I bet Ponyfool and Pigster know this guy...

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OK, i couldn't help but see this thread and compare it to an eastern Nevada / western Utah thing.

Maybe you have to live in nevada to appreciate a Chief of Police, married to a stripper who goes by the name of "Ecstasy" and deals drugs.

This model pig has been forced to resign ....maybe he can be replaced by one of Oregon's finest?

WENDOVER, Utah (AP) -- The Wendover, Utah, police chief's wife was arrested during a drug bust at a Nevada nightclub where she works as a stripper named "Ecstasy."

Sylvia Tripp, 39, was booked into the Elko County Jail on suspicion of drug distribution and possessing medication without a prescription, said Craig Ronzone, commander of the Elko County drug task force.

She was later released, the Salt Lake Tribune reported on its Web site Tuesday. Formal charges have not been filed.

Tripp is the wife of Vaughn Tripp, the police chief in Wendover on the Utah-Nevada

border. She was one of three people arrested Friday after undercover officers made drug buys.

"She was a drug store," Ronzone said.

Tripp works as a stripper at Southern X-Posure in West Wendover, Nev., he said.




PS: She's pretty hot, ..well as far as drugged-up stripper sgo ......never bought that much "X" from her though

FUZZY BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like drugged up strippers.

[ :read: This whole thread is becoming a tripp. :rolleyes:
Lets bring this thread back on track. He should cry loudly to the judge:

"My wife left me and I've not been the same since then. She left me for another cop, an Oregon State Trooper. I looked in my rearviews and I saw the Oregon Patrol and I fled because I thought they were trying to bring her back!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, who has not been suprised on their FJR when they look at the speedo or gps top speed for the trip and those numbers were 15 over what they were thinking they were doing.

Can that Dodge catch an FJR? Probably needs a chip eh?

Linda Tripp works as a stripper at Southern X-Posure in West Wendover, Nev.
PS: She's pretty hot, ..well as far as drugged-up strippers go ......never bought that much sex from her though
All fixed for ya Reno :lol:


Yeah, sounds like a real winner of a cop and a great dad - a real role model. He had his 16-YO daughter on the back at those speeds, getting pursued by the cops? WTF?


I don't think cops should be held to a "higher level" Just the SAME level as the rest of us. He should get the same I would, no more or less.
I understand he may loose credibility as a traffic enforcement officer and may need a NEW position in the dept. but, personally I don't think he should loose his job, UNLESS he was RUNNING, but it doesn't sound like it IMO.

He should, however be smacked upside the head for doing it with his 16yo on the back, ESP since this was not a highway. I have done 90 w/ my wife on the highway and we were still being passed. Traffic conditions and all that...

I agree with this completely. I have been an LEO for quite some time. I am tired of hearing the "higher level" or "higher standard" being applied to LEOs. We are regular people enforcing the law, no more no less. If sombody does something stupid, no matter his or her profession, then he or she should get spanked. I beleive in equal protection under the law, as per the Constitution. I don't remember reading about an "higher standards" anywhere in the Constitution.


In my view, this guy made a tragic series of mistakes: wicking it up with his daughter on the back, failing to watch his six, multiple illegal passes, exceeding 100 mph on crowded surface street, and, worst of all. trying to outrun the cops on an '05. Unless you're a fool, you know you need an '06 for that.

81 MPH? Whoopty shit. May have hit 100? Concentrating on the road instead of the mirrors? For some reason this doesn't seem that heinous to me.

Executing a pass and hitting 100 on the FJR takes just seconds, and is not inherently dangerous, depending on traffic conditions. IMO, passing quickly is sometimes the safest way around other vehicles. You spend less time exposed to oncoming traffic. As long as it wasn't double yellow or a blind curve, I don't see how this guy "endangered" anyone, pillion or no. And I really don't get all this angst about his daughter on the back, unless he was pulling reckless, hairball passes. Maybe the dude was just out having a little fun twistin' his grip.

I'll be withholding judgement until more of the facts are in. That video would really tell the story.

And $30K+ Chargers with 300+ HP and 12 mpg just to catch speeders? Please, gimme a break - talk about limiting your profit margins! They'll need to raise the rates out there to keep from going tit's up! :lol:

I don't think cops should be held to a "higher level" Just the SAME level as the rest of us. He should get the same I would, no more or less.
I understand he may loose credibility as a traffic enforcement officer and may need a NEW position in the dept. but, personally I don't think he should loose his job, UNLESS he was RUNNING, but it doesn't sound like it IMO.

He should, however be smacked upside the head for doing it with his 16yo on the back, ESP since this was not a highway. I have done 90 w/ my wife on the highway and we were still being passed. Traffic conditions and all that...

I agree with this completely. I have been an LEO for quite some time. I am tired of hearing the "higher level" or "higher standard" being applied to LEOs. We are regular people enforcing the law, no more no less. If sombody does something stupid, no matter his or her profession, then he or she should get spanked. I beleive in equal protection under the law, as per the Constitution. I don't remember reading about an "higher standards" anywhere in the Constitution.

Speaking as an 18 year cop, I COMPLETELY disagree with you. Because we are the enforcers of the law, we have a DUTY to abide by the law. As I mentioned before, a violation is just that, a violation so cop or no cop doesn't really matter. However, if you have a cop who regularly, repeatedly, and continuously gets stopped for speeding, I'm sorry, he doesn't deserve to be a cop anymore.

A cop that commits a crime doesn't deserve to be a cop anymore.

I fully believe that there are some professions that NEED to be held to a higher standard. Teachers, police, etc are among them. I don't want a former prostitute teaching my children in school but couldn't care less if they are selling dish towels at the department store. I don't want a former drug dealer working as a cop but don't care if they work as a juvenile counselor trying to keep kids off drugs. There are certain public trusts that need to be maintained, and having integrity in and among the ranks of police work is one of those public trusts. Without integrity, in my opinion, a department is worthless.

