Dr. Rich's Magical President's Day Ride II

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I'm in, too (weather permitting).

Sorry to say, but, my better half will be in Costa Mesa for the weekend - making me the resident dog sitter.

C U then.


I don't have any excuse's so I'll plan on riding....and any chance OM can give us some flying lesson tips? PM. <>< :D ;)

I don't have any excuse's so I'll plan on riding....and any chance OM can give us some flying lesson tips? PM. <>< :D ;)

I don't really like to compare our elderly friend to a terrorist, but like them, he only learned how to fly. Not how to land. I think I'll be seeing you folks in Winters on the 15th.

For the few uninitiated, who is Old Michael and what's the history behind this now annual event?Thanks
OM posted right above you in this thread. Here's a little history as well as here. :)

Which doesn't even BEGIN to answer the question "who is Old Michael." Let's just say that he's so vital, so germane, so integral to the FJR community that the annual observance of his self-launching occurs every SIX MONTHS!

For the few uninitiated, who is Old Michael and what's the history behind this now annual event?Thanks
OM posted right above you in this thread. Here's a little history as well as here. :)
Yes, there are two regimens best left to the experts (like OM):

1.) Cliff diving w/ motorcycles

2.) Motorcycle hang gliding

Actually, the diving/launching/flying part is easy......it's the landing that needs work. ;)

Rumor has it that Old Michael will be bringing his new bike to the ride. He also has a new red helmet



if i'm not mistaken, there is a professional bicycle race ongoing from Davis to Santa Rosa on Sunday, the 15th. The route is going through the lake berryessa area. See tour of california web site!
Here is a link to the stage map. stage map, Davis to Santa Rosa

The race leaves Davis at noon and arrives in Santa Rosa about 4 pm.
Since the bike race will be coming out of Davis at noon, the plan will remain[SIZE=12pt] leaving Winters at 10am [/SIZE] and heading around the bottom of Lake Berryessa and then up though the Pope Valley. We will stop for lunch in Clearlake and then come back down through the Capay Valley. That way the folks from Sacramento can blast straight home. Should be a relatively short but fun ride. Rich
So -- are we meeting at 10.00 in Winters, and eating at the cafe before we leave (probably 11.00 then) ? OR - are we leaving the cafe at 10.00am ?

Leaving Winters at 10.00 makes more sense.
I fixed it for you Roger

There's still time for you to come up with an excuse to not show up :lol: :lol:

:blum: :blum:

I fixed it for you RogerThere's still time for you to come up with an excuse to not show up :lol: :lol:
Oooohhhhh....did you take your brutal pills this morning?

Er...uhm...Roger.....[SIZE=14pt]No yardwork![/SIZE] You've already used that lame excuse about "throwing your back out", twice! This time listen to Debs, 'kay? Don't make me mount my passenger seat on and swing through Rancho on my way to the ride. :rolleyes:

It'd be nice if you could accompany the lovely side of Rogdebs! :yahoo:
Thanks for the "backup" -- BUT -- I'm not lovely now huh? :lol:

Since the bike race will be coming out of Davis at noon, the plan will remain leaving Winters at 10am and heading around the bottom of Lake Berryessa and then up though the Pope Valley. We will stop for lunch in Clearlake and then come back down through the Capay Valley. That way the folks from Sacramento can blast straight home. Should be a relatively short but fun ride. Rich
Do you have a route plan yet? Some of us may wish to program out electrical devices prior to meeting in Winters, so it would be helpful to know if we are riding Berryessa Knoxville Rd. to Pope Canyon Rd. to Pope Valley.... or .... Lower Chiles Valley Rd. to Chiles Pope Valley Rd., then Butts Canyon Rd.

Are we having lunch in Clear Lake, Lower Lake, Konocti Harbor or Lakeport?

Yes, I AM the self-appointed trouble-making questioner! :p

Here is a map of the proposed run.... Rain Cancels ( I added that for the benefit of Old Michael)


Leave Winters (Putah Creek Cafe Parking Lot) at 10:00 am on Sunday Feb 15th ( I believe it is at the corner of Main and Railroad)

West on Hwy 128 to Moskowite Corner.

North to the Turtle Rock Store and then right onto Knoxville Road and then along the lake.

Over the bridge and then left of Pope Canyon Road.

Take the Pope Valley Cross Road and then right on Pope Valley Road.

Pope Valley Road turns into Butts Canyon Road and then to Hwy 29.

Right on Hwy 29 to Clearlake. Left on Lakeside Drive and lunch at the same restaurant as last year. The one where we sat outside next to the lake and froze... Some of the smart ones got tables inside.

From Clearlake back to Hwy 53 and north to Hwy 20. Right on Hwy 20 and east to Hwy 16.

Right on Hwy 16 and down to the Capay Valley stopping at Cache Creek Casino. From there folks can play at the Casion or ride out on Hwy 16 to the 505 freeway.

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Please tell me I'm mistaken. I went on a ride last year also on Knoxville Road. I remember that it was the worst pt-holed, bumpy, rock-strewn road I have ever ridden. I hope I'm thinking of a nearby road!!!!!
