Quincy Oct 15th

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Thinking about this one....

JB you're getting better looking all the time.

I scheduled the 9:30 start just so you could make it. You will not be disappointed with LaPorte road or riding back on 89/49 including a run up over Gold Lakes Rd.

Bug - I'm now approaching 99% sure that I'll be there on Saturday. Unlike several recent posters, I will not be racing to be at the back of the line :yahoo:
Russ, we may send you out front just so you can ride the section above LaPorte 2 times- yes it's that good :)

Looks like I'm gonna have to leave here by 8:30 am for that Chevron station -- appears I'll be two up. Good thing you made it Saturday instead of Sunday, Doug. No way of suspecting it when you announced this ride, but it kinda looks like we might have a real football team again. So I won't be missing Sunday morning's test in Detroit to see if what I saw last weekend was real or just my hopeful imagination.

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Looks like I'm gonna have to leave here by 8:30 am for that Chevron station -- appears I'll be two up. Good thing you made it Saturday instead of Sunday, Doug. No way of suspecting it when you announced this ride, but it kinda looks like we might have a real football team again. So I won't be missing Sunday morning's test in Detroit to see if what I saw last weekend was real or just my hopeful imagination.

The 9'rs won a game?

The 9'rs won a game?
I think Rich has been following the local girl's underwear football league...
I know this is hard to believe, and you guys are gonna think I'm on an '80s and '90s acid flashback, but the Niners DOMINATED the T.B. Buccaneers in every aspect of the game last Sunday. I don't mean "got lucky", "got away with some shabby play" or the usual Smith led inconsistent and mistake riddled crap; I mean they literally handed out a thorough A$$ KICKING for 4 full quarters on both sides of the ball and on special teams. 48 to 3 wasn't just the actual score, it reflected how one sided it really was.

Hell, Smith had something like a 104 passer rating, no INTs, 2 TDs, completing long and short, backs running for big gains, everything. And, well, with the defense not having to be on the field for 45 minutes, they were the kind of impressive that the individual parts have previously suggested we could expect -- only 6 points allowed in the last 6 quarters against the Eagles and Bucs. The presumed smash-mouth team on the field got physically dominated last Sunday.

Yeah -- I know -- if you didn't see it, you won't believe me -- "sure, have another hit, Rich." :huh:

Still don't know whether to believe I actually saw that myself. So I gotta watch Sunday morning's game in Detroit. Lord knows that da Bears were no contest for the Lions on Monday night. :p

Bears? Now...there's a girls underwear football team. They just bent over and took it all game...reminded me of the animal house fraternity scene. I bet if they were miked up you would have heard them say, "Yes sir, may I have another"!?

But this thread is all about Quincy...so you guys have a great ride. I did down in Hooterville last weekend. If you guys have half the fun I did...it will be a great weekend.

But this thread is all about Quincy...so you guys have a great ride. I did down in Hooterville last weekend. If you guys have half the fun I did...it will be a great weekend.
Glad to hear you won't be on this ride, because if you were then I'd probably not be able to make it, since I seem not to be able to make rides you come on.... :)

But this thread is all about Quincy...so you guys have a great ride. I did down in Hooterville last weekend. If you guys have half the fun I did...it will be a great weekend.
Glad to hear you won't be on this ride, because if you were then I'd probably not be able to make it, since I seem not to be able to make rides you come on.... :)

Didn't say I was out.

Are you in?

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That's too long a day ride for me, so I am waiting to hear from my brother- and sister-in-law who live in Paradise (no, they're not dead) whether they're home this weekend and I can crash with them Saturday night.

And then if they say yes, I have to see how I feel about getting up at the crack o' dawn (something like 6:30 AM! :eek: ) to do a long ride on bald tires with a bunch of ugly old farts who look a lot like me :( (except Puppychow of course, that handsome young fart :p ).

And where the feck is Quincy anyway?! I've lived in California my whole life (except when I didn't live here), and I've never even heard of it, except when it was a TV show about a medical examiner :blink: ).

So see you Saturday. Maybe.... :unsure:

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Ok, friends, I'm confirmed in, and I am psyched!

Even though I've just returned from a 10-day business trip, Mrs. Zip was cool with me going. (She's awesome.) I'll seeya at Chevron at 9.

James, here's Quincy. The whole area is beautiful. I spent a lot of time up there climbing and rafting the Middle Fork of the Feather river, a three-day, class V classic. You're going to enjoy this.

