wheatonFJR goes down!

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I was behind wheatie, he was lucky that he missed the post and the rocks. Can't see the rocks in the pic, and wheatie posing with his thumb up, is before the andrenalin wore off. He sure had difficulty ( with his shoulder) a bit later in the day.

Heal up fast buddy.

Glad to hear that you walked away from this one. The bike can be fixed, and the season is almost over so you got some time to heal. Hope all is well and heals okay.

Wheatie, get well soon my friend..

I mean, like, jeesh...

Did you acquire any scars?

Chicks love scares..

:dribble: :rolleyes:

Seriously.. good to hear you're still with us, walking, kind of, and talking, kind of, and well, maybe kind of is your normal? :clapping:

Take care mi amigo, and heal fast..

Mark, I told you to call if you needed anything... Glad your okay, but a few zip ties and some duct tape that bike would be ready to ride :rolleyes: :unsure: .

You wouldn't be interested in a lightly used BMW would you.. :lol: :p :dribble: Smitty

Hope your shoulder is ok.

ya gotta watch out for bigfoot droppings on the roads down there in addition to everything else - real slippery.

Hey, glad you're going to be OK. I've been on that stretch of road many times. Fun to ride but you have to watch the loose gravel, chip and seal, and then the posted speed. When it says "20 MPH" it means somewhere closer to that speed more than closer to double that speed....not saying you were going to fast..I wasn't there......just saying that for those that might ride in Arkansas in the future.

First, get yourself fixed then come back to Arkansas and ride again.

I hope you have a fast recovery and take care.

Glad you're ok! Looks like you did the same thing my wife did! lol

On the plus side - the FJR looks pretty cool without the windscreen...

Man-oh-man-oh-man-oh-man......I came on line to read some cheerful news. Dang it all, this ain't noe gude nooz!

At least you "manned up" and said that you'd done it. (I hate that part...) STILL, bad news, bro.

Uhm...you do realize you will feel worse the day after and the third day?!?!?? :unsure: Let us know what the Doc says about your cracked ribs and separated shoulder(???). :dribble:

Do heal quickly and start making a list of parts. Of course, it will be easier to Winterize the FJR when its apart. :huh:

I'll be thinking "happy thoughts" in your direction.

Sorry to hear of your mishap!

As Old Michael suggested, even though you walked away, you really should get checked out by a doctor!

The last time I had a minor spill, I ignored my bruises for a whole week until the pain, and a giant black ankle, forced me to take myself to the ER. And that was 20-some years ago!

Best wishes!

Mark I am so damn glad that you are relatively OK (except for that brain thing). I can relate and the ribs do take some time to heal so best of wishes on this unfortunate experience.

So, are you ready to join Smitty and me on 1200 GSA's?


Hey Wheaton, make sure nothin is a miss on inside. Get checked out by a professional. I don't care if you stayed in a Holiday Inn, get a real opinion that counts on your condition. Maybe it's time for an 09?

Take care man!


Hey, glad to hear you're okay. From the pics it looked like a nice to to ride, until your get off.

Keep us updated on the repairs or perhaps a new bike for your next ride :)


You wouldn't be interested in a lightly used BMW would you.. :lol: :p :dribble: Smitty
Smitty, don't even think about it. :unsure:

I mean it. You're keepin' that bike.

Now, if I just had that '05 FJR still, we could fix Mark right up again. ;)

Oh well, he'll find another. Let's just hope his insurance totals his, since we pretty much talked him into leaving it there! :rolleyes:

Mark, hope your ortho doc finds nothin' but soreness. Let us know buddy.

Now get some rest.

Good to hear you are OK.

Did you get the bike back?

I live close to Marshall and even closer to Mt. View. Have truck and MC trailer and will travel.

Wheaton! Here's wishing you a speedy and complete recovery! Glad to hear that you are not too seriously hurt.

Just got back from ortho doktor...

...only slight OC joint shoulder separation....no surgery required. Ribs sore and maybe some breakage...but doktor says they can't do anything for that anyways...so just buckup and take the discomfort dammit. :)

Just bruising and sore for a couple of weeks....no biggie.

Now to get the bike figgered out....once I hear from the Ins Co, I will know if I have a "project" to rebuild... or an 03 or 04 to buy.

Too bad RiderCoachLar already sold his 03. :(

Anybody have a picture perfect 03 or 04 to sell?

BTW, asked my wife and teenage daughter last night if they thought I should quit motorcycling...just to get their response. Wifey says she never considered that...FJRs are too much a part of me...but she says keep riding...just not on the slippery roads ;) Daughter voted that yes as well. :clapping:

Me thinks they are after my life insurance money...


Me thinks they are after my life insurance money...


Ha! You're a brave man to even ask them the question.

Glad you're OK ... as we suspected, although that slight shoulder separation thing might bug you for a while. Might have to give up tennis. Just keep the Advil flowing! :unsure:

Hope to see you again on another ride real soon. Take care ...

Glad it's nothing real serious.

No pain, no gain!

From the photos it looks like your bike should be repairable.

Now hurry up & get it fixed, your SE Ohio spring ramble will be here before you know it.

