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Just got a note from bigdolma (Armand). The boy's still akickin'! Seems he and the loverly Mrs. Big D took an extended trip to AK, then among other things, he had some bidness stuff to deal with. Says he'd like to make Yosemite but is not sure of the timing - stay tuned to this Bat Channel...

He sends his best to all!


hey count me in, last minute. i came last year(the young guy) with angie(blue thong). let me know when and where and i'll be there. riding out of san diego, bob b.

pics of trips

Hey Bob.. welcome back ! It's been a while! So.... everyone wants to know... I'll be first to ask.....is the " loaner " coming back ?? :D

All the ride info and hotel info is on the first page of this thread.. let me know when the reservations are made & I'll add you to the list .



no, no. the loaner is no longer available. i might purchase one for my own. :detect: .. im going up to santa cruz this labor day weekend with a friend. we'll see how that goes. if i/we can split a room with someone, that would be great. bob

OK all you laggers out there! :D The Sierra Sky Ranch called me and will stop holding rooms for us on Thursday night ( the 1st ). On Friday they will open up their place to the general public, so if you have not made any reservations by now you better get on with it. They only have a few rooms still available as of today.

10 day countdown is on!! B)

In the interest of getting this party started, what time do we need to rally up at the Skyranch for breakfast before disembarking to Yosemite? I almost lost my pillion to a seminar on Saturday but she's back. I was kinda looking forward to the hooligan opportunities. Hey, gotta make the best of every situation, right? I wasn't looking forward to the solitary hotel room factor though. Sorry. Tim, no bed space in my room. ;)

The restaraunt is open at 7am for breakfast on the weekend, opens at 5pm for dinner. Since we want to get on the road at 8-30, we should meet at 7-30 for breakfast. Last guy there buys! :D

The check in time on Friday is 4pm BTW .

SoCal guys & gals:

When is everyone departing? Who wants to ride up together and when and where do we meet?


I should add that I'm thinking about going 154 (maybe sneak up onto Foxen Canyon for some pre-twisty fun) to the 101 then cut in from Atascadero on the 41 (Weeeee!) straight to the hotel.

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I will be leaving the San Fernando Valley at approximately 12:15 h on Friday. Figured on the usual ride north (405/5/99/41). Not much fun but it sure is efficient and I am looking forward to spending some daylight hours at that lovely hotel we have choosen. Would love to meet up with anyone along the way if it works out.

Brenda gets off work at 4:30 Friday. We could head up there at that time and be there in about an hour. If anybody wants to stop by or meet up when heading in from the south, PM and I'll give you my cell number & directions to my place. However, at that time of day the ride from Fresno on 41 will be mostly frustrating and possibly life-threatening with all the Oakhurst residents commuting home. 6:00 pm would be a good time to hop off on a ride up 49 past Mariposa, if anybody's up for such a thing after all that travelling to get there. Or we could just veg. Either way, we'll be back up there at 7:00 am Saturday, God willing, for the festivities.

Are we going to meet Friday night for dinner? If so where and when.
There's a pretty good mexican restaurant, El Cid, not too far from the Sky Ranch on 41.

The food is hard to beat for the area, IMO. Wherever we go, if we do, it would be a good idea to call ahead with a head count. I can make the reservations if needed.

OK, sounds like we're all gonna solo then? Anyone wanna take the nice cool coastal route (well at least half of the way) outlined above? From Santa Babs to Oakhurst is just a tick under 300 miles or 6 hours FWIW...

Dinner Friday sounds good. Should be up at the hotel by 6 or 7 pm.

Tim, if I understand correctly, Sunday a.m. the group is going to double back north on 395 to 108. Among the options for us southerners are (1) head north with the group cross the mountains and likely end up taking 99 or I5 home (2) boogie down 395 or (3) head south on 395 only as far as the road that crosses the Sierras from Pearsonville (don't know the rte #) and either loop back south and/or east on 190/178 or continue on to Bakersfield and then head home.

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