What's the 'Harley' appeal?

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Well now, as a present HD owner and a soon-to-be 07 FJR owner, I can offer my 2 cents worth and hopefully stop a dogpile. I have a 2003 FXDX (Super Glide Sport), which was Harley's version of sporting frame/brake set up, and just came back from a 1023 mile ride over the last three days/two nights to Death Valley, CA (with 22K on the clock, I am not a poser). My FXDX handles the corners better than what you would expect (I came down the Kern River canyon yesterday at a pretty good clip), but I would not pretend that it is capable of staying with an FJR in a speed battle, but that beautiful black bike you see following you closely in your mirrors might be the FXDX.

Harley knows their market and what appeals to their buyer. You want to see the best paint job in the industry?? Look at any of their models and the quality of the paint/chrome/etc is unmatched - it is a beautiful bike. You want support from the manufacturer for H.O.G., and other organizations, thier track record is enviable.

I was looking for "something different" when I took the plunge 5/2003, and although I did not buy into the cruiser-scene mentality of beanie helmets, do-rags, chaps, bar cruising, etc., what I DID respect of HD riders is that THEY ARE RIDING. Go out any weekend and what do you see - HDs all over the place. Yes, there are some/many garage queens that are bought in the heat of the moment and sold 2 years later with 752 miles on the clock, but you cannot argue that you see a lot of them being used each and every day.

Expensive, yes that is true, but being made in America means there is a price to be paid for exclusivity, union scale wages, worker benefits, etc. What makes a Rolex watch special when a Seiko will clearly keep better time?? Point made.

I agree that some are loud enough to cause general hearing loss, and I do tire of of the custom bike (chopper) scene as I never "got that" whatsoever, but you know what, they too are RIDERS.

I think the buying one to be a "rebel" passed in the 90s, people buying an HD now are buying because they want a certain look and sound.

In my book, if you ride, I don't care what you are on, I consider you my friend as we have a "connection".

If my FJR performs in what it is made to do as well as my FXDX did what it was made to do, I will be a happy camper.

That being said, anybody want to buy an FXDX so I can pay cash for the feeejer??


I'm going to give my two cents worth (actually worth nothing in todays US money).

Harley riders: The largest group of non-conforming, conformists that there are. The say they ride because they are buying American iron. Harley Davidson as a company should be applauded on the fact that they can get people to buy a product based soley on brand recognition.

Several people I work with own Harley's and I have no problem going on rides with them. They have no problem with my riding a so called Sport Bike. I tell them just don't get upset when I get tired of being behind you and pass you. I say ride what you want to ride that's why they make so many different brands. I also ride with my brother who owns 2 BMW's and brother #2 just bought a Concours 1400.

Okay maybe that was 3 cents worth.

What's (not) to understand?


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I had a 08 Harley 1200R sportster-R1150RTP BMW and FJR at the same time different bikes for different purposes -Harley great in town bike and rough terrain bike never worry about dropping it it has good power and runs well (fuel injection) and handles really well as long as your not hot lapping curves and twisties (doesnt like that) I dont partake the Harley life style but like the looks of the 1200R sportster and Harleys in general and know some great people that ride Harleys only. My Harley is real smooth at speed and never puts my hand to sleep or has the mid range vibes like the in line 4 bikes tend to do The FJR has the scary power, superior brakes and at speed handling although at low speed in rough or uneven terrain and around town I perfer the Harley or even the BMW over the top heavy FJR. The BMW is my bike of choice as it seems to do many things well and fits me although I am waiting on the next generation FJR model change and will purchase another one if they correct the things I disliked on my 06.

What's (not) to understand?

The price tag.
Meh, I have over 20 large into my FJR to make it 'right'. For what they are, I can farkle out a Gold Wing so that it tops 30 grand and a GS to 28 grand without breaking a sweat. That Harley is pretty much 'right' outta the box, so what's your point?

Meh, I have over 20 large into my FJR to make it 'right'. For what they are, I can farkle out a Gold Wing so that it tops 30 grand and a GS to 28 grand without breaking a sweat. That Harley is pretty much 'right' outta the box, so what's your point?
Not that I'd argue you can't farkle any bike up to big numbers (especially a Harley), but what have you done that costs $7k to get it 'right'?

And if it took you $7k to get the FJR right, and nothing for the Harley, you are holding the 2 to totally different standards... If you haven't spent a dime more on the HD, you're in the VAST majority as that's probably one of the biggest arguments for them...

Edit - want to clarify my point... if you spent $7k to get your FJR to do super long distance, then you shoulda bought a GW. If you spent the money to make it a Busa performance machine.. you shoulda bought the Busa... On the same note, if you bought the HD and tried to make it something it wasn't out of the box, it would be crazy expensive to do just based on the name premium alone...

Holding an import cruiser to the same standard and the HD, dollar for dollar, you're paying way more for the HD name. You might get more in resale, but you can't argue that your paying more (sometimes a LOT more) for the HD.

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Not that I'd argue you can't farkle any bike up to big numbers, but what have you done that costs $7k to get it 'right'?
It may be easier to list what I haven't done: The paint, rims & discs. ;)

And if it took you $7k to get the FJR right, and nothing for the Harley, you are holding the 2 to totally different standards... If you haven't spent a dime more on the HD, you're in the VAST majority as that's probably one of the biggest arguments for them...
Correct. That's exactly my point. We are talking two different standards which most seem to forget, and your last sentence is spot on. Astute observations. :good:

Holding an import cruiser to the same standard and the HD, dollar for dollar, you're paying way more for the HD name. You might get more in resale, but you can't argue that your paying more (sometimes a LOT more) for the HD.
No argument from me, out side of a higher production costs for Harley v. imports (Asian imports, at least).

