What do you do for a living?...

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I work for Loctite as a Adhesive and Sealant Specialist (ASS). None of my farkles are falling off any time soon.
I tried (with no luck) to find the Loctite that's safe for plastic.

Is there such a thing?



I work for Loctite as a Adhesive and Sealant Specialist (ASS). None of my farkles are falling off any time soon.
I tried (with no luck) to find the Loctite that's safe for plastic.

Is there such a thing?


All depends on what your trying to do? Bond, seal, or threadlocking, etc... What type of metals or plastics are to working with? Threadlockers are for metal to metal applications and instant adhesives for bonding most plastics.

Retired Sept. 1, they shut down my little plant. Lost a gravy job. Had 6 weeks vacation and riding buddies. Now I am on permanent vacation. Not much of a farkler, sliders, risers, customized my stock seat a little, and a k&n.

Retired from the n.y.c.t.a. in the third rail operations divison. Yea lots of fun 600 volts 10,000amps

See plate.

i really do love that plate! wish i had thought of something like that.
I couldn't have used it in our native state, home of the Passive Aggressive "Minnesota Nice", or I would be constantly repainting the car... :rolleyes:
totally agree. they still can't fathom why i'm not interested in poppin out babies every year like the rest of my crazy cousins.

that would be a great plate on a bike or a fabulous ride like you have. somehow it just wouldn't work on my G6. even though it is a good lookin car, its too cheap for that kinda statement.
Heh. My car has a plate that says CHLD FRE (Child Free). Got snipped at 22, met my wife about 4 years later in college, had the "do you like kids?" chat and I gave her the straight scoop. She just about jumped for joy. 10 years later now and we've never regretted it. Especially after reading some of the cost of college stuff in this thread. Sheesh. My dad gave me a bit of money to help pay tuition, but nothing like folks are coughing up nowadays. Came outta college with $20 grand in student loans, but they're all paid off now. Only debt I've got is the house. Shame I don't have any equity anymore......

Oh. Work? Commercial real estate agent for the "World's Largest Vertically Integrated Commercial Real Estate....blah blah blah." Sell apartment buildings and mostly it's a great career I totally stumbled into. Of course, last year was pretty weak and this year....ugh. I was talking to one of my clients and he said, "This is that time of the cycle where you make less than you paid in taxes last year." It's a big shakeup in our industry and a lot of folks are moving on to something more stable. Straight commission is anything but. If you don't know how to budget and save for a rainy day, you'll learn damned quickly in this world.

But it's still a fun job. I get to work with a lot of very smart people, generally make good money, live in a nice area, have a nice house.....


Hmmm.... I have a small business... but for 2 months off every summer to ride, I might want to trade ya. Better a naked stock bike with a zillion miles on the clock than a heavily farkled garage queen.


They told me that I was a police(sheriff) officer. But I really think that I am a babysiter for the general public. The money does not go as far as it used to as the wife has decided to go back to school this fall and winter.
I worked part time as a cop for a small town a few years ago. Not at all what I expected. You hit the nail on the head about being a babysitter. I've quit being amazed at how stupid and childish people can be. Did enjoy writing muffler violations to the straight pipe crowd though.......

Design & install custom audio/video and automation systems. Former boss promoted me to partner earlier this year. Same job, but with more responsibilty, a litttle more money, and even less time off. (Particularly now that football season is imminent!)
Wife graduated University last year as a nurse, and since I spent several years supporting her and the sprogs, it's time to spend some on me now :yahoo:
You wouldn't be Cymru, would you?

Failed physicist and now a patent attorney. Not to be confused with your normal attorney- Ambulances only mean I have to pull my fjr over and criminals should pay a greater price than their victims.

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Failed physicist and now a patent attorney. Not to be confused with your normal attorney- Ambulances only mean I have to pull my fjr over and criminals should pay a great price than their victims.

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Seems like people on here are constantly adding farkles with endless amounts of income. Do you have to sacrifice other things or is your job paying that well? I'm a high school teacher and although I may not be able to add farkle after farkle, I do get 2 months off to ride any time I want. :yahoo:
I work hard at living and riding, a full time job, ask yourself what you do for a life.

I can't be specific as to what I do for a living because being in the federal witness protection program I have been hidden away at a small manufacturing facility managing the accounting & finance department. Years ago I was living the high life of a mafia boss on the East coast. We focused our resources in drug smuggling, tampon smuggling, farkling motorcycles to outrun the 5-0, sex activities, and alcohol sales. I was forced to turn states evidence in order to keep myself out of Leavenworth for 20 years.

The feds may have caught me running booze into Canada but now they'll never catch up on my fjr.

I used to work for a mfg. company as their Sales & Mktg guy until they merged with another firm and kept the other S&M bozo. So genius here got fired. :huh:

I'm currently riding around looking for another job. No luck yet but lots of fun kilometers. :rolleyes:


PS: good thing I bought my farkles when I was still on a payroll.

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Geez...where do I begin?

I've been a:

Locomotive Engineer

Clinical Paramedic

A Bar Manager

A bouncer/security

Social worker (not the basket weaver kind)

I still lecture in Emergency Care Education & Occupational Health & Safety in the workplace (my little business)

And I'm just finishing off my most recent venture in becoming a Psychiatric Nurse (Oh how the mind works in mysterious ways!)

I'm lucky my wife makes a squillian so I can do pretty much what I please!
