FJR Death Valley Daze: January 22-24 Great MC Ride!

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. If I'm successful in getting barb and ShinyPartsUp separated, may take the use of an abalone iron or chain tongs, this thread will then return to its regularly scheduled family programming.

If you click on the link above you'll be taken to the many sites we'll visit at the North End of the Valley. Great DV information!

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Dear Orestes, Please bring over a bottle of Taunton Dry Blackthorn Cider and put it on my tab. If this is what it takes to get Jill and Andy to the party, so be it. DABRIT, please considered yourself invited to join this fray; bring escapefjrtist & Sock Monkey!
ShinyPartsUp, I sure wish that you could make this bash My Friend! We Fenians are going to be outnumbered by the Brits.

Have to talk my Dubliner amigo Seamus MacTreinfhir into making this event. Just thought of something even better: Though he's an Italiano, we could convert johnny80s into a temporary Hibernian. The way Count Porcula eats, drinks, belches, farts and generally screws up: He could pass for Irish and nobody would know the difference. GalaxyBlue could be Irlandes too!
Sorry guys but their is some english in this good little Italian boy. Great grandma was a 6' tall english lady who married my 5'2" Italian great grand father.

Who da thunk it?

We Fenians are going to be outnumbered by the Brits.
Well, if anyone decides to make a Death Valley Adventure a little later in the season, say February 19, 20, & 21st (weather permitting), the Patron Saint will be;

St. Wenceslas, the patron saint of the Czech Republic, is honored with many statues around the country. But the sculpture of St. Wenceslas Riding a Dead Horse in Prague turns those monuments — literally — upside down.



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Thanks for the gracious invite I will let you know soon as possible if we can make it. The ride to Scotties Castle sounds like fun. Should I bring cash for the brothel or do they take credit cards.

Thanks for the gracious invite I will let you know soon as possible if we can make it. The ride to Scotties Castle sounds like fun. Should I bring cash for the brothel or do they take credit cards.
All major credit cards accepted at Shady Lady Ranch, no surcharges. johnny80s may have to pay extra for his Italian salami!!

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I was gonna say something about the credit card slot.... but i will leave it along.

Johnny in the Shady Lady i have Got to see (and photograph for later use).

are we there yet?


NEWS FLASH: Just received a personal message a Special Guest will be attending DVD. Hint: Nice guy and rides a V-Strom! This is a fully informative Death Valley Tourist Guide put out by the National Park Service that includes excellent maps. Print this out and put it in your tank bag/glove box!

Just food for thought: If you enjoy Las Vegas, there are good deals to be had this Winter due to the bad economy/recession.

I know that the Southern California Crew is staying in Las Vegas on Thursday night and perhaps they will share their rates.

My ladyfriend Rena and I are staying through Sunday night in order to see Bette Midler in Concert at the Colosseum at Caesar's Palace. We are staying 1/24/10 at Paris Las Vegas and I have already booked our room at a pretty good discount. Using their "Hot Deals" section of their website I was able to book us in at $77 for the night, usually have to pay $50 more per night at Paris. Some of their sister hotels are now booking for only $30 for Sunday night. Does anyone know of a better website to get Bette Midler tickets at a much lower cost? Best price I can get from Cheap Tickets, whom I've used before, is $320 for Second Mezzanine. Only want to pay $250 maximum!

mi amigo don,took the wife this year to see bette.thought i would be bored but was entertained at the older crowd sitting there listening to bette say **** alot. the wheelchair number is worth the attendance.

I have just been looking for hotels for Thursday and Sunday nights.

Thursday night i am thinking of staying at the Golden Nugget, the rate for Thursday night is $42.00.

Sunday night is going to be more upscale and staying at the Mirage for $77.00.

What do you think guys..(Bill and Roy)


Just food for thought: If you enjoy Las Vegas, there are good deals to be had this Winter due to the bad economy/recession.
I know that the Southern California Crew is staying in Las Vegas on Thursday night and perhaps they will share their rates.

My ladyfriend Rena and I are staying through Sunday night in order to see Bette Midler in Concert at the Colosseum at Caesar's Palace. We are staying 1/24/10 at Paris Las Vegas and I have already booked our room at a pretty good discount. Using their "Hot Deals" section of their website I was able to book us in at $77 for the night, usually have to pay $50 more per night at Paris. Some of their sister hotels are now booking for only $30 for Sunday night. Does anyone know of a better website to get Bette Midler tickets at a much lower cost? Best price I can get from Cheap Tickets, whom I've used before, is $320 for Second Mezzanine. Only want to pay $250 maximum!
Great idea.

I may start looking into a room @ the Paris or some other lovely hotel. Have not been to Vegas for 15 years. Some of You FJR Death Valley Dazers are bringing your dual sport bikes, instead of the Yamahas. Know of at least one hombre that'll be mounted on a Suzuki V-Strom, here are pictures taken just this week showing a number of Death Valley Dirt Trails: Titus Canyon, Racetrack, Teakettle Junction, Saline Valley, Cerro Gordo, Rainbow Canyon and Mengel Pass. Photographs are courtesy of T-Bob and ROUNDEL; BMW R1200GS riders.

Note the snow in the pictures! Death Valley's going to be very cold on January 22nd. Bring your heavy gear and electric vest.

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