What did you do to your FJR today?

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Rode it to work at 4am.

Yesterday I screwed up a bearing installing it in my spare front wheel. Slipped and bashed the grease seal and bent it enough to feel. Knocked it back out, put my tools away and went inside to order a new one. That's what I get for being in a hurry. :banghead: I'll take it to work and use the press when the new bearing arrives.

Picked up mounted tires/wheels. Changed fork oil. Yanked and reinstalled rear shock & swing arm. Pretty much only lubes left are head bearings and levers (foot&hand).

Yesterday was pull front wheel/drop both off for mounting/balancing. R/R'ed centerstand & relay arm.

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Replaced my clutch lever bushing. The old bushing had the hole punched all the way through and the push rod had begun to punch through the lever itself. So, 2 things form this: do your routine clean-and-lubes and you'll find it early; if your clutch won't disengage completely or it becomes hard to downshift check this.

I began to have symptoms of the second but my clutch lever has always operated very close to the grip so I didn't think much of it. I caught it on a routine clean- I was starting to get that distinctive "crunch/squeak" in the lever pivot.



Took a short 75 mile ride very early this morning. Cut it short because the ground fog was very thick out in the countryside and the visibility way down.

I met someone this morning. I might write about it later today.

Changed the rear tire and washed the crap off of her from the ride in the rain to and from tech day. Bike is ready for EOM!

Put a new rear tire on for EOM.

Had a total fail trying to change the right front bulb. Right now, the old bulb is sitting in the front assembly giving me the finger from across the clear plastic cover.

If I can't retrieve it and get it out tomorrow after work, I may use the hammer tool.

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Put a new rear tire on for EOM.Had a total fail trying to change the right front bulb. Right now, the old bulb is sitting in the front assembly giving me the finger from across the clear plastic cover.

If I can't retrieve it and get it out tomorrow after work, I may use the hammer tool.
Or ask griff to help!?

Put a new rear tire on for EOM.

Had a total fail trying to change the right front bulb. Right now, the old bulb is sitting in the front assembly giving me the finger from across the clear plastic cover.

If I can't retrieve it and get it out tomorrow after work, I may use the hammer tool.
Or ask griff to help!?
I've got a Sawzall that I am sure we can make a precision cut in the headlight and get the bulb out and you'll never know the difference.

Rode home to Seattle from the Reuben Run in La Pine, OR. Three days of GREAT riding. I have over 11k miles on my new 2016 FJR. :)

Took a short 75 mile ride very early this morning. Cut it short because the ground fog was very thick out in the countryside and the visibility way down.
I met someone this morning. I might write about it later today.
Ummmm.....Tony's cougar??

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Stopped by the Yamaha shop to get them to replace the "YAMAHA" chevron that fell off the right side case of my one month old bike.

They are going to replace it under warranty, but here's the whack part... Yamaha does not supply the YAMAHA badge separately; the whole plastic strip with the the chevron has to be ordered (to the tune of $70). How stupid is that? It's not going to cost me anything because they are covering it under warranty. But I would be seriously pissed if I had to spring $70 just because their parts system sucks.
Replacing both of mine tomorrow. I will be cleaning the new factory adhesive off and using something a little more durable. I could not get my dealer to cover mine under warranty. Not too happy paying for these logos again at nearly $16.00 a piece. The case logos are available in the parts fiche but you have to look in the 2012 or earlier models. For some reason when they went to the chrome bumper in 2013 they dropped the logo off the parts fiche.