What's the route after Quincy, though? I was thinking of doing this, but I don't know all these roads. Was just looking at good stuff on the map. Anyone else got a better idea for the route?

What's the route after Quincy, though? I was thinking of doing this, but I don't know all these roads. Was just looking at good stuff on the map. Anyone else got a better idea for the route?
That's close, Barry. But from Graeagle, we'll be taking Gold Lakes Road south to Bassetts Station, where we hit 49 toward Sierra City, Downieville, North San Juan and Nevada City. Trust me, there is some spectacular scenery on this road.

BTW, unless you're on a dual sport, you don't want to take Gladding Road, McCourtney Road, Camp Far West Road and Yeager Road out of Lincoln on your way north from Loomis. Some of it is paved, some paved with potholes, much of it is dirt and gravel and runs through the Spenceville Wildlife Preserve area. It's slow going either way. Head up 65 to Marysville and then up 20 to the meeting point.

I'd understand Hans (aka "J.B.") staying home Sunday for the Niners game, but to miss this ride just to sleep in when he hasn't ridden these roads or this area is nothing short of insane.

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...I'd understand Hans (aka "J.B.") staying home Sunday for the Niners game, but to miss this ride just to sleep in when he hasn't ridden these roads or this area is nothing short of weenieness and a total lack of intellectual and experiential curiosity. :assassin:
Whoa Rich! Tell us what you really think! :eek:


Sorry Doug...how come this always happens to your threads?

It usually happens to all threads. So you must be in Colorado by now?

That's too long a day ride for me, so I am waiting to hear from my brother- and sister-in-law who live in Paradise (no, they're not dead) whether they're home this weekend and I can crash with them Saturday night.

And then if they say yes, I have to see how I feel about getting up at the crack o' dawn (something like 6:30 AM! :eek: ) to do a long ride on bald tires with a bunch of ugly old farts who look a lot like me :( (except Puppychow of course, that handsome young fart :p ).

And where the feck is Quincy anyway?! I've lived in California my whole life (except when I didn't live here), and I've never even heard of it, except when it was a TV show about a medical examiner :blink: ).

So see you Saturday. Maybe.... :unsure:
Mabey- yes? PM sent

What's the route after Quincy, though? I was thinking of doing this, but I don't know all these roads. Was just looking at good stuff on the map. Anyone else got a better idea for the route?
That's close, Barry. But from Graeagle, we'll be taking Gold Lakes Road south to Bassetts Station, where we hit 49 toward Sierra City, Downieville, North San Juan and Nevada City. Trust me, there is some spectacular scenery on this road.

BTW, unless you're on a dual sport, you don't want to take Gladding Road, McCourtney Road, Camp Far West Road and Yeager Road out of Lincoln on your way north from Loomis. Some of it is paved, some paved with potholes, much of it is dirt and gravel and runs through the Spenceville Wildlife Preserve area. It's slow going either way. Head up 65 to Marysville and then up 20 to the meeting point.

I'd understand Hans (aka "J.B.") staying home Sunday for the Niners game, but to miss this ride just to sleep in when he hasn't ridden these roads or this area is nothing short of insane.

Rich, I was hoping you were not talking about the Raiders winning

Thanks for the advice! Another great reason to get the local knowledge from all of you. I have no interest in dual-sport roads with the FJR!

Looking forward to the ride!

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...I'd understand Hans (aka "J.B.") staying home Sunday for the Niners game, but to miss this ride just to sleep in when he hasn't ridden these roads or this area is nothing short of weenieness and a total lack of intellectual and experiential curiosity. :assassin:
Whoa Rich! Tell us what you really think! :eek:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't tell me that we're gonna have to lump you into the O.M. camp of "redrafting" quoted passages, Mark?

I guess we'll just have to wait and see if anyone steps up to disagree with your edits, though. ;) :ph34r:

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Thanks for the advice! Another great reason to get the local knowledge from all of you. I have no interest in dual-sport roads with the FJR!

Looking forward to the ride!

Barry, we'll have to bring you up to speed on our local NorCal roads. Some of the best anywhere!

Better bring a map and a highlighter...

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...I'd understand Hans (aka "J.B.") staying home Sunday for the Niners game, but to miss this ride just to sleep in when he hasn't ridden these roads or this area is nothing short of weenieness and a total lack of intellectual and experiential curiosity. :assassin:
So THAT's what you were really thinking, eh, Rich?! Well! :angry2:

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