What did you do to your FJR today?

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As the bike has reached 90000 km,


this weekend it was changing the oil (I'm not sure of the translation).



and I cleaned the bike


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Swapped in a new battery.

The one I took out was only 8 years old. They just don't make things like they used to.

Made the oil change last night as it was coming to 5k miles. I also did the final drive oil swap at the same time. Wiped off the windshield and cleaned the headlights. Checked the tire pressure (back was a bit low).

I went to my maintenance tracking sheet and it appears that it was the first time I did anything with the bike since May. I miss my BMW, it kept me busy...

gapiob posted: As the bike has reached 90000 km,this weekend it was changing the oil (I'm not sure of the translation) and I cleaned the bike.
It is called "changing the oil", exactly as you wrote it.

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Changed the (left) Headlight bulb. It was burnt out. So much easier than the other side. My HID lights have the shutter in there and are awesome. It was a 5 min change. The right side is like a 30 min project that involves some kind of hand/wrist/elbow contorsion that usually results in a bunch of scraped knuckles.

rode it to work ... again. (Me, too.)

Temps below 80 -- Hallelujah! -- so I rode in the 'Stich: e-z on, e-z off.

Nothing. I felt like crap this morning, I had to be at work about an hour earlier than usual, and it was just a bit chilly out (low 50s when I left).

Yep, I caged it today. Too bad, too, because it turned off really nice this afternoon.

Business travel all last week, catch up at home Saturday. Started out been a leisurely Sunday ride 'round the block but several hrs and 250 miles later, including Virginnie mtns and the Blue Ridge Parkway, I finally made it home again.





I took the seats off of it and sent them to Spencer. Now just have to wait for them to get back.

I also got my new tires today, so I may just spoon those on this weekend. Might as well change the oil, do the tires and give her some love. October 5th is coming fast!!

Pulled the panniers out of the closet, so now it's time to start thinking about packing for EOM. :lol:
