What did you do to your FJR today?

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Today I installed a medium Rifle windshield and LOVE it! It's been a while since I've posted but a couple months ago we added Russell seats and a new back tire last month. Still loving the bike. Glad to see the 13's out though. Good for Yamaha.

Installed a small power distribution block switched by the (disconnected) auto windshield retract plug. Works good! Also added a RAM mount that attaches to the brake/clutch clip on bolts.

I rode to work today. It was 36 degrees at my house. Put on my carhart coveralls. I was warm.

Went out to the garage this morning, rolled up the door, looked at the bikes,went back in the house.

20 degrees :cold:

Sad day... Put the bikes away for the winter... Only good thing is getting ready to go hunt the forest rats.... hoping to take out as many as I can

Installed the Penske 9883 shock and remote reservoir purchased from forum member "Bill'. Sure looks nice...wish I could ride, but my knee still does not bend enough to reach the footpeg after surgery last week. bummer!

My next ride may be when i take this bike to Pittsburgh in the Spring. I accepted a new job that will have me relocated before Thanksgiving.

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I rode my scoot to work today....put gas in it on the way. Had a couple of smokes whilst sitting on it during lunch. It was a good day.

Modified my hand guards, and I don't care if small children point and laugh, I want warm hands. I'll see if it made any difference tomorrow.


Installed the Penske 9883 shock and remote reservoir purchased from forum member "Bill'. Sure looks nice...wish I could ride, but my knee still does not bend enough to reach the footpeg after surgery last week. bummer!

My next ride may be when i take this bike to Pittsburgh in the Spring. I accepted a new job that will have me relocated before Thanksgiving.
Gonna have to ask an admin to change one letter in your forum name: TomInPA


...My next ride may be when i take this bike to Pittsburgh in the Spring. I accepted a new job that will have me relocated before Thanksgiving.
Musta been a great job to make you leave Kali.

I"m sure you already know that there a few good roads this side of the Sierras.

Matter of fact I think there is a SE Ohio Ramble in May...but I don't know why people want to ride in Ohio...it's so flat, straight and boring there. :eek:

There's usually a camping meet sometime...and if you can FJR fly out to MO/AR, there is usually something there in October.

Oh yeah...then there's EOM. Last fall it was in a wicked part of North Carolina that you could ride twisties all day, or until you puke from motion sickness..

...My next ride may be when i take this bike to Pittsburgh in the Spring. I accepted a new job that will have me relocated before Thanksgiving.
Old Michael, Bokerfork, SacramentoMike, HYCLE and MadMike2 will be crying themselves to sleep after hearing this sad and heartbreaking news!

Good weekend for maintenance: New set of PR2s (almost 12K out of the last set), new stopper pads, and added Speed Bleeders. Those things are GREAT! Out for a test drive then home to change the oil and wash away the last few months of dirt and bugs.

And that's when I saw THIS:

(The following is a dramatic recreation of an actual event.)


J-u-s-t a little bit disconcerting.

I couldn't imagine what that bolt was SUPPOSED to be holding on, so I pulled the tank and plastic to see if I could spot a gaping hole. Not seeing one, my best guess is it came from the head and a tech dropped it into the bowels of the engine compartment when I last had it in for a valve check. He probably just grabbed another from inventory and figured the lost one would fall on to the highway somewhere.

Anyhoo, new rubber is always a treat, the weather is unseasonably warm and when it's not the Gerbings is keepin' me toasty!

Good weekend for maintenance: New set of PR2s (almost 12K out of the last set), new stopper pads, and added Speed Bleeders. Those things are GREAT! Out for a test drive then home to change the oil and wash away the last few months of dirt and bugs.

And that's when I saw THIS:

(The following is a dramatic recreation of an actual event.)


J-u-s-t a little bit disconcerting.

I couldn't imagine what that bolt was SUPPOSED to be holding on, so I pulled the tank and plastic to see if I could spot a gaping hole. Not seeing one, my best guess is it came from the head and a tech dropped it into the bowels of the engine compartment when I last had it in for a valve check. He probably just grabbed another from inventory and figured the lost one would fall on to the highway somewhere.

Anyhoo, new rubber is always a treat, the weather is unseasonably warm and when it's not the Gerbings is keepin' me toasty!
Not positive, but that looks like a frame brace (t-bar) bolt located under the tank.
