What did you do to your FJR today?

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Hey... at least it's not an entire throttle body, right?

When I first got mine I was considering replacing the silver chromomium strips with the old school rubber ones from the earlier models. I like the aesthetics of those flat black ones better, not being a big sparkle fan.

But laziness won over aesthetics and I'm still rockin' the shiny stripes... for now.

PS - the inner Yamaha "chevron" was available separately on the earlier black rubber strips. Wonder if it would fit in the chrome ones?

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PS - the inner Yamaha "chevron" was available separately on the earlier black rubber strips. Wonder if it would fit in the chrome ones?
Bet we could figure this one out at EOM!
No need to wait as I've figured it out already. Here's a photo of the 1st Gen Saddlebag Logo.


As you can see, the logo measures 3" long and is 1/2" wide. I just measured the one on my '14 and it is exactly the same. Part number is shown above and the street price is about $8 a pop.


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When I first got mine I was considering replacing the silver chromium strips with the old school rubber ones from the earlier models. I like the aesthetics of those flat black ones better, not being a big sparkle fan.
I'm with ya on this one Fred...I think the black looks better. Not a fan of the chrome.

mcatrophy posted: Checked tyre pressures, put on tank bag, filled bags with stuff ready for 6 days of Scottish riding starting tomorrow. That's riding in Scotland, not riding in a kilt.
A distillery tour?!?! Tell me you're catching the ferry to Islay ...

Uncle Hud posted:
mcatrophy posted: Checked tyre pressures, put on tank bag, filled bags with stuff ready for 6 days of Scottish riding starting tomorrow. That's riding in Scotland, not riding in a kilt.
A distillery tour?!?! Tell me you're catching the ferry to Islay ...
Not sure whether we'll be doing Islay, it all depends. I've been there before, been round the odd distillery. However, I don't/can't drink whiskey, this after an unfortunate "incident" celebrating my 25th birthday. I consumed a considerable quantity of whiskey, was essentially comatose for three days, and ever since then my body goes into rejection mode at the mere smell of whiskey. Curiously, distilleries don't smell of whiskey until you get to the end where they are offering samples.
At the end of the day, sat in a bar, I'm the one drinking beer whilst the others are trying the various whiskies on offer.

Hint: Never attempt to try every whiskey behind a Scottish bar in one evening. You'll end up worse than I am.

Piccy of a still in the Ardbeg distillery on Islay, taken when I was there back in 2008.

(click on image for larger view)

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Ditto on condolences, but I could easily be convinced it was of benefit.

In every movie, the Scottish countryside looks beautiful -- rain or sunshine.

I usually think of Ireland as the one with the verdant countryside. Scotland conjures up thoughts of rough, heather strewn moores, and constant bleak cold mist.

Of course all of this is with no more basis than the various novels I've read and a few movies. Some day I would love to visit the UK. At least they speak a version of our language there, and don't seem to hate us 'mericans nearly as much as the other Europeans.

Fred - I went to Spain, France, and Italy (including Rome). I don't know a lick of any foreign language (ashamed to say). Those people were wonderful and my wife and I had such a great time. I came home with a wonderful appreciation for things. Things we have known, or think we have known, they have known for hundreds of years.

Do not be dismayed. Go sooner rather than later...

I'm not speaking from total ignorance. I've been to Spain (4 times, including the playground of Majorca), France, including the riviera and the alps during ski season, Italy (including Rome) at least a half dozen times, and Greece twice, once for 2 weeks straight just outside of Athens. This was back in the 1980's. As "Americans" we were not very well received or respected. It left a bitter taste in my mouth, no desire to see their old moldy world again, and a true appreciation of what we have here in this country.


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Scotland conjures up thoughts of rough, heather strewn moors, and constant bleak cold mist.
Not just.

Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness


Glen Coe, in the north. Wikipedia uses the expression "grim grandeur." Beautiful country. And those bleak cold mists--hey, they're not constant. :lol:


And as for what I did to my FJR today, I checked the air pressure in the tires and then rode to the grocery store. (Always on topic.)

Not Scotch related (or instigated) -- I drifted the Feej a bit this evening after an asshat in a Tesla decided he wanted to be right where I was at the time coming out of one of those intersection-shortcut-curveamagiggers...

I'd been riding the S10 not 30 minutes earlier (always in "tour" mode", for some odd reason), and kind of forgot how much the Feej likes the throttle to be opened up...and how slick that particular stretch of road is (even when dry). 25 to 60 in 2nd (in a 40) in the blink of an eye, ass end slipping, and me now in the turn lane of oncoming traffic...and the ol' Feej saying, "C'mon, man! Where's your balls??!?! I'm just getting started!"

Not my finest moment, but the Feej didn't let me down. The Feej will be the death of me some day...but it'll be so damn much fun!

Tank bag and hydration unit on and stocked, ready for a 24 hr endurance run.


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Did a minor lube on the clutch lever pivot. I was getting that distinct "crunchy" feel, know what I mean? Then I promptly ordered a couple bushings- everything else looks ok but the bushing is worn out and sloppy. Geez, another Gen2 failed part. I think this is the second time I've replaced this. The first time was just some 4 or 5 yrs ago- WTF over!!

I did a 180 mile loop up into the mountains, 69 degrees at 5700feet, with a little bit of light fog on the brp, 10 more degrees at 1100feet this morning.

Warming up my skills in the foothills, then riding on familiar twisties at an elevated pace and elevated rpms...nirvana, the dance...I just love it.

Give me this FJR and a twisty road and I am a happy man.

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