Gathering Of The Clans, Part Deux?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Hey Tim, please add me to your list! I just checked in here to see after what's doing and read about the mini-meet. My FJR has been sitting covered in the garage on the tender way too long and it would be great to see you guys!

FWIW, I have only a few days more of primary elder care duties before placing Mom in assisted living. I'm not quite sure I know to get on with my own life once again, but I'll try real hard! ;)


Hey Tim, please add me to your list! I just checked in here to see after what's doing and read about the mini-meet. My FJR has been sitting covered in the garage on the tender way too long and it would be great to see you guys!
FWIW, I have only a few days more of primary elder care duties before placing Mom in assisted living. I'm not quite sure I know to get on with my own life once again, but I'll try real hard! ;)

Effjay!!!!!! We've missed ya brudda! You're on the list! And don't fret, we'll get you back into the real world, PDQ!

Update attendee list:

Twowheelnut – 2-up


Highlander – 2-up


OrangvaleFJR – 2-up


Toecutter – 2-up


Silveradoslick – 2-up

Ric n sac – 2-up

Bigdolma (Yey!!!!)




Ojai Roy

ZZkenoman – 2-up

MCML – 2-up

Effjay (Yey!!!!)


04FJR – 2-up





29 ‘Ins’ and 2 ‘maybes’. Post up, do I have this right so far?

And who’s meeting me in Ventura for the ride up Saturday?


Efjay, it's good to hear from you though I do wish the circumstances were a bit less trying. I took TWN and Rogue over Sherman Pass last month (only missed one turn) and remembered your showing the route to me. See you soon,



Add me as a maybe, I will just have gotten back from a meeting in DC and am not absolutely sure what may be in store for me when I get home.

Hope to have final info by Tuesday as I'll be heading up to the Bay area on bidness and will stop by and make arrangements. Won't be able to post-up until Friday though...

Since it will be in November, there is always the possibility of inclement weather. So, who all's going to puss out if it rains? I might be riding single, but I'll be the last one to cancel due to weather (the last thing I need on a ride like that is an uncomfortable whiner on my intercom). I need to thoroughly test out my supposedly waterproof riding gear anyway. So. who's hardcore and who isn't?

When Nov. 1st. comes and I book my motel for two days and can not cancel because of doing it on line, do you think I should still go even if it rains? That being said, it is the coast it should be good weather there and maybe rain a little between here and there. Where is here Woodland there Morrow bay. Besides having an 05 blue fjr ( it is the fastest you know), no rain drops stands a chance to land on the bike nor the rider. So I will be there as well as everyone else. In Feb of this year I road a ninja 600 to San Diego for the boy,( his bike) and it rained from Monteray lightly and down poured going through L.A. to San Diego. Got a little damp but not bad. The only thing I needed was windshield wipers on my helmut ,it was pretty hard to see with the spray coming off the cars and trucks wheels . So I took a break to let the rain ease up a-bit and headed out again.

you just gotta do it in the rain weekend rider :clap: :clap: :clap:

I would like some fellow member out there if he knows what the following is. Where your name and avatar are in the box is at the bottom is some information that I do not know what it is. It states warn. 0% than has five little boxes that are a light brown, what does this mean ? Am real curious, is this a prelude to getting in trouble with the adminstrator? I hope help is on the way asap. To view check my last post on the last post (5)

thanks weekend rider



This thread

And hop on that 'fastest' blue dog of yours and try to keep up with current events, K? Hint: View New Posts linky right under forum header

;) :D ;) :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I'm availabel as well. Over night, breakfast, lunch dinner any and or all of the above. Rain shine, fog or anything in between.


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