Posting Photos before 2022

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RossKean, on 07 Jan 2013 - 08:47, said:

Thanks Fred. At least I know its not just me! I did not get a security certificate error but I still can't post photos with IE8 and XP (SP3 with all the updates).

I found a way to make it work with IE8, although I wouldn't recommend it as a regular solution.

1) Paste the IMG code from Photobucket after writing whatever text you want

2) Use the "More Reply Options"

3) Image shows in edit pane but preview pane shows error - pink banner "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." error

4) Copy the image and posting that shows on this page

5) Hit "Cancel"

6) Return to the (new) reply box

7) Paste image and text in the reply box

8) Wasn't that easy???


If it's an XP/IE8 issue these may increase throughout someone's internet experience as web forums move forward and those client side platforms don't. MS is dropping XP support this year iirc so it won't even be getting patched any more.

Those on the fence about Win7 (and thinking it's the same as Vista) can be assured that Win7 was a rewrite and works much better with lower powered systems because of its modular design. Vista was monolythic in its code base so didn't play well outside of tons of RAM and CPU horsepower. Even then playing "well" was only loosly applicable.

testing & going nuts trying to post lol

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This is the error message I get:

"You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."

Any suggestions?


Holy flashback Batman, this thread was started in '06 and the forum is still screwed up. I got the whiney gash bitch of you can't use that image extension, and posted it anyway. What bake sale did we find this software at?

And whoever screwed up the emoticons, please go snuggle with odot. You deserve it.

Most forums let me use the img code but it doesn't let me on this forum that why there are links to the pics. Sorry.

Nice '06 dash!


In Photobucket, on the right side, click the Direct Link box and it should flash Copied. Now go to the Forum and click on the picture icon (square box that is green with orange bit on the bottom) and paste the copied link (short-cut is to press and hold the Ctrl key and tap the V key).

...none of which works in Internet Explorer 8 by the way (just tested to be sure it hadn't changed).

You'll need to use some other free browser (Chrome or Firefox) if you want to post inline pictures into messages on this forum.

IE 8 does not play well with the image part of the board but you can still post pics inline.


Turn off the "switch" on the upper left of the header bar in the posting. Paste the image tag format from Photobucket and hit "Post". Works for me with XP and IE 8.

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