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I surf the forum, and am waiting to get in trouble for it. Otherwise I manage more information than one person should.
"manage information"

Sounds like a job out the movie Brazil.

If you play your cards right, you could get promoted from your position in The Ministry of Information to Information Retrieval.

I work for a really, really big company. You know the one. It's the 2nd largest company in the world (based on capitalization). hint: Exxon Mobil is #1. Anyway, I work in their medical electronic imaging division. I do technical support for all the field engineers throughout New England that actually go to the hospitals and do some real work. So my "job" is to sit by the phone and computer until one of these hard workers call with a tough problem that they can't fix.

About once or twice a month we get a problem that I can't fix over the intarwebs and I then have to actually get off my ass and go on-site and work with them. It's a lot like being a firefighter in that way. Lots of waiting around, being ready. And when a fire does need to be put out, you just keep working until it is.

I have been known to take a ride on my FJR on pleasant afternoons in the summer when things seem quiet. Especially Fridays for some reason... :unsure: This also explains my need to have a working communication system that is able to take cell phone calls on the bike. I recently helped fix a problem while cruising up Rt 202 at ~50mph. ;) THe guy I was wrking with had no idea I was on my bike.

You could say I was getting paid to take a nice ride that day.

My farkle money comes from service calls, lucky we don't do actual repairs in the field, just parts replacement, which are small parts and uses a minimum of tools.

Mostly I use the FJR for this, Call Pay + Milage = Farkles.

Teaching is great. Only now I am realizing that I should have study for that instead of learning computers. I have 2 jobs that pay, well 1 does second is soso. And one that gives me pleasure.

First job is I am a database admin at a huge HR company. It pays all of the bills, but drives me nuts.

Second, I am trying to go into a money laundry business. i.e. matching people who need money and people who have money together, so the first can buy houses and drugs from Silent. So, I am a mortgage agent that is suffering now.

Third, As Larry and few others I get a pleasure of teaching people how to ride bike.

My two boys and the wife take care of what ever is left at the end of the month, that is why my bike is bone stock. Kids are great, and I do not regret a bit for having them, but damn. I could have had a summer house in Italy and a car of my dreams now. :)

I am a VP of Sales for the third largest textile distributor in the US. The job takes me all over the country via plane and can be a little tiresome. On the weekends, I am an MSF instructor. This is what affords me the opportunity to own two bikes and all the farkles I need (I mean want). As a side benefit, I get to take the MSF class every other week and get paid for it.

I'm an internal software developer for customer support at Oracle Corp. Unfortunately Uncle Larry won't share any of his toys with me. I do data mining of our support statistics and develop apps that are used in-house. It's a very on-off job... sometimes it's surfing the FJR forum all day and sometimes I need 3 computers just to keep up with everything.

Oh yeah, and I'm single with no kids (can't stand 'em, except barbequed)

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Kids gone, House paid for and a small pension for an injury. The good side is that I have a well equiped shop and work on motorcycles for the fun money.

I am paid to tell people to REEEEEEEEEEEEEBOOT... and if they can't figure out where the off button is, or are too lazy to look, I make an onsite visit and charge an absurd amount of $$ to do it for them.

I surf the forum, and am waiting to get in trouble for it. Otherwise I manage more information than one person should.
"manage information"

Sounds like a job out the movie Brazil.

If you play your cards right, you could get promoted from your position in The Ministry of Information to Information Retrieval.
Supposedly one of the up and coming jobs is "Information Engineer." If I could find a job doing that, and have it pay me more than what I am doing now, I would be all over it. It sounds just vague enough to cover just about anything.
