Dr. Rich's Magical President's Day Ride II Reschedule

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Practicing your redneck ebonics again, MM? ;)

Sack-uh-tomato folks wunna meet up tuh ryde? S'pose thet'll meen we gotta figger whose gunna wunna have grits thar en who'll wunna jist show up tuh ryde.
Guessin' et'll tek 'bout 30-40 minits frum West Sackamenna Chevron tuh Winners. Whaddya think?

Uh corse, we kud all jist go there. Et reely dern't madder tuh me. Eye's plannin' tuh go up 113 en bear leff at Russell 'stedda goin' tuh Covell Rd.

Nah, methinks his teeth were still soaking in the Efferdent ;)

Wow, this is turning out to be quite a group. I wish we could join you. But, I put together an annual Presidents’ Day ride with people from my work. We postponed it to this Saturday, also. We do almost the same loop but will be doing it in the opposite direction. It will be a mixed group of bikes with mostly cruisers and me leading (putten along on the FJR). It will be hard for me not to flip a U when we pass each other.

Oh Michael, you are funny.

I think I’d have to switch over the FJR side. I figure I can get away from the GANG I’m riding with. But, if I had to run from the FJR GANG it could get scary.

Have to be back home for a board meeting...
Uh huh.... :glare:


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Yes JB, I am the VP of the Beer Knees Mountain Dog Club of Northern California.



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Practicing your redneck ebonics again, MM? ;)

Sack-uh-tomato folks wunna meet up tuh ryde? S'pose thet'll meen we gotta figger whose gunna wunna have grits thar en who'll wunna jist show up tuh ryde.
Guessin' et'll tek 'bout 30-40 minits frum West Sackamenna Chevron tuh Winners. Whaddya think?

Uh corse, we kud all jist go there. Et reely dern't madder tuh me. Eye's plannin' tuh go up 113 en bear leff at Russell 'stedda goin' tuh Covell Rd.

Nah, methinks his teeth were still soaking in the Efferdent ;)

Dang you ladies are tough when you gang up on someone, I'll have to be on my toes this saturday.

One question...

You both share the same avatar

Which one of those sweethearts is Barb and which one is Tyler?

One question...
You both share the same avatar

Which one of those sweethearts is Barb and which one is Tyler?
I'm the one in the hat, showin' off me undies. Ty is the older one, cuz well...she IS the older one....*sticks tongue out at her*

I am not going to be able to make it this weekend. :( My Son needs a hand and I am going have to head to his house Sat. I was really looking forward to this. Well at least it's only march and I'll hook up on the next one.....

Have fun .. I'll be thinking about ya all........

Practicing your redneck ebonics again, MM? ;)
Practicin'????? :blink:

Nah, methinks his teeth were still soaking in the Efferdent ;)
It gives a whole new meaning to "plop-plop-fizz-fizz". Remember to keep the Efferdent packets and the Alka-Seltzer packets stored separately! :eek:

Dang you ladies are tough when you gang up on someone, I'll have to be on my toes this saturday.
One question... Which one of those sweethearts is Barb and which one is Tyler? ;)

Furst, Barb prolly hain't comin' tuh ryd wiff us'ns! :(

Secun, in ree-gards tuh thet pitcher, duz et reely madder wich es wich. They's both sweetharts in mah book! ;)

Okay, ONE message about meeting at the Chevron.

Dave M. and I will be at the Chevron in West Sacramento around 0745. (4808 West Capital Blvd. At the base of the Enterprise/West Capital off ramp).

Kickstands up by 0800 (with some of this group that may mean 0810) should give us plenty of time to get to Winters for a morning snack and be ready to ride with the group @ 1000.

[SIZE=8pt]Too bad Barb can't make it. That would be fun![/SIZE]

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[SIZE=8pt]Too bad Barb can't make it. That would be fun![/SIZE]
I'll fill in for her... she sent me some notes. :D
Or will you be taking notes?!?!?! I just want to be sure before I pick my breakfast/lunch seating arrangement. :rolleyes:

Hmmmm, maybe it's time to display my normal shy retiring side. :huh:

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