Dr. Rich's Magical President's Day Ride II Reschedule

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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And bring some doo-hickeys!
Oooooo... I love doo-hickeys!! :D
How bout a bag of Tootsie Rolls instead?

candy? *perks up*
My daughter owes me a bag
(or two), she's been helping herself these past few months. I have them to stuff the Relay Harness packaging.


Hey I might finally be able to make a ride on this here board, been lurk'n around since last May. We be 2 up.


the forecast is looking good - that'll make me two up w/susan.

when i showed the pictures from the last ride together

to an FJR owner friend he said, "i've never seen so many FJR's at one time".

like dis....




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Is that an oil puddle there under ....?
No... I don't ride a Harley... I think it's run off from that blue bike next to mine... :p
Tyler....You might want to ask Old Michael this weekend who it was that had to stop on a freeway in Denver because his bike didn't show any oil ...... Maybe it all leaked out????

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Sack-uh-tomato folks wunna meet up tuh ryde? S'pose thet'll meen we gotta figger whose gunna wunna have grits thar en who'll wunna jist show up tuh ryde.

Guessin' et'll tek 'bout 30-40 minits frum West Sackamenna Chevron tuh Winners. Whaddya think?

Uh corse, we kud all jist go there. Et reely dern't madder tuh me. Eye's plannin' tuh go up 113 en bear leff at Russell 'stedda goin' tuh Covell Rd.

Practicing your redneck ebonics again, MM? ;)

Sack-uh-tomato folks wunna meet up tuh ryde? S'pose thet'll meen we gotta figger whose gunna wunna have grits thar en who'll wunna jist show up tuh ryde.
Guessin' et'll tek 'bout 30-40 minits frum West Sackamenna Chevron tuh Winners. Whaddya think?

Uh corse, we kud all jist go there. Et reely dern't madder tuh me. Eye's plannin' tuh go up 113 en bear leff at Russell 'stedda goin' tuh Covell Rd.