NAFO Dates Set!

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Is this a location pool?

Oh well, put me down for Golden. No specific reason, but Coors is there!

I've got it now, it's got to be Leadville. At 10430 ft it's definitely higher than Denver. Just thinking about it will get your engine surging. It's roughly 75 miles from Denver as the crow flies, but about 100 as the crow rides an FJR.

This is high country like no other place, Leadville claims to be the highest incorporated city in North America. One of the main reasons that I bought the FJR was that I needed more power to get over Colorado's passes, and there are passes aplenty surrounding Leadville. To the north are Tennessee Pass (10424 ft), and Fremont Pass (11318 ft). Then to the south and west is Independence Pass (12093 ft) on the way to Aspen. This is one of the funnest rides in Colorado, it has incredible scenery, and it's a great twisty road. Last time I came over this pass in June of this year it was 32 degrees and snowing, what a ride.

So, ladies and gents, rig up the oxygen tank on your FJR, we are headed to the mountains. :yahoo:


My money is on Estes Park, the gateway to Rocky Mt NP. From there we can ride over Trail Ridge road, the highest continuous paved road in the US at 12183 ft. It's a great ride when there is not too much traffic.
Or construction.

Rode that road during the Iron Butt Rally back in August, and there was signifcant construction going on with lane closures. Luckily, I was early enough in the morning that other traffic and waiting wasn't a problem, but the slippery gravel/rocky surface was a bit unnerving at times.

During the IBR, I also got to do Tennessee and Fremont passes, and then my favorite - Independece Pass. Had never been on that road/pass before, and it was both something I will never forget, and something I can't wait to do again.

As for Leadville, I aint seeing it. Do they have facilities there big enough for the type of even that NAFO will be? And that are reasonably priced?

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My money is on Estes Park, the gateway to Rocky Mt NP. From there we can ride over Trail Ridge road, the highest continuous paved road in the US at 12183 ft. It's a great ride when there is not too much traffic.
Or construction.

Rode that road during the Iron Butt Rally back in August, and there was signifcant construction going on with lane closures. Luckily, I was early enough in the morning that other traffic and waiting wasn't a problem, but the slippery gravel/rocky surface was a bit unnerving at times.

During the IBR, I also got to do Tennessee and Fremont passes, and then my favorite - Independece Pass. Had never been on that road/pass before, and it was both something I will never forget, and something I can't wait to do again.

As for Leadville, I aint seeing it. Do they have facilities there big enough for the type of even that NAFO will be? And that are reasonably priced?
I hope they finished the construction this summer, but I'm not sure. We only went over Trail Ridge a couple of times this summer, and we managed to miss the delays.

I'm not certain about the lodging situation in Leadville. TWN might have found a resort/ranch in the area. I do know that it is much more reasonably priced than the resorts. But then, I love the resorts any time of year as well.

Leadville also has Rosie's Brew Pub, which is probably the "highest" brewery in the country, not to mention a great place to eat.


Well, in the location-guess pool, I will take Colorado Springs. It's 70 miles from Denver and the elevation is 6,000'. What prize do I get when I win? :dirol:

What prize do I get when I win?
Yewer gunna git wun FREE invite tuh the pardee. Iffen yuh win. :D Yewer still agunna hafta pay fer yer rumes en grub. :eek: En yewer gunn be apayin' fer yer T-shirt, tew! :rolleyes:
Rode that road during the Iron Butt Rally back in August, and there was signifcant construction going on with lane closures. ...As for Leadville, I aint seeing it. Do they have facilities there big enough for the type of even that NAFO will be? And that are reasonably priced?
Really? Me too. Were we riding that rally together or passing each other? Who can tell..... it was Day 10 and 11 as I meandered through Independence, Tennessee, and Milner. Several times as I passed towns I said to myself, "This would make a good place for a NAFO. I wonder if they have facilities to house 300+ FJR riders?"...and then had to, naturally, return to the task at hand.

Great riding region. I'm thinking some people might be getting warmer....but not hot. ;)

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Well, in the location-guess pool, I will take Colorado Springs. It's 70 miles from Denver and the elevation is 6,000'. What prize do I get when I win? :dirol:
Seems someone has donated a whole bunch of jimmy kicks. Get in line. ;)

[SIZE=14pt]Remember,[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Remember,[/SIZE][SIZE=8pt]Remember..........[/SIZE]

This thread is about NAFO dates, the location will eventually be announced once El Jeffe finalizes the contracts.

IOW, I'm going regardless of the exact location. [SIZE=12pt]FJRs vs. Colorado![/SIZE] :yahoo:

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