NAFO web site - Registration Open Until July 20th

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So let me get this straight, Mike..... TWN's bike gets parked next to the dumpster....Oh OK, Commandant!!!!
[SIZE=8pt]Ssshhhhhhhhh.......Be vewy vewy kwyett. He'll be so tired from riding Caba around as pillion on the day ride, he won't even remember where to park.[/SIZE]

Then "El Jeffe" will have a couple of adult beverages and lead a chorus or two of "Kumbaya", participate in the group hug, and.....

Hate to bust your bubble there, Sheriff, but one of the perks of being El Jefe is that I get a room to park the bike in. And a bike washing babe to, um, polish things up, too!


OK! Air tickets to get from Eastern Europe to well almost all plans made. :rolleyes:
AIR TICKETS TO IDAHO??? What you aren't riding all the way from Kosice? Slacker! I guess you will take the "came the furthest" award from me this year!! :)
As far as the "came from the furthest" award, I might have that unless we have someone showing up from Australia or South Africa.
Not to burst anyones bubble here, but I think the award is for whoever rode the furthest.
And since I'm riding from Alaska and taking three weeks to get there, taking the long way down, I "should " be in the running for most miles to the event ! :D
What -- Get rewarded for lousy navigation and riding in circles? Did you ever hear the story of wrong way Corrigan? It's a classic. :p

OK! Air tickets to get from Eastern Europe to well almost all plans made. :rolleyes:
AIR TICKETS TO IDAHO??? What you aren't riding all the way from Kosice? Slacker! I guess you will take the "came the furthest" award from me this year!! :)
As far as the "came from the furthest" award, I might have that unless we have someone showing up from Australia or South Africa.
Not to burst anyones bubble here, but I think the award is for whoever rode the furthest.
And since I'm riding from Alaska and taking three weeks to get there, taking the long way down, I "should " be in the running for most miles to the event ! :D
What -- Get rewarded for lousy navigation and riding in circles? Did you ever hear the story of wrong way Corrigan? It's a classic. :p

Technically I started riding to NAFO last year in Kentucky, Somehow I ended up in Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary........

Hmmmm....Dang... I knew I should have taken that left turn in Albequerqy.... :huh:

Ssshhhhhhhhh.......Be vewy vewy kwyett

* NAFO fee paid: CHECK

* Hotel room reserved: CHECK

Can't wait... :dribble:

Just wondering if it has been determined/finalized who to date, is doing the most miles (RIDING) to get to NAFO2008?

According to Google Maps it's around 2,050 miles for me :yahoo:

My, my, my, but we've had a healthy run of sign-ups this past week! Way to go guys! :good:

And for those who keep procrastinating, don't - the rooms are going zippity quick!

One asumes there'll be no tents allowed in the parking lot? Sleeping on one's FJR? A hammock between the vendor booths?

Drat, heck and fap!! That means everyone will need a room.

Question - I couldn't find the answer in the other posts, sorry.

Can a non-FJR owner visit y'all @ NAFO? I may be getting a CBR1100XX on Monday, and I'd LOVE an excuse to come back to Colorado for riding...

Technically, the various FJR gatherings are open to anyone with this caveat:

One must own or be interested in an FJR. There have always been those who have ridden in with friends, etc. We're not "bike snobs" or "platform agnostics".

You'd have to understand this is not a "motorcycle meet", but a gathering of FJRs, so everything is set up and orbits around this specific platform (unlike ST-n gatherings or other "open" meets).

TWN, Ignacio, Warchild....have you additional comments?

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That's cool - as long as by "interested" you mean "obsessive", right? I am very likely going to trade my 05 Ultra for an 08 FJR, but the 98 CBR1100XX is a great deal, and I have always liked one.

The FJR, on the other hand ... I'm almost a bit nervous. It's like knowing you can sleep with Jennifer Aniston, but having a bit of performance anxiety!

That kind of sounds like interested to me.

It also sounds like just the place that would be perfect for you to go to.

By the end of that week end I'll bet your mind is alot closer to being made up than it is now.

.............but the 98 CBR1100XX is a great deal, and I have always liked one.
The FJR, on the other hand ... I'm almost a bit nervous. It's like knowing you can sleep with Jennifer Aniston, but having a bit of performance anxiety!
You have a Blackbird and are having performance anxiety about an FJR..... :huh: :unsure:

Regarding Jennifer Aniston.....perhaps the phrase "die trying" might apply. :blink:

...I am very likely going to trade my 05 Ultra for an 08 FJR...
That quote just got you in the door. Get going and sign up. Warning: You will not buy a factory unsupported platform (as in Honda could give a shit about the US market when it comes to Black Birds) after a weekend with this crew. ;)

TWN, Rally Master

One asumes there'll be no tents allowed in the parking lot? Sleeping on one's FJR? A hammock between the vendor booths?
Drat, heck and fap!! That means everyone will need a room.
Isn't there a "Camping at NAFO" topic going on? Or was that Morro Bay?

One asumes there'll be no tents allowed in the parking lot? Sleeping on one's FJR? A hammock between the vendor booths?
Drat, heck and fap!! That means everyone will need a room.
Isn't there a "Camping at NAFO" topic going on? Or was that Morro Bay?
Uhm....context, regarding the posts above mine since I was responding to something Tim said about reserving hotel rooms.

And careful reading of my quote specifically mentions " tents in the parking lot...", which appears to be within my domain as: Kommandant, Parking Nazi Brute Squad.

And, to answer you, there IS a thread about camping during the NAFO event because there are thosw who have that desire. Just not in the hotel parking lot....they are trying to arrange everyone using the same camping area.

A couple WFOs ago (Reno), I was living an hour south of Reno, and layed out a couple of the Big Dog rides. Circumstances prevented me from attending (I had to be elsewhere), and a good friend of mine who lives in Reno (John) and rides a '98 XX showed up to lead one of the groups (I think there were a total of 8 or so) on the ride through Tahoe, Markleeville and over Luther, Monitor, Ebbetts and Sonora passes.

These guys let me ride with them when I'm on my Blackbird (my second, BTW, so congrats on a great bike), and I bought my Feejer while already owning an XX -- you'll fit in just fine. IMO, the FJR is the superior all round bike and better touring platform, but the XX is faster** and (comparing them both with suspension upgrades) a little more nimble.

**Nothing slow about an FJR, but if you've had that XX up to where it hits warp drive . . . ?!? . . . performance anxiety isn't a problem I'd expect. :lol:

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So does that mean I can't sleep on the job, Herr Commandant ????
Don't worry about it Don. I will keep a look out while you nap if you will return the favor. Besides, Mike only thinks he is the boss. :D
I'm not the boss...TWN is "El Jeffe"! I'm just the parking lot guy with my gang of cut-throats, malcontents and miscreants (and possible felons). Yew doesn't wanna mess wiff mah posse!

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Is Golden a suburb of Denver? What about the nonstock exhaust law?

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