FJR Death Valley Daze: January 22-24 Great MC Ride!

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Note the snow in the pictures! Death Valley's going to be very cold on January 22nd. Bring your heavy gear and electric vest.
So has Lucy got a powerlet socket for my vest?
Dave, Lucy Liu has two dedicated leads off of her battery: 1) For my Widder Electric Vest. 2) For Battery Tender. We'll have 2 days before leaving Chandler and we can certainly get a powerlet socket rigged up for your vest. SkootyG will help us out.

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Note the snow in the pictures! Death Valley's going to be very cold on January 22nd. Bring your heavy gear and electric vest.
So has Lucy got a powerlet socket for my vest?
Dave, Lucy Liu has two dedicated leads off of her battery: 1) For my Widder Electric Vest. 2) For Battery Tender. We'll have 2 days before leaving Chandler and we can certainly get a powerlet socket rigged up for your vest. SkootyG will help us out.
I also have a Widder vest so it may just be a matter of swapping the power cord. Not long now!

Is there anything I can bring from the UK to help plan your 2011 trip. Maps, guide books etc?

... down to 40 at night. And there is always a remote chance of snow!
Okay. This is bad. Maybe we should wait till July.
40 at night ?! OM - that's just barely a good <fill in the blank> temperature. You wus :unsure:
Oh, I'm not worried for me.

I was just concerned about you, barb, and ......Dr. Rich.

My people at last summer's CFR said y'all were difficult even in ideal conditions.

... down to 40 at night. And there is always a remote chance of snow!
Okay. This is bad. Maybe we should wait till July.
40 at night ?! OM - that's just barely a good <fill in the blank> temperature. You wus :unsure:
Oh, I'm not worried for me.

I was just concerned about you, barb, and ......Dr. Rich.

My people at last summer's CFR said y'all were difficult even in ideal conditions.
I bet that you wennie out before Barb, MEM, Tyler or me!

Just remember you little Leprechaun the Vikings conquered Ireland.

I know you have a short memory but I rode back from Utah last month in low twenties.


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I just got back to sunny Yuma. Geez that Baja ride was long, over three weeks. Well, actually I got home in three days but sulked in the basement by the wood stove for a couple weeks. When the locals saw the scratches on the side of the K1300GT, they changed my handle to Crashbaw.

Is Barb coming down for the Daze?

Hi David, At this point in time Barb is not going to be able to come down for Death Valley Daze. Somewhat concerned regarding your post mentioning scratches on the side of the K1300GT. Is everything OK? What does Crashbaw mean?

If you mean that small tipover you had, no big deal really. Broke my right distal fibula protecting my FJR's fairing in Mexico before!

Dr. Rich: I do believe, that you now have the very best Holiday avatar on our FJR Forum, hands down! Patriot was in the lead with Santa peeing off of the roof, but this is absolutely a classic with that cute little Leprechaun on Santa Claus's lap!!!!!

Right you are about your Vikings conquering Ireland. Have stayed in Waterford, 1st place the Danish long boats pulled into!

If Old Michael is to be trusted (did I just type that?), did you really give your cocker spaniel the finger? If so, I can totally understand. Owned 3 black cocker spaniels: Eeyore, Truffles and Malcolm-X. And sometimes a cocker deserves the finger!

Note the snow in the pictures! Death Valley's going to be very cold on January 22nd. Bring your heavy gear and electric vest.
So has Lucy got a powerlet socket for my vest?
Dave, Lucy Liu has two dedicated leads off of her battery: 1) For my Widder Electric Vest. 2) For Battery Tender. We'll have 2 days before leaving Chandler and we can certainly get a powerlet socket rigged up for your vest. SkootyG will help us out.
I also have a Widder vest so it may just be a matter of swapping the power cord. Not long now!

Is there anything I can bring from the UK to help plan your 2011 trip. Maps, guide books etc? Orestes, bring along with you over the pond what is convenient for your packing space.

I am hitting a real road block in trying to budget England, Ireland, Ulster and Scotland trip in 2011 for under $5K US dollars.

It looks like a realistic budget for two full weeks on the motos is going to be around $6,500 USD. All of the primary participants who have been exchanging e-mails regarding the 2011 trip will be at Death Valley Daze: Richard Hall, Dan Compton, Rich Christensen, Michael O'Keeffe, Don Stanley and Yourself. We might need to concentrate on just one region.

Could do just Ireland; or perhaps Ulster and Scotland; or perhaps Republic and Wales; but would only be for just 8 ride days

Going for full 15 days of riding, lodgings and ferry crossings required, originally planned; pushes the budget up to $6.5K USD!

Unless American Dollar recovers against Euro, any planning for European motorcycle vacations is a much pricier proposition.

