Gen II Crash Bar Group Buy

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The early (first shipments) do not have the mount on the bars to relocate the passenger foot pegs.

So the bars you get *may* not have them. If so, don't worry, just call Stephanie and they'll swap them out. One of the rear bars mounting points is the rear foot peg bracket where the peg goes. So... You need a new mount thingy on the bars themselves.

George originally thought his wife/significant other would just use the bars. But she didn't like it so he went back and had them add the peg mounts.

The first run of the rears did not include these mounts. (Mine do not).

Aaron though he could could make up a clamp on mount but Steph has convinced him that would look too gheto. So they are working on a plan to swap out the rears for folks who want rear pegs.

Also there's no footpeg mounts like shown in the direction pics. I'm gonna call them later today but thought I'd see what you all have to say.
What?! I have to give up passengers if I install the rears? Or does this only apply to early deliveries? I can no longer find the pictures originally posted for the rears but I will keep looking.
Someone tell me this is a bad dream? Mine are on their way to Garuald now. If I can't have a pillion I'm done with them. Did I miss something during the course of this "group buy" that said we'd have to give up the passenger footpegs??
No you didn't miss anything. That was not the intention. They'll fix this, but I would call Gary, and if they don't have the mounts for the rear pegs on the bars, ask him to not paint those and call stephanie. They'll get another rear set sent to Gary.

Please keep in mind, this was a mistake. Their normal clientele for this stuff doesn't really have a need for rear pegs so Aaron didn't think anything of it when making up the first batch. It wasn't part of the original set that George had made up from which the jigs were constructed.


Alrighty... I just got off the phone with Aaron and Steph. Did I mention these folks have been outstanding to work with?
I tried to mount my fronts tonight and couldn't get them to fit... Partially because they sent me a right side (at my request) that had a smaller tube, and my rear engine bolt was literally backwards. In from the left side, not the right. Backwards from even the fiche drawings. Once I figured that out, it was game on. They fit perfectly.

The rears though will need to wait. I can't give up my pegs and the first 10 orders or so for the rears don't have peg mounts. Apparently George's original design didn't include them and that was the jig they used. He came back a couple weeks later and had some welded on. You can see this difference in the first set of pics from the last set of pics.

The are working on a couple solutions to get rear pegs on our bars. It may end up that we need to just send them back, have the brackets welded on and have them re-coated.

So except for the current rear peg issue, all bars have shipped as of today (according to Stephanie). Unless you've asked her to hold off on shipping them.

They will have a Gen 1 in the shop tomorrow for fitment. Apparently they'll only have it for 4 hours. It would be really sweet if anyone else is near by that they can test fit them on after they are made.

That's it for now.

i volunteerred my bike for a week or 2 but Stephanie talked about having another Gen I for fitting today. I'll wait if she calls me back if they need a longer time to measure fitment.

Their normal clientele for this stuff doesn't really have a need for rear pegs so Aaron didn't think anything of it when making up the first batch.
Oh, we should have told them we're not normal :)

No big deal in the grand scheme... I was hoping to have these by SFO to show off.... it's 55~ days away. I'm hoping everything can get sorted out and I can have them installed by then.

Glad to see turbodave_98 is re-using his wild bill pegs...I would like pics if you can TD_98!!

Thanks Renegade....I was really hoping I didn't miss something.

I originally sent them pics with my hydration kit in place, hoping they could design the Gen I rear bars to preserve the bottle mounts. Rear pegs would also have to be retained.

I'm not gonna push the issue any further. The way I see it, they are getting enough calls from us as it is. At some point, they're likely (and justified) to be done with us. Wouldn't be the first time. I'll just be happy to patiently wait and end up with front bars, which are already bought and paid for.

So, who's gonna run the next (Gen I +) crash bar group buy?

I originally sent them pics with my hydration kit in place, hoping they could design the Gen I rear bars to preserve the bottle mounts. Rear pegs would also have to be retained.
I'm not gonna push the issue any further. The way I see it, they are getting enough calls from us as it is. At some point, they're likely (and justified) to be done with us. Wouldn't be the first time. I'll just be happy to patiently wait and end up with front bars, which are already bought and paid for.

So, who's gonna run the next (Gen I +) crash bar group buy?
I vote you! :)

Seriously, it wouldn't surprise me if they got another 20+ orders for Gen 1 bikes. While this group buy hasn't been w/o it's issues racing905 has done a fabulous job working through them. The biggest issue for them was getting their hands on a bike for fitment.

Originally everyone thought there'd be one set for all gen II's. That turned out not to be the case. There are some minor differences between 06-09's, I think in the rear bolt area.

Obviously AE's are different as well (so we learned).

There was the miss on the rear pegs and the mounts that were added after the original design.

They are open to looking at ways to mount highway pegs, but again w/o out a bike to lay hands on this will be more difficult.

