It was a busy week at school and Friday night my brother texted me and said there was a poker game at his house Saturday at 7:30. I had chores, honey do lists, and homework, so there was no way I was going to be able to split away from home. Plus, Sunday was mothers day and it would be bogus to not be there Sunday morning at church with the family. About 3:30, I was wrapping up some of my duties and looked at the weather. It was still nice out, and I hatched a plan. Leave by 4:00, ride the 230 miles to my brothers, play poker til 2:30 am or so, catch a few hours of sleep and leave as the sun rises and be at church when the family got there at 10:30.
Mission accomplished. No tickets, no accidents, I only won 29 dollars, but that paid for the gas round trip. The FJR makes it all possible. Thank u Yamaha.