NAFO 1K and 1.5K RIDES!

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Anyone have some pics of past rally towels they can share, so that those of us that are new to this have an idea of what you are looking for?

Anyone have some pics of past rally towels they can share, so that those of us that are new to this have an idea of what you are looking for?
Nope! We might have to design each other's and if so, I want you to be totally blindsided... :lol:

Well I justs signed up. I just hope that it stops snowing by then. The weather here in the mountains this spring has been anything but good riding weather. Lots of snow and gravel on the roads. Just to let everybody know the roads here in Grand County are getting pretty beat up this year. Lots of holes and really bad spots. Hwy 125 is the worst.

Ya tellin me I gotta bring a towel too?


OK Folks.

We have 23 riders so far, and yes, you have to bring a towel.

Now Towelie, if you wanna get high, this ride is PERFECT for you.

Tee hee.

Complete, and even accurate, rider list on page 8.

DEADLINE for sign-ups is July 10th.

Good news, we will have some deli-style food for all of you at the end of your ride. Maybe even some beer. That is part of your NAFO Rally fee, and just one more way we are taking care of you.


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Good news, we will have some deli-style food for all of you at the end of your ride. Maybe even some beer. That is part of your NAFO Rally fee, and just one more way we are taking care of you.
Is this suppose to be the carrot or the stick part of the deal? :) Who's picking the beer?

Mmmm Beeeeeeeeeer

Ohh, what size towel, or does it mater? Neer done one of them dar rally type thingies

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Good news, we will have some deli-style food for all of you at the end of your ride. Maybe even some beer.
That is really optimistic of you, thinking Beerme is going to finish this one on time...

[SIZE=8pt]This post by el FJR Piggo coming from the sunny and warm beach of Marco Island, Florida.[/SIZE]

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This just in:

Steve Chalmers, Rally Master for the 1088, is now doing really cool wood and aluminum engraving of your IBA ride certificates. You still get a paper Cert. from the IBA, but for a few bucks more you can buy from Steve a plaque type of cert. Check out the link.

Steve has graciously donated one plaque to the rider of my choice for the NAFO SS1K. I chose Hal Risser, as he is always the first to sign up for these rides and he always gets it right the first time. Unlike you guys from Oregon.<G>

So congrats Hal, ASSuming you don't repeat last years bungle in a worse way, you will be receiving a sweet plaque courtesy of Chalmers.


OK Folks.
We have 20 riders so far, and yes, you have to bring a towel.

Now Towelie, if you wanna get high, this ride is PERFECT for you.

Tee hee.

Complete, and even accurate, rider list on page 8.

DEADLINE for sign-ups is July 10th.

Good news, we will have some deli-style food for all of you at the end of your ride. Maybe even some beer. That is part of your NAFO Rally fee, and just one more way we are taking care of you.

Beer at the end of the ride ! ! ! ! Ok, now I have something to ride for, make that 21 riders . . . I am now signed up and will be teaming up with Bob Vail as these two virgins take down the 1000 mile challenge

This just in:
Steve Chalmers, Rally Master for the 1088, is now doing really cool wood and aluminum engraving of your IBA ride certificates. You still get a paper Cert. from the IBA, but for a few bucks more you can buy from Steve a plaque type of cert. Check out the link.

Steve has graciously donated one plaque to the rider of my choice for the NAFO SS1K. I chose Hal Risser, as he is always the first to sign up for these rides and he always gets it right the first time. Unlike you guys from Oregon.<G>

So congrats Hal, ASSuming you don't repeat last years bungle in a worse way, you will be receiving a sweet plaque courtesy of Chalmers.


WOW!!! I just read this!!

How about I sign up for the BBG4000, and turn it into a SS1k?

Kinda like last year?

I still have my "WFO5 VIRGIN" towel:


It stays in the garage, cause the boss lady won't let it in the house.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, GZ got me hooked. I keep coming back for more.

Thanks, George !!

(I'll express my Thanks to RB Chalmers at the BBQ in June.)

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I still have my "WFO5 VIRGIN" towel:
It stays in the garage, cause the boss lady won't let it in the house.
+1 That is where my WFO6 towel hangs, in the garage on the wall behind my bike's parking spot. Not inside-worthy, I'm told...

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OK, I'll make it an even 22 for this gig. :thumbsup: Hawk Pilot, Bob Vail and myself will be known from this point forward as 'The Three Amigos'. And we're all virgins too!

George - sent my info to you via the link.

This is going to be awesome. I've ridden a lot of roads in Colorado already, but not like this! Nice long ride, food and beer at the end, what's not to like about this 24 hours out of my life!

So, what's the deal on the towel thing? Has anyone taken the reigns on this? What sort of righteous indignation to we to bring upon George??? <_<

Welcome wyowags!

Read the last few pages or so and you'll understand the towel thing.

Sweet Jebuz I never thought we'd have so many riders. Maybe I should just make it a regular bonus hunting rally.<G>