Steph is aware of the desire to keep or mount a hydration kit.

Bear in mind their standard clientele doesn't ride for more than an hour at a time and while doing so is often throwing their bike on the ground ;) I recently found out the were in Indy and offered to ride over and meet them. It's just over 2 hours from me, and they couldn't fathom that.

So all in all this has worked out. They aren't done with us, but we've also been good to work with for them.

So it's win/win.

As everyone knows, you can't please everyone no matter what you do but they've certainly tried.



Toecutter hinted at this and I would like to back it up by saying this: These is a FIRST-RUN production of a prototype device that NO ONE has done before! The FJR cuommunity has been wanting, whinning and waiting for this for YEARS and someone(s) stepped up and made it happen.

On top of it all, a cut-rate group buy was arranged, design flaws discovered AND fixed, another bike style added and the promise of sliders (an easy $100 value depending on who/what you buy) promised for the first group to get in on this.

Finally, the manufacturer has been NOTHING but receptive in our questions, complaints, reports and desires on this project. Please keep this in mind and be patient. NO ONE is more impatient than I am when it comes to getting my toys, but I make exception when a business goes out of its way to make a group happy with their product.

With all that said, I want to thank everyone who has been a part of this for keeping things up-beat and positive. I just want to make sure it stays that way.

As a footnote, I would like to say that I TOO assumed that the rears had foot peg mounts. In fact, I made a complaint about their mounting location (I didn't realize 905 didn't put them on) because it moved the pegs up and back, not down and forward like most pillions need. However, I can completely understand how a company making crash bars for stunt bikes would not consider a passenger in the manufacturing of an FJR-rider-designed product. For my own amusement, I'm going to send them an email and THANK THEM for putting up with us and giving such terrific customer service on this first attempt at a MUCH WANTED product. Feel free to join me. [email protected] [email protected]

It's a new product for them. This is the R&D portion. I was a little upset about the rear bars but it was a misunderstanding I can get past. They have been exceptional to work with. Quick responses, no b.s. answers. If they had an account here they may have had some better insight to our asylum ...then again, they may have left running and screaming....

Who's to say this is the last time they try something new for the FJR? They know by now we show up in droves for great ideas. If they could fab up some other widget for the bike that we find somewhat useful and post here I bet at least 10 people buy it.

EDIT:: yeah, what Duff said! :)

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Their normal clientele for this stuff doesn't really have a need for rear pegs so Aaron didn't think anything of it when making up the first batch.
Oh, we should have told them we're not normal :)

No big deal in the grand scheme... I was hoping to have these by SFO to show off.... it's 55~ days away. I'm hoping everything can get sorted out and I can have them installed by then.

Glad to see turbodave_98 is re-using his wild bill pegs...I would like pics if you can TD_98!!

Thanks Renegade....I was really hoping I didn't miss something.
Check out this link for pics of Wild Bill pegs and Skyway hydration unit.

Their normal clientele for this stuff doesn't really have a need for rear pegs so Aaron didn't think anything of it when making up the first batch.
Oh, we should have told them we're not normal :)

No big deal in the grand scheme... I was hoping to have these by SFO to show off.... it's 55~ days away. I'm hoping everything can get sorted out and I can have them installed by then.

Glad to see turbodave_98 is re-using his wild bill pegs...I would like pics if you can TD_98!!

Thanks Renegade....I was really hoping I didn't miss something.
Check out this link for pics of Wild Bill pegs and Skyway hydration unit.

Thanks!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Definitly want a set for my Gen 1.

I'm 100% sure I'll use then in Alaska

I left my name with Stephanie


Definitly want a set for my Gen 1.I'm 100% sure I'll use then in Alaska

I left my name with Stephanie

I'm on the list for Gen I

Originally paid for a set, but Steph called me and said they were ironing out the Gen II and didn't even have a Gen I to measure yet. Credited my purchase price in full and put me on a list for future purchase on Gen I bars for same group buy price. I sure have no complaints with these folks and their efforts to get this done, and done right.


Mike in Nawlins'

Definitly want a set for my Gen 1.I'm 100% sure I'll use then in Alaska

I left my name with Stephanie

I'm on the list for Gen I

Originally paid for a set, but Steph called me and said they were ironing out the Gen II and didn't even have a Gen I to measure yet. Credited my purchase price in full and put me on a list for future purchase on Gen I bars for same group buy price. I sure have no complaints with these folks and their efforts to get this done, and done right.


Mike in Nawlins'
I brought my gen 1 bike to 905 yesterday so they will have a crash bar ready sometime next week.

Busy place they have there.

I got to spend a few hours at the Gas Lamp District (downtown San Diego) while they were making a jig off my bike.


I just did my first oil change after the crash bar install and had ZERO issues. Plenty of room to get to the filter and lots of room behind it when removing. I use the stock Yammi filter.
