What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Must be spring.

The Cactus are in bloom.


+2c drizzle. Ya baby. It looks like the weather breaking is slowly moving north sooner this year.

Had my first BBQ of the year tonight!

15c in Toronto today. Lots of folks rode their bikes to the Toronto Bike Show!!

Beautiful day here yesterday, with 60+ temps and sunny sky's (although windy). No bike to ride, so I got to spend the day out in the garage washing and detailing the much neglected cars.

I am just a little bit pissed off with the weather here. It is February and I had to run the weedeater. The Damned Weedeater! This is ridiculous. While I was using the weedeater my little friend was kind enough to pick up sticks and run the lawnmower for me. You can see here how he is suffering and what winter looks like in South Louisiana right now.

In this one you can see on the right side that I still have oranges to pick. I cannot harvest these fast enough.

I will stick up for RedFish here. There is a backside to trees in real life AJ!!

But seriously, RedFish, get your kid out of Crocs. Especially when mowing!!! You all know what the holes in Crocs are for right??? It is where your dignity leaks out if anyone sees you wearing them.

Just kidding. Kinda jealous of the weather and the ability to have fresh citrus.

I will stick up for RedFish here. There is a backside to trees in real life AJ!!
Oh, ok, 18 oranges. Watch out Tropicana, RFH Citrus Inc. is gonna run you out of business. Lol!!!

Hey man...I'm bored today. If I can't give RFH Hell, what else am I gonna do with my time?

Okay Mr. Meanness. I pick about a dozen oranges at a time. That is how many it takes to juice out and fill a 1/2 gallon jug. Since the orange juice is not pasteurized it will go bad unless we drink it pretty quick. I guesstimate about 2 more juicings on that tree. Of course I share some with Mom and Pop, their citrus trees made nothing this year.

After I built my (wife's) house Mom and Pop showed up and demanded we go buy some fruit trees for my son. Two lemons, one orange, one satsuma. One of the lemon trees died the first winter but the remaining three trees have produced beyond all expectations. I actually like the splash of color during the gray winter months.

I have no idea why The Boy likes those stupid crocs. To me the only thing they are good for is to wear while scrubbing the boat. But he likes them. Also, he does not really need steel toe boots to cut grass with that mower. It is only running when he is on it, his feet cannot get anywhere near anything that can hurt them. If he does fall off it, he has bigger issues than just his footwear.

And by all means HRZ, give me a bad time. I not only expect it, I look forward to it.

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RedFish, I will confess, all of my kids and their parents have at least one pair of Crocs. Shameful around the house if anyone comes over. Banned by me out in public after my oldest about had his foot drug into an escalator.

As for mowing, our little rider is not very sophisticated in the safety department. It is always a fight to get the 13 yr old girl to wear shoes, eye, and hearing protection. She thinks Mowing Safety is flip flops, fashion glasses, and music ear buds and some sun screen

When the weather is good, they are good for weed eating when the grass is gonna fly everywhere. Washing cars with kids around that are "helping".

As for that OJ, I want to try a swizzle of that someday. Maybe swing by on spring break if your tree didn't get shamed by AJ too bad!

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I was out riding today, a beautiful sunny day in PA when I happened upon a dead skunk in the middle of the road, stinkin' to high heaven.


Just thought I'd share a small piece of my day with yinz guys.

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Stormy this evening. Before it really got that way, I went out and shot this of the U.S.98 bridge over St. Andrew Bay. I wanted a long exposure, on the order of 20 to 30 seconds, to get good streaking of the car lights, but it was already very windy and gusty, and a long exposure just was not possible with the wind moving the camera. I settled on 2-1/2 seconds, and had the camera self-timed to just keep shooting. In the hour I was out there, I got one shot. Here it is:

