OK Barb, all levity aside. It has been my philosophy to treat a female with the same honor and respect on forums as guys. I know we all do some kidding around and some sexual innuendos etc, but most of it is done in fun with no disrespect intended. However, there is a fine line that should not be crossed even with postings, IMHO.
Since I went back and read the postings, my response is that you should seek advice on what needs to be done about this person from your local legal authorities. I'd gather as much information about his name, address, work etc. to provide them. Maybe just one phone call from the authorities would scare him off if he is really harmless. It that doesn't do it, I would get a restraining order and set up some unofficial (friends, family, brute squad etc) to keep a close monitoring of your home, activities (if you don't mind that) so you would know safety is near at hand. Truly, I wish you well, and it is a shame women have to put up or deal with things such as this. It sounds like many guys and gals on this forum care about your welfare, so if any of them are near you and you trust them, seek their help in your security.