Help me ride into the World Record books!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Yeah, your a wildman...but're OUR wildman !!!

Sorry for such a paltry amount but its the best I can do for now.

Be safe as you need to be and good luck and thanks for you do in the name of two wheels !



Shades of Timex replacement. You do realize that despite your gruff exterior,you gonna cry like a baby once you got the title, and realize that a whole shitload of people believed that you could do it, and wanted to be a part of it, don't you? Well, don't you? I thought so.

Go for a 3 way on this.
My company J&K Fencing will sponsor as well. Dont need a sticker. Just give me a link on your website to JANDKFENCING.COM so I can have a legit tax write off for Uncle Sam as Advertising (should they do an audit).

It looks like you are a go Fo sho.

Too bad its not and FJR, or I'ld insist Toe keeps his money on the seat :p

Sweet, thanks, WC Rides!!!!!!

As other's have stated your contribution's to this board cannot be measured properly for what other's have gained,(myself included) I will contribute $$ not nearly the extent that I have saved and learned from you and other's on this board.

If anyone's name or sponsorship kudo's are listed in the effort, I think prop's should go to Toecutter! He has taken a great deal that was given to him and really turned it into a superb gesture of support and encouragement that should be an example for all of us to follow. Yes I will contribute,Yes I will bid, But most importantly I will wish you the best wishes for a safe and speedy completetion of your ride. P.S. your book is due out WHEN??

Dale, good luck on your ride but I would offer one suggestion. Instead of going out buying a bunch of gas cards just call your Credit Card companies and let them know what you are doing and your expected expenses for the week. As long as they have been given notice you should have no problems. I did this when I purchased a couple grand worth of gift cards for work.
Then there's the issue of the gas station shutting you off (not your credit card co, but the Chevron, Shell, etc). I've seen this more than once. Chevron seems to be particularly sensitive to usage that is "excessive" and they'll shut you off or force you to go inside and see the attendant. This can be avoided w/ the gas cards.

Then there's the issue of the gas station shutting you off (not your credit card co, but the Chevron, Shell, etc). I've seen this more than once. Chevron seems to be particularly sensitive to usage that is "excessive" and they'll shut you off or force you to go inside and see the attendant. This can be avoided w/ the gas cards.
Feckin' Chevron does that to me every damn time I use the card(s) more than 3 times in two days. Sometimes, I have no choice... gotta fill the car, the FJR and the Strom. :dntknw:

As other's have stated your contribution's to this board cannot be measured properly for what other's have gained,(myself included) I will contribute $$ not nearly the extent that I have saved and learned from you and other's on this board.

Best of luck. Donation sent. Be safe.

Then there's the issue of the gas station shutting you off (not your credit card co, but the Chevron, Shell, etc). I've seen this more than once. Chevron seems to be particularly sensitive to usage that is "excessive" and they'll shut you off or force you to go inside and see the attendant. This can be avoided w/ the gas cards.
Hmm, i guess it wouldn't hurt to get 10 Chevron cards with $50 each on them, and 10 shell cards with $50 each, etc.


I told my cousin Eddie about your ride - he wants to go too...

Should be in Kansas about now on his Cow-a-saki :blink:


Payment sent. A small token for all you've done for this board.

-A small digital voice recorder (on loan) so that you can mumble nonsense into it starting about 1/2 way through day two and have a permanent account of your thoughts and experiences .....
And I think this is great advice. We're all going to want to hear some tales from the road. And this may be the only way you'll remember them! Get one for your support man too!

Git r done, Dale!


I noticed you'll have Star-Traxx on the bike (assuming you will cause they are sponsoring you?)... Will we be able to watch this world record setting ride in real time?

Dale, from the far side of the world I want to wish you well. I have only just now become aware of this feat and just had to add my comment.

Crazy ? hell yeah...... just crazy enough to work.

I thought differently after reading your web pages, fatigue is your only demon and you above most understand that.

Best of Aussie luck.


I think asking forum members to help pay for your gas so you can accomplish some personal agenda is outrageous.

My 2cents.

Good Luck and have a safe ride.
