What did you do to your FJR today?

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Oh more thing before putting back on all the plastic I completed a load test on my 4 year old battery. It checked out ok. Then back to the tender it went.
Mind detailing what you did for a load test? "Enquiring Minds" want to know... ;)

Sold it....
Wait...what? Sorry to hear that, but glad you got it sold if that's what you wanted.
Rumor has it Bust's back in not what it once was. Sorry to hear about that. So the FJR is out and the Hondapotumus is in. I hope Barry hangs around and his back gets better soon.
My take is that it has as much (maybe more) to do with the situation in his head than with his back. From the tone of several of his recent posts it sounds like Bustanut Barry has matured beyond wanting to play boy racer chasing his FJR friends around and wants a ride where all of the riders ride a bit more sedately. I have no idea what prompted this new-found attitude, but that is what I read from between the lines.

My attitude is that I'll ride whatever pace I want to (which varies with conditions). If other guys want to go really fast, have at it. We'll see you at the next stop. If that makes me a wuss in those faster riders eyes, oh well... that's their issue, not mine.

Sold it....
Wait...what? Sorry to hear that, but glad you got it sold if that's what you wanted.
Rumor has it Bust's back in not what it once was. Sorry to hear about that. So the FJR is out and the Hondapotumus is in. I hope Barry hangs around and his back gets better soon.
My take is that it has as much (maybe more) to do with the situation in his head than with his back. From the tone of several of his recent posts it sounds like Bustanut Barry has matured beyond wanting to play boy racer chasing his FJR friends around and wants a ride where all of the riders ride a bit more sedately. I have no idea what prompted this new-found attitude, but that is what I read from between the lines.

My attitude is that I'll ride whatever pace I want to (which varies with conditions). If other guys want to go really fast, have at it. We'll see you at the next stop. If that makes me a wuss in those faster riders eyes, oh well... that's their issue, not mine.
Kinda, sorta Fred....

One half...

My back issues contributed greatly to the sell decision, however my inability to listen to my head while on the FJR at times didn't help either. I understand "riding your ride"

But, when the limited amount of testosterone I posses runs through my bloodstream while riding in a group kick me I forget about shit sometimes and end up paying later.

My reasoning is quite simple and I hope it works.. Get off the thing that, because of it's design, tempts me when these times arise. Also the long distance seating feels nice for those massive 25 mile days I'm famous for..

So to partially clear the air... Me head is/was involved in more ways than one... :blum:

My god...logical, cogent, possibly even intelligent replies from numbnuts Bust. I'm pleasantly disappointed.

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Well this leaves me very confused. I am not sure if I should pile on in a humorous way about Bust thinking with his head or congratulate him on his decision.

Usin' your (bigger) head the head on your shoulders is seldom the wrong choice!!
By the way... Old Wings are also welcome t' NERDS events. JSNS!
Fixed it.

PS confusion noted above is now resolved.

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Removed Pair system block off plates from wrecked bike. Sure is a piece of cake when all you have the motor and frame propped on a pallet. Cleaned the plates up and staged for install on new bike.

Started Fork service.

Started by disassembling the forks from wrecked bike; removed top end (adjuster, springs, etc) and hung them to drain. Cartridges from these forks will come out and go in the forks on the new bike. Note to self - next time, crack the fork caps loose while the forks are still on the bike.

Ordered fork oil from Spectro.

Tonight's menu includes removing the cartridges from the old forks, cleaning parts and staging for installation.

Started by disassembling the forks from wrecked bike; removed top end (adjuster, springs, etc) and hung them to drain. Cartridges from these forks will come out and go in the forks on the new bike. Note to self - next time, crack the fork caps loose while the forks are still on the bike.
It's never an adventure 'till ya do something like this..

Now that bust has had all y'all jerk each other off....how about we talk bout what this thread is bout. I took my garage door opener off and put it in my pocket.....it's fricken raining here.

Wiped the windshield off when I got home. Maybe when I get some time I can use some window cleaner to clean some of the scratches off of my new to me windshield. Buff her out, know what I mean?

Installed a new Ram *X* mount for the smart phone...synced everything up to the new Sena. So simple even this caveman figured it out!


While the poor girl should be parked in the garage getting a lot of needed maintenance performed, I could not help it and had to ride her to work. I don't think a few hundred over on an oil change is going to hurt her, and the tires are not showing cords yet.


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