Gathering Of The Clans, Part Deux?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Big D and Naked Fat Guy & D Kirk

See you Saturday morning at the Shell station at 0715 ready to hit the road to Ventura. :assasin:

1. Confirming, two-up (Linda), meeting at J-I-T-B 09:00h

2. Wait a minute, I am confused. I am Joe S (except here where I am MCML and there where I was Isamacorp) so JoeS must be someone else. Never mind.

3. Paella, Yeah!

4. What about the elusive Ms/Mrs TWN?

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:-( I really wanted to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have fun everyone...catch you all on another one.

1.    Confirming, two-up (Linda), meeting at J-I-T-B 09:00h
2.    Wait a minute, I am confused.  I am Joe S (except here where I am MCML and there where I was Isamacorp) so JoeS must be someone  else.  Never mind.

3.    Paella, Yeah!

4.    What about the elusive Ms/Mrs TWN?
Cornfoimed, MCML 2-up @ 0900!

Yes, indeed you are Joe S, but so is Joe S! S as in Solis. :D

Paella? So that's how you spell it?! Mi espanol no es muy bueno... :(

Mrs. TWN? Sigh... One of our neighbors manages the local Coldwater Creek store (ask Linda). Anywho, with the holidays approaching they were seriously short on staff and since my sweetie loves to yak, sell and enjoy 50% employee discounts, she 'agreed to be talked into' :blink: working weekends through the holidays. In fact, she's having such a ball doing this gig, she's seriously thinking of a career change! Oy! Hey, whatever makes her happy... Also, in all honesty, I think she really misses the Wing and although she won't admit to it, I think the FJR scares her a bit... need to work on that I suppose.

See you Saturday!

See you all there. Staying at Days Inn in King City and then plan on riding through Ft. Hunter Liggett to Highway 1 Saturday a.m. on the way to lunch. :)

Uhh -- What town is Hartford pier at anyway? I am trying to pull up a map. Does Pete's have an address? Thanks. :dribble:

Thanks GunMD - A least I will find the town.

Rogue: Now that you have given away our secret coordinates we will need to request special airspace from the FAA - Way to go Dude . . . :lol:

Oy! Read my earlier post! Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant is there, GPS is effed for a 5 mile radius. Just follow the signs for Port San Luis off 101 or sniff out the paella!

Wow, sorry for flipping back and forth but it looks like I might still make it. We might not be able to bid this contract because it requires a drydock. Anyway, I'll post tonight after work either way.

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Oy! Read my earlier post! Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant is there, GPS is effed for a 5 mile radius. if the Nuc plant eff's up ye ol' GPS what's it doin' to ME as I sit 'round the table eating my seafood delight? Hmmm. We're all gonna glow in the dark on the way home. Cool, now the cagers will have no problem seeing me. :nuke:

:alien: :aaskull: :beach: :nuke: :skull:

Watch your velocity riding through Hunter Liggett. It has a well-deserved reputation for enforcing it's low posted speed limits.


Are the fires up around Ventura / Hwy 33 going to cause us to alter the logistics?

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It's up to 1500 acres and the winds are picking up coming outta the north. Doesn't look good for the area along the 33 (freeway portion) to the 101. We should be OK going through Ojai, accessing the 150 off of 126. However, the possibility exists that they'll close 101, which means I may not be at Jack's in the AM. If this is the case, I'll meet you all at the intersection of 150 and 33 at the 76 station in Ojai. Otherwise, I should be at Jack's at 0830 and still plan an prompt departure at 0900.

Joe, can you lead the group to that point if I can't get to Jack's? I'll PM my cell to you and you can do likewise.
