Signup For E. KY Ride April 11-14th

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Well, not too happy about the extended weather forecast, but things may change! Everyone cross your fingers.
By the way, we will be in Slade, KY Friday, just in case you want to watch the weather for yourself.

Looks like everyone is still meeting at Natural Bridge at about 2:00 pm. Go to the lodge in the park, we will be there.
Here's the link: Weather Clicky
One honest Air Force Wx forecaster told me once that up to 24 hours (and still not always right) is the best they can do. After that, just pure quessing. :huh:

Just thought that I would log in and get the skinny ... yall is nuts .... :) can't wait to get there! Must have speeeeed, ya a serious case of cabin fever. Mesh, are you kiddin me........the mesh doesn't come out until it is at least 80...I will be the one looking like an Eskimo...just four more days.. :)


Well, not too happy about the extended weather forecast, but things may change! Everyone cross your fingers.
By the way, we will be in Slade, KY Friday, just in case you want to watch the weather for yourself.

Looks like everyone is still meeting at Natural Bridge at about 2:00 pm. Go to the lodge in the park, we will be there.
Here's the link: Weather Clicky
One honest Air Force Wx forecaster told me once that up to 24 hours (and still not always right) is the best they can do. After that, just pure quessing. :huh:
Our local forecasters totally f'd this past weekend. Really, TOTALLY!

Just thought that I would log in and get the skinny ... yall is nuts .... :) can't wait to get there! Must have speeeeed, ya a serious case of cabin fever. Mesh, are you kiddin me........the mesh doesn't come out until it is at least 80...I will be the one looking like an Eskimo...just four more days.. :)
Hey Angela!,

Yeah, cabin fever is an understatement. The mesh is staying in the closet. I'll be wearing my newly acquired winter jacket that has superb venting just in case.

See you at NB on Saturday morning. You guys are showing up at "kickstands up" hour on Saturday morning, right?


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Our local forecasters totally f'd this past weekend. Really, TOTALLY!
Feeling a bit "edgy" are we? :unsure:

Your lack of riding time is really starting to show. Maybe you need to borrow my spare RD and go out for a bit on your own this weekend?


Yes, the weather people majorly screwed yesterday's forecast. But what were you expecting... science? :rolleyes:

Don't you know that weather forecasting always involves sacrificing chickens and at least two varities of illegal herbs!

Oh, and BTW, I rode all day anyway. In VA!!!

To keep this thread on topic (sorta)...

I can't find Keith's cell number anywhere. Can somebody PM it to me???

Yes, the weather people majorly screwed yesterday's forecast. But what were you expecting... science? :rolleyes: Don't you know that weather forecasting always involves sacrificing chickens and at least two varities of illegal herbs!
That is a huge understatement. I want to call them & tell them they need to return that Dopplar Radar to where it friggin' came from. Those POS!

Yes Jeff, very edgy. This ride is way overdue for me.

Just thought that I would log in and get the skinny ... yall is nuts .... :) can't wait to get there! Must have speeeeed, ya a serious case of cabin fever. Mesh, are you kiddin me........the mesh doesn't come out until it is at least 80...I will be the one looking like an Eskimo...just four more days.. :)
Don't worry about it. My wife is wearing eskimo cycle pants, and a Michael Jackson 80's blue jacket. I keep telling her it's not a fashion show.

Yes Jeff, very edgy. This ride is way overdue for me.
Your prescription from Dr. Ashe is ready:

Take two of these
and call me immediately if you find a third or need assistance.


Oh you silly boy, what in the hell are you thinking? I'm thinking that style of dancing twice will kill my lower back. Well actually, one dance like that will kill my lower back.

PS... I have no similar shoes.

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Yikes! The latest weather report sure looks a bit on the cool side, as well as a bit wet. I'm hoping that changes as it gets closer to the weekend.

Yeah, every time I check the weather they knock a few degrees off the top. Was calling for rain and 60's, now its down to a high of 54. Guess I will need to break out the gerbings.

Just thought that I would log in and get the skinny ... yall is nuts .... :) can't wait to get there! Must have speeeeed, ya a serious case of cabin fever. Mesh, are you kiddin me........the mesh doesn't come out until it is at least 80...I will be the one looking like an Eskimo...just four more days.. :)
Hey Angela!,

Yeah, cabin fever is an understatement. The mesh is staying in the closet. I'll be wearing my newly acquired winter jacket that has superb venting just in case.

See you at NB on Saturday morning. You guys are showing up at "kickstands up" hour on Saturday morning, right?

ya, we are wondering all day Friday .... got to get the kiddos off to school. Sat, we will be there around breakfast time....definetly before kick stands up. This has to be the lonest, suckiest winter on record. No big snows, just constant sludge and gray, gray sky. Glad to know that you decided to go. Looks like there are going to be a lot of familiar faces .... the weather had better hold .... :)


Well It's Official!! I'm in on the KY ride for this weekend. Room reserved and the bike's ready to roll!! I can't wait to meet some of the new folks and hang out with some old friends.

Weather looks a little wet and cool for Friday but I don't care. I will ride in snow if that's what it comes to!!

See everyone this weekend!!


:unsure: .... weather report is getting worse......... clicky

Please God, Vishnu, Buddah, Shiva, Amun, Zeus, Woden, Allah, and anyone else I left out........ Make this storm pass through friday and give us good weather for the rest of the weekend! I beg thee!!!!!

Don't forget your rain gear ladies and gentlement.

I am not a huge fan of riding in the rain, so I am working on rain routes. Got one done for Sat. working on the one for Sunday. I'll start to e-mail them tomorrow so check your boxes.

Just curious how everyone feels about taking a more direct, less twisty route if we get slammed with rain. I am a huge puss when it comes to riding in the rain, I just have no confidence and will not be pushing it at all if the road conditions are wet.


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If the weather report looks like that Wednesday/Thursday I will stay here and ride. The only time my bike is on a trailer is if it is broke or stolen. :)

If it rains half the time, that means it won't be raining half the time. :)

If it gets soggy, can we just find a dry port in the storm and re-sypher a safer path?

If I can't see, I gotta find a dry place to wait out the storm.

This time of year, most likely, a storm will blow through and then be gone.

They just have no idea when, or how big.

Spending a couple hours sipping on coffee and yucking it up isn't all bad.

We can check the radar with cell phones and go with the flow.

Always good to have a backup plan though.

Finding any size river across the road sucks bad.

If it runs late in the day, I'm sure everyone will want a shortcut to the end.

Tip of the day: This is no trip for bald tires. If your rubber is shagged, visit a dealer this week.

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If the weather report looks like that Wednesday/Thursday I will stay here and ride.
Hey roomie, there is someone depending on your attendance. Uh,..... ME

I agree with Brent... right down to his statement about NO BALD TIRES.

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