Any rumor on the 2016...?

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"Color" is determined by the wavelength of the photons that are reflected (or emitted) by an object, and subsequently sensed by your eyes. . I'm sure you are familiar with the light spectrum, with Bass Bote Red (a color) being at the low frequency end at ~700 nm wavelength, and Bass Bote Blue (another color) at the high frequency end at 440 nm.


Do you see gray, black or while on the spectrum someplace? No... me neither. That is because they are not a color.

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I predict that IF there is a 2016, it will be exactly the same as the 2015. It will just have a 6 instead of a 5 on it.

Or the color will be clear, as in invisible or imaginary.

Do you see gray, black or while on the spectrum someplace? No... me neither. That is because they are not a color.
Ooh, argument time!
White is all the colours mixed together. Grey is just a bit less light. Black is very little light, but what's left (which may be very little, but there's always some in practice) is still all the colours.

So, grey and black are more colourful than red or blue or any of the other colours :) (can't do a smug smiley from my iPad).

[Edit] Slow posting, sorry ...[/edit]

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All y'all be arguing PHYSICS. Color is also ART, and haven't you heard about "Fifty Shades of Grey"? Walk into Lowe's and see how many colors they have for white and black.

My favorite shade of grey is called Liquid Graphite. But the color sample moves too fast for old farts to see it or appreciate it.

<edit 5 mins later> To mcatrophy: Apologies, sir, Didn't mean to be US-centric. Next time you're riding through metro Atlanta, I'll be happy to introduce you to the concept of mega-home improvement stores like Lowe's and Home Depot. If you're already familiar with such wonderful places to goof off for an hour, all the better.

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All y'all be arguing PHYSICS. Color is also ART, and haven't you heard about "Fifty Shades of Grey"? Walk into HOMEBASE or B&Q and see how many colors they have for white and black.
Fixed it for the Queen's own.

All y'all be arguing PHYSICS. Colour is also ART, and haven't you heard about "Fifty Shades of Grey"? Walk into HOMEBASE or B&Q and see how many colours they have for white and black.
Fixed it for the Queen's own.
Fixed your fixin'. You missed a few ewes. Gray was already (mis)spelled grey.

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I had a friend that worked at a paint store that told me you start out with a basic, as he called it, base.

Then add flavors to get the right color.

I watched him mix up a white one time and was amazed at the flavors that he added to get what was needed.

Color speculation aside, I'm really curious why Yamaha has delayed the 16's.

Are they watching this thread to gauge color popularity?

Do we have POWER!!!? lol

All y'all be arguing PHYSICS. Colour is also ART, and haven't you heard about "Fifty Shades of Grey"? Walk into HOMEBASE or B&Q and see how many colours they have for white and black.
Fixed it for the Queen's own.
Fixed your fixin'. You missed a few ewes. Gray was already (mis)spelled grey.
Much appreciated.
But I'm well used to coping with American English, though my spell-checker is definitely English English. So I'm not trying to be rude by using UK spellings.

(But if it's Friday, I probably am trying to be rude ;) )

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Do this experiment: Take a black vis-a-vis marker, only because that brand works really well...A Sharpie will work.

Draw a simple picture on a coffee filter and then dip the edge of the filter in water. Watch what happens to the black market and how many colors come out.

Theory is not always reality.

mcatrophy, the Canadians will back you up..... we know the 'Mericans can't spell.
Yes, I know. I used to think it was because they were too lazy to write the 'u' on words like "colour", or, to keep it on topic
, "rumour". But then they use words like "elevator" instead of "lift". (Do Canadians?)

So, simple logic can't explain the Americans.

Hmm. I can think of all sorts of extensions to that statement. But, even though it's Friday, I might upset someone. So I shall refrain

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Well here is a Walk Around video of the newly announced MT-10....

I'm noticing a bagless something in the background and can't quite make out the color at the 1:22 mark....

You tell me what you see....

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Oh, those yellow wheels on the MT10 look, um, interesting.

Yes, that machine in the background looks like some sort of grey/blue. The lighting indoors always makes colors look different.

You might get something like that color if you mix together all of the colors we've had since 2003, including a small dab of red.

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Well here is a Walk Around video of the newly announced MT-10....

I'm noticing a bagless something in the background and can't quite make out the color at the 1:22 mark....

You tell me what you see....

Looks like the '15 color to me but appears bluish because of the lighting in that place.

I'm noticing a bagless something in the background and can't quite make out the color at the 1:22 mark....
You tell me what you see....
It looks like a 2015 with some type of non-stock exhaust to me.

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