What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Our Bungie, after three more Sudbury Winters! jes' sayin' and nuff said!
This is where I'm at right this minute:


C'mon Bungie...Think of the children!!

Haha...Sorry your weather sucks. It's actually pretty nice here today. It was ass-cold yesterday though.

Snow plow driver just filled the end of my driveway for the third time since Sunday morning.

They closed the NY State Thruway (I-90) in both directions from the Lackawanna Tollbooths south of Buffalo to the PA line. Won't open again until maybe overnight. We're supposed to see as much as 4 inches of lake effect snow an hour with winds gusting to around 40mph. The temp here is around 7...

Think I'll stay inside and channel-surf...

My wife just got home and said she stopped to get the "Buffalo Basics" in case we get snowed in: eggs, bread, and a six-pack! (then-Buffalo mayor Jimmy Griffin was famously quoted during the Blizzard of '77 as saying that Buffalonians should stay at home with a 6-pack and wait out the storm).

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Forecast tonight is sub-freezing (30), and be up to 80s by end of the week.

All of you up north, stay warm and safe!

They closed the NY State Thruway (I-90) in both directions from the Lackawanna Tollbooths south of Buffalo to the PA line. Won't open again until maybe overnight. We're supposed to see as much as 4 inches of lake effect snow an hour with winds gusting to around 40mph. The temp here is around 7...
Think I'll stay inside and channel-surf...

My wife just got home and said she stopped to get the "Buffalo Basics" in case we get snowed in: eggs, bread, and a six-pack! (then-Buffalo mayor Jimmy Griffin was famously quoted during the Blizzard of '77 as saying that Buffalonians should stay at home with a 6-pack and wait out the storm).
A 6 pack aint much of a storm. Maybe a 6 pack of cases.

If'n your gonna channel surf, don't forget to spray your satellite dish with Pam so the snow doesn't stick. If you have cable, then never mind. They'll take care of that at the hub. Lol.

A balmy 62 degrees today but I still drove the truck to work. Heading back into single digits for tomorrow. This is the most bat **** weather I can recall. This is my worst winter riding season to date and its taking its tole on me. Previously I could almost get a ride in at least one day a week. Not so this year.

Global warming my arse !!!

nuff said, Dave

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All yooze northerners who've always said crap like, "if I lived in North Carolina I'd be riding all winter long" can kiss my buttocks! 8*F tonight, 24 for the high tomorrow and a whopping 13 tomorrow night. And I'm not even in the mtns!! Man oh man, this is just too damn cold for my old bones. I'm thinking I need to move farther south......

In the land of blue skies and balmy winters know as Charlotte, NC, we are supposed to drop to 8 degress tonight and then high of 26 tomorrow. If this keeps up I'll have to move further south. I feel for you guys up in the really cold part of the country. At least we don't usually get the white frozen stuff and we are supposed to have a sunny day tomorrow.

Stay warm.

It was -22C a few days ago, warmed up to +2C with 4" of snow yesterday (sent some to Bungie), a sprinkle of rain on top, and it's been cooling down all day...... right now -20C with a slight breeze. F'ing cold. Hasn't been this way for a couple of years.... whaz goin' on this year?

And we'll talk to all you AZ, NM, TX southerners next June when it's so hot you can't ride.............. neener neener neener.......

What the Hell is "too hot to ride?" Are you crazy?

-20 is ******* cold. Sorry boys. My garage is heated if you wanna come this way!

I'm not sure about this "Too Hot to Ride" thing. That seems about as real as the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny. I have lived in the South all my life and have never seen it get Too Hot to Ride.

Right now it is Way Too Damn Cold to Ride. I am very familiar with that one.

And Zilla, that was -20 Celsius! I think that equals 4 below zero Fahrenheit. I agree, that is cold.