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The guys I coffee with in Canada (it is suppose to be a riding club but hardly anyone does) think that my partner and myself ride too fast and too far and are crazy to ride in rain and snow. Well, you can't spend the rest of the winter in a motel in Oregon just because there is snow on the ground. Ever since I fell off my sports bike in 2006 and totaled the bike and nearly myself (a slow speed crash - rather embarrassing with no bragging rites and thus far no cause - but it nearly got me) each fairing scratch or peg dragged is proof that I am a mental case on a bike and it is only a matter of time before the big one happens.

Well my attitude is, so what, you can't stop living for fear of dying. In fact over the years I have found the opportunities for dying to come rather easy while mountaineering, riding horses, on snow machines, on the job or stomping around in the bush. I guess I've fallen off or been bucked off just about everything I've climbed on at some time. On the other hand this living stuff can be very trying at times.

So life goes on and my witty friends have figured out that crash rhymes with Ash, and the baugh is pronounced baw, thus the Crashbaw. When the day comes and I am in an old age home or whatever, I don't want to think back at various opportunities and wished I had gone for it. So far so good. Then again, the chances of remembering anything at that time are likely what was I talking about again?

To bad Barb can't come, I will have to meet her when I go back home in the spring.

David, Just glad to hear you're A-OK. We last saw you still in Mexico, just double checking your status! See you at Death Valley Daze! Regards, BeemerDonS

Does your budget include flights also?

Bring your budget numbers with you to DV so i can take a gander.


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Does your budget include flights also?
Bring your budget numbers with you to DV so i can take a gander.

Good Morning Richard, certainly wish I was riding to the M/C Show with you and Southern California FJR Forum lads today!

Yes, my budget includes flights; as well as the ferry crossing from Fishguard in Wales to Rosslare in County Wexford; and ferry from Belfast to Stranaer in Dumfries Shire. It is an incredible two week tour of England, Wales, Ireland, Ulster and Scotland; but it is coming in around $6.5K USD and I find myself wondering how many of our FJR Forum will not be able to spring for that, even with 18 months to save up for it. Another way of looking at it, would we double the participants if we could keep the cost of a British Isles trip below $5K USD? Bearing in mind, that below $5K USD limits the days and areas!

I've not scrimped on hotels, have priced lodgings that Mr. Clarke has forwarded on to me. Should we consider hostels over hotels, I mean we are going over for the riding not the sleeping! But then, who has to share a bunk bed with Old Michael???

Does your budget include flights also?
Bring your budget numbers with you to DV so i can take a gander.

Good Morning Richard, certainly wish I was riding to the M/C Show with you and Southern California FJR Forum lads today!

Yes, my budget includes flights; as well as the ferry crossing from Fishguard in Wales to Rosslare in County Wexford; and ferry from Belfast to Stranaer in Dumfries Shire. It is an incredible two week tour of England, Wales, Ireland, Ulster and Scotland; but it is coming in around $6.5K USD and I find myself wondering how many of our FJR Forum will not be able to spring for that, even with 18 months to save up for it. Another way of looking at it, would we double the participants if we could keep the cost of a British Isles trip below $5K USD? Bearing in mind, that below $5K USD limits the days and areas!

I've not scrimped on hotels, have priced lodgings that Mr. Clarke has forwarded on to me. Should we consider hostels over hotels, I mean we are going over for the riding not the sleeping! But then, who has to share a bunk bed with Old Michael???
You could also look into Bed and Breakfasts as they are everywhere over there. THIS is a great place to start.

As far as going over to Ireland I really have no interest in that, England and Scotland will do me just fine, Wales is iffy as they really and I mean really hate bikes.

We can talk about it when i see you next month.


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Sounds good, Richard; we'll table this until we see each other at DVD. The reality is that I do see this being pared down to England and Scotland, which suits me fine as I have coach and train toured Ireland. I have never been north of Liverpool!!!

Sounds good, Richard; we'll table this until we see each other at DVD. The reality is that I do see this being pared down to England and Scotland, which suits me fine as I have coach and train toured Ireland. I have never been north of Liverpool!!!
Excellent idea!

As the king of thread derailment, you've managed to take even your own thread completely off topic. You are SO fired!

...As far as going over to Ireland I really have no interest in that,...

... I do see this being pared down to England and Scotland, which suits me fine ...
Geez, that is not an insignificant change, boys. It is, in fact, ...a gamechanger.

I understand the difficulties Don, and thank you for doing the legwork.

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Sounds good, Richard; we'll table this until we see each other at DVD. The reality is that I do see this being pared down to England and Scotland, which suits me fine as I have coach and train toured Ireland. I have never been north of Liverpool!!!
Excellent idea!

As the king of thread derailment, you've managed to take even your own thread completely off topic. You are SO fired!
Back On Thread: Pendejo-Are you coming to Death Valley Daze? Your boyfriend dcarver will be there and other BF Fairlaner!

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