I went penny hunting for the IBA Pressed Penny Challenge. Rode to the Turkey Hill Experience in Columbia, PA to press a penny. Little chilly out to order any ice cream but man the place smelled good. Day 364 is complete.

Rode out to watch --G-- rebuild a shock, help him bleed the rear brake and the rode to a place that sell corn free gas. My FJR does like that gas. Now I'm going to work but in the car because I don't like leaving the bike parking lot that late. And this paragraph was brought to you by JamesW. Sorry, inside joke.

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After taking care of Fontanaman's shock, burned up a couple gallons of gas in the FJR this afternoon. Thanks to Niehart, I've got a functioning back brake again.

No more Flintstones action...


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Finally designed a way to mount the Bushtec hitch and the resevoir for the Penske. New T30 evos and a nice day. Rode 40 miles up to Chelan for a coffee. Fell in love with this bike all over again.


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