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:cry: No more hooligan-type days

:diablo: The devil made me do it. And the fact that my SO was not there beating me on the top of my helmet didn't help the situation either. Although I must say "I did enjoy myself" :p

It looks like we are going to miss this one. It looks like I am taking the Den Mother to Couer d'Alene for a national meeting and returning home solo. She will fly home on Wed. We are going to take the scenic route and take 2.5 days to get there via Hell's Canyon and Lewiston. Any advice on a paved route to get a good view of Hell's Canyon?

You might see if you can pull up the routes for WFO-3. It seems to me there was a ride/route posted for that. I think I've "binned" my printouts. While you're up there, be sure to ride the East shore of Lake Cours d'Alene. Its beautiful...just beware of Rogdebs Corner!

Karen hereby appoints Eve as the official Den Mother for the Yosemite ride. Eve, your responsibilities include bringing goodies and looking after Madmike. This is a major responsibility. You have to make sure he gets enough sleep; doesn't pass across double-yellow lines and is dusted off in the morning with clothes that actually match. Not an easy job I will tell you. ;)

So whats the pace on this ride?

Im just kinda showing up and figuring it out. I personally ride rather rather spiritedly, but my Co pilot jabs me in the ribs if I ride outside the limits :D

Whats the attendee tally? Im pretty excited to meet you all.

I will try to be there for some of the ride. Wifey aka 'the boss of me' :D is on call that weekend, so I'm solo for this one. I will not be riding the whole route, but will ride over early and hook up around Mamouth and return over 108 or 4.

The list so far :D

Highlander ( 2 up )


Bluestreek ( 2 up )

Bike Effects


MCML ( 2up )

Toecutter ( 2 up )


Cisco ( 2 up )

OrangevaleFJR ( 2 up )

Jimbofjr ( 2up )

Skyway ( on Sunday )

04FJR ( 2UP )



and a big maybe for


Jimbo's friends (2up)



OK so who else eh? B) You know your gonna miss out for not coming!

( last updated on 8-31 )

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Cisco, count on an interesting ride. Not "touring", but not exactly hooligan (i.e. roadrace pace on public highways).

Besides, I wanna follow the Highlander, 'cuz they're smoooth and faaaast.

@Big Dog Highlander, sir, with this many riders, are we gonna split the group? To second what Bike Effects asked awhile back, have you outlined the route yet so we can enter into our GPS units. At least give us the key stopping points.

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Were in just got my reservations today for skyranch and mammoth friday and saturday :D cant wait to see everyone!

Alan (2up)

Big Dog Highlander, sir, with this many riders, are we gonna split the group?
You mean, like as in "those who can keep up" and the rest? BTW, Eve won't be dusting anybody else off. She does have some morals.

04fjr, glad your both making the trip, it's been a while! :p

GPS! Sheesh OK It's the simplest ( but most scenic ) ride of the year, let's see, Oakhurst, Yosemite south gate, hotel on the valley floor ( break ), Yosemite east gate, 120/395, ( break, late lunch ) Mammoth ( check in & dump gear )

Late afternoon run, 395 / 120 east, Benton @ 120 / 6, ( break ), back to Benton crossing Rd, to 395, hotel.

Sunday 395 to 108 to 49 .

Route subject to change ( just to mess up the gps guys ) :)

and don't trust anything toecutter brings to eat! :focus:

I don't think the group " needs " to split up, the route is fairly predictable, stops are easy to find, everyone will " catch up " if needed. Pace through the park will be " controlled " by traffic anyway.

I'd like to leave Oakhurst by 8-30am to beat some of the tourist traffic. So get up early will ya'll !

Three weeks to go! B)

Wish I could make it, Dave, but can't. Should be finishing up my move to Gardnerville that weekend (and cleaning this place) AND as if that wasn't bad enough, I just found out today that a meeting with a client and others that I had expected to take place tomorrow (8/25) has been rescheduled for 9/9 in Tahoe City. I'm sure I've mentioned how much I HATE moving!!!

exskibum  :eek:     Dude you've been moving for the last three months whats up with that? :p
Yeah -- it's because I LOVE it so much, like I said. :p So, this is how NOT to do it:

GF and I rented the new place effective July 1 -- too perfect, GF loved it, and we couldn't get them to hold off longer. GF is selling her house. I sold mine and moved from it last fall to this 1400 square foot overfurnished house. The place I sold was on 3 acres, 2500 square foot house with a 28' x 48' garage, so you can imagine how much **** I had managed to pile up and had to thin out then, but I still have boxes of office and other stuff stacked here, which I'm again thinning and/or moving. GF and her daughter had accumulated even more **** than I had, and we've been doing the storage unit, thrift store and garage sale disposal thing with her since June. On top of that, her mom died in July, and she was gone for most of a month, so I was up and down the mountain, taking care of this place, the new place, her place and trying to work. I've been moving my stuff one Outback Wagon load at a time for a while now, and we move her this weekend. Then I have to finish here. But . . . since I'm also working from home, and have to have maintain continuity and deal with clients' emergencies, I'm still using this place as the office. AND . . . I still have all the cleaning ahead of me.

I'm NEVER going to do it like this again. Send someone to shoot me if you ever hear me say different.


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