And, contrary to the "thin blue line" theory, cops should be the ones holding other cops to that high standard. YOU shouldn't accept mediocrity in and amongst your ranks, and you certainly shouldn't allow criminal behavior, on or off duty.

As for your "constitutional" response, I'm not talking about a higher standard in the eyes of the court. There, I agree with you with a few exceptions. I'm talking about the ability to keep and maintain certification as a cop. Being a cop is NOT a constitutional right, it is a PRIVILEGE! Where I believe cops should be held to a higher standard in the eyes of the court are in times of malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance. If a cop breaks the law under color of authority, he should be held to an incredibly higher standard than the average citizen. For example, a cop that uses his authority to commit a sex crime is far worse an offender than the guy on his first date committing the same crime. An off duty cop that gets in a bar fight and proceeds to pummel a guy should be treated the same as any other bar fight unless he produces his badge to people trying to stop the fight and says, "Police business" or some other bullshit statement. Then he needs to be held to a considerably higher standard.

I'd like to throw a little gas on this fire. Have any of you ever taken your 16yo daughter for a ride? I have, and the only thing I can hear over the wind is "faster, daddy, faster". For the most part, my desire to protect my little girl wins out, but it's nearly impossible to not open the FJR up once or twice just to feel her hug me tight, and hear her tell her friends afterward how cool her dad is. I take her water skiing, mountain biking, and snowboarding, too - we're both very good (I'm better than her on the bike, she's better on the planks), and we constantly challenge one another.

On the flip side, I never do my "stupid dad tricks" in traffic, I never get anywhere close to the bike's or my performance limits, I live and breathe ATGATT, and the adrenalin bursts happen once or twice a ride and last for a minute or two. She knows the difference between exciting and dangerous, and she has a pretty good idea where the line that divides the two is.

Is it stupid? Maybe. Is it dangerous? Probably. Will I keep doing it? You bet your ass! As long as she wants to do things with me, I'll do what I can to keep up with her and keep her wanting more.


PS: She's pretty hot, ..well as far as drugged-up strippers go ......never bought that much "X" from her though
I'm worried about you John. :ermm:
1. Simple, most of the time, cops will not give other cops speeding tickets.
2. ...but I'm willing to bet there are several people on this forum who have hit 100 (even if just for a split second) while 2-up.

3. I'm also curious about what it means to "illegally pass several vehicles." Did he pass on the shoulder? Did he (this one is for TWN) SHARE lanes with them??? Or was he simply speeding and passed them. This is another situation where I wish they had the camera running so that the video could be reviewed in court.
1. I have. I've even arrested two. They were both for DUII. One from Portland and one from an agency in Montana. Wasn't fun, but they're not above the law. Nor am I if I get stopped.

2. I haven't, but I'm kind of a weenie with my wife on the back and w/o question, I would not ride like that with my daughter on the back.

3. All of our new cars, and this was one was new if you noticed in the news photos that it was our "big boy" Chargers, have cameras mounted in them.

Also note the highways this occurred on. If you're familiar with the area, Hwy 126 and Hwy 20 are not interstate roadways. The speed limits out there are a max of 55 mph. The roads also travel through the Cascade Mtn range. Very twisty roads, very few passing lanes and mostly double yellow. I'm betting they were bad passes in every sense of the word "bad" this time. I speak from experience, both personal and from patrolling them... in a car and on a bike. :)

Don't mis-interpret me here. I'm not rushing to the defense of the OSP Sergeant and also not flaming others' points of view, but merely want to paint an accurate picture. The whole story will come out and if the Bend officer needs to be held accountable, hopefully he will. If it was a bad call by the OSP Sergeant, hopefully that will come out, too.
And if you really think about it, it then became a I have this charger and you are toast.... I am going to catch you and show you you are not out running me!!!!!!

I have run against one of those with a 2001 ss and left it , but I am sure it was more driver than car...

since it should have about 25 more horses....

But i have to agree, he made a terrible decission, and will have to pay for it....

Hey Fencer with respect but that's just plain bullshit.

There's something here that just doesn't gel? A career Copper, By all accounts very good at his job and well respected? And to do something potentially dangerous with his daughter on the back? Na something here is not quite right.

I'd like to throw a little gas on this fire. Have any of you ever taken your 16yo daughter for a ride? ....

....Is it stupid? Maybe. Is it dangerous? Probably. Will I keep doing it? You bet your ass! As long as she wants to do things with me, I'll do what I can to keep up with her and keep her wanting more.

Thats an interesting and I think valid perspective. As long as you have explained the risks and believe your daughter can understand them. Its far better for your daughter to be doing these things with you then other things that she could be doing. There are many risks and challenges that 16 year olds face in this world. I am assuming you wouldn't run from the cops though. Maybe its time for an FZ6 for that girl.

There's something here that just doesn't gel? A career Copper, By all accounts very good at his job and well respected? And to do something potentially dangerous with his daughter on the back? Na something here is not quite right.
Gotta agree with you Thug....something more than meets the eye.

Just speculating here....the guy takes off 'cause he's got a beer or two on his breath. Hopes he can make it to a cut-off somewhere and lose his LEO brother, but wises-up and finally pulls over.

The reason he doesn't get the "common courtesy 'slow down and c'ya, brother'" speech is the beer on his breath. The arresting LEO has already called it in during the pursuit so he charges the dude with the lesser of 2 evils.

SOMETHING impaired his judgment.

Pure wild-ass-guess speculation.

Ahh Wendover....the days of running gas tankers from Wyoming to Cali....

Wonder if She's related to Mitt?

(It's a joke for g*d's sake!!!)

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