Edit to your edit:

if you spent $7k to get your FJR to do super long distance, then you shoulda bought a GW.
I did:


Sold it, too. ;)

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It's easy:

1. They are made in AMERICA;

2. They have a low center of gravity;

3. Harley riders actually see and enjoy the scenery while they are riding;

4. They are fun torque monsters;

5. Many are rolling works of art to be appreciated (and many are too uncomfortable to ride for more than several miles but hey, who's counting);

6. Low to the ground so they are easy to flatfoot and the pillions feel safer;

7. They are good for the economy because you also need to buy a pick-up truck to haul the hardtails to the meets; and

8. Yuppies, with the kids out of their homes, now have disposable income for toys. HD riders are having fun too. Imagine that! They look around and see sportbikes (too uncomfortable and we would not be acting age appropriate); sport-tourers look uncomfortable like the sportbikes; Goldwings are for old foggies so what is left? Harley-Davidson or H-D clones. Since they have the money they might as well buy the genuine article.

In many ways this is a good thing. I believe H-D's are in many ways easier to ride, especially at slow speed. I would cringe at the thought of all these newbie yuppie riders starting out on FJR's.

The simple fact is that they have not ridden other bikes so they don't have anything to compare to performance and comfort wise. Many actually believe their bikes are F A S T >>>>> !!! Some of us, when challenged, like to burst this "bubble". :evilsmiley:

I have ridden a Road King in some serious California twisties (Hwy 49 between Auburn and Georgetown) and was quite impressed at its easy handling and turn in. They are good for the mission they are designed for.

A recent study was conducted by a prestigious research firm. They found a strong correlation between the rate of Erectile Dysfunction and the sales of Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. So I guess the old adage is correct,

[SIZE=18pt]When you suffer from ED you get the H-D®!![/SIZE] :tease:

"Harley-Davidson® does not sell motorcycles. We sell an image and a lifestyle. The motorcycle is secondary in that transaction." -- Jeff Bluenstein, Former Harley-Davidson® CEO

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Interesting article in the Atlanta paper about a former drunk/harley rider that has started a church. Here's one of the quotes from the article I liked:

The small church has not always met its own budget of nearly $3,000 per month in rent. High school and Naval Academy buddies and other friends have helped pay the bills, Hamilton said.
On a few occasions, car dealership owner Tim Stewart has paid the rent.

"I met Pastor Tom at the dealership in Tucker, " Stewart said. "I instantly loved him because he rode a Harley.
Link to complete article: AJC


A recent study was conducted by a prestigious research firm. They found a strong correlation between the rate of Erectile Dysfunction and the sales of Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. So I guess the old adage is correct,
[SIZE=18pt]When you suffer from ED you get the H-D®!![/SIZE] :tease:

"Harley-Davidson® does not sell motorcycles. We sell an image and a lifestyle. The motorcycle is secondary in that transaction." -- Jeff Bluenstein, Former Harley-Davidson® CEO
I wondered when you were gonna chime in - by the way how about posting the "recent study conducted by a prestigious research firm"?

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A recent study was conducted by a prestigious research firm. They found a strong correlation between the rate of Erectile Dysfunction and the sales of Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. So I guess the old adage is correct,
[SIZE=18pt]When you suffer from ED you get the H-D®!![/SIZE] :tease:

"Harley-Davidson® does not sell motorcycles. We sell an image and a lifestyle. The motorcycle is secondary in that transaction." -- Jeff Bluenstein, Former Harley-Davidson® CEO
[SIZE=14pt]I wondered when you were gonna chime in[/SIZE] - by the way how about posting the "recent study conducted by a prestigious research firm"?
You gotta admit he showed great restraint by waiting till post #91... :rolleyes:

I cant wait to own a Harley. I'm looking forward to when I can have several bikes in the stable. One or two will most definitely be Harley's'. :clapping:

But I could never own a tank like a Harley as my only bike. :rolleyes: My FJR is a keeper. :yahoo:

One intersing thing I noticed in the local Harley dealerships that I have been too is, all the official Harley apparel for sale is made in Asian countries. :unsure:

Whats up with that? :blink: I guess they forgot about the buy American thing when it came to their apparel profits. :huh:

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I cant wait to own a Harley. I'm looking forward to when I can have several bikes in the stable. One or two will most definitely be Harley's'. :clapping:
But I could never own a tank like a Harley as my only bike. :rolleyes: My FJR is a keeper. :yahoo:

One intersing thing I noticed in the local Harley dealerships that I have been too is, all the official Harley apparel for sale is made in Asian countries. :unsure:

Whats up with that? :blink: I guess they forgot about the buy American thing when it came to their apparel profits. :huh:
Don't want to be the bearer of bad news here but Harley has incorperated parts from all over the world on their bikes for many years now. My 1988 Soft Tail has a solid rear wheel made in Austrailia, the headlight is made in Japan. There are others. Harley has and does choose parts that are the best "quality" "afforded", no matter where they're made.

Also their leathers are made in other countries mainly because the tanning process if done in the US is "very" difficult to keep up with the smog regs thus once again, "quality" "afforded" by the best producer. PM. <>< ;)

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You may have done that. But you certainly didn't have to. And most people don't.
Why do you keep arguing when we keep agreeing? :p

Seems to me that bashing Harley's and their riders is akin to smoking crack... Just can't kick the habit, I guess.

AAAAAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, this concludes the meeting of HH anonymous.

edit: We meet next week in arkincest to reveal the secrets of how we really feel.

reedit: No kalifornians allowed.

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