What did you do to your FJR today?

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You're happy you went to work??

Good for you Fred, I have to deal with engineers all day some are good some not so good. Got the dash torn out of the 2015 and hope to be adding some light brackets this weekend. My 3m stripe material showed up yesterday so I may play with that also.


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I'm happiest when I ride home from work. And today makes day 266 consecutive. Less than 100 to go for a "perfect year"

I found a place to exorcise the demons, and do triple digit speeds legally. GPS says 111. This drag strip is open to the public when there is no event taking place. No one else was there, but a modified Mustang was pulling in as I left. I took several runs without the bags and top case. The burnout area is easy to spin the wheel and no trouble lifting the front end down this straight track with great traction.


I found a place to exorcise the demons, and do triple digit speeds legally. GPS says 111. This drag strip is open to the public when there is no event taking place. No one else was there, but a modified Mustang was pulling in as I left. I took several runs without the bags and top case. The burnout area is easy to spin the wheel and no trouble lifting the front end down this straight track with great traction.
That sounds stupid fun!!

I found a place to exorcise the demons, and do triple digit speeds legally. GPS says 111. This drag strip is open to the public when there is no event taking place. No one else was there, but a modified Mustang was pulling in as I left. I took several runs without the bags and top case. The burnout area is easy to spin the wheel and no trouble lifting the front end down this straight track with great traction.

That sounds stupid fun!!
Indeed! Now all that's left to do is put a car tire on that thing as see what she'll really do.

I bought some tracing paper to make an attempt to make my own decals. The new boots came today but they will be shipping back out in a day or two. Nice but to small even though I bought them bigger than what I normally where. New tires will be here Saturday. Those will just sit in the cellar for a while until needed. Yes it is all coming together. Spring it getting closer I can feel it. Well my wallet sure does anyway.


Got my new Seth Laam seats put on the bike. Feel pretty good just sitting in the garage making vroom vroom noises. Too much white stuff on the roads right now for a proper evaluation.

I know Seth has had a tarnished reputation for his communication skills and business practices, but I did not experience that. I went in eyes wide open looking for signs of trouble and didn't see anything. He got my stock seats January 18th and I had them back Feb 16th. We had two phone conversations, one about 10-15 minutes when I was looking for info about seat construction and options and one other on the day of the build (Feb 9th). That was a 30 +/- minute discussion where we went over, in painstaking detail, the features of the seat construction, seat shape, materials, thread color, etc. I had sent him pictures with notes describing what I wanted but he prefers the direct communication approach. This must work better for him. So far I can't find anything to complain about.

I'm looking forward to getting some miles on it and a real evaluation from mine and my pillions posteriors.

Took it out this morning, parked up, and was disgusted with the state I'd left it in after getting it very dirty a couple of days ago. So, having returned home, I turned this filthy thing ...
(Click on image for larger view)

... into this ...

... using these ...

... then ran the engine until steam stopped came out of the exhaust and the coolant temperature was nicely up (seen through steam rising from the front of the engine) ...

... leaving consumables consumed.

Ok, still not showroom finish, but I feel less ashamed and much happier now

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Dirty bikes are Bad ASS! I just took the 2008 for a ride to do an errand. I will most likely do another ride tomorrow too. It was good to get out and shake out some cobwebs. If the weather holds out I feel a mental stress day coming up soon.

