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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. F

    FJR Down

    I wouldn't waste my money (again) at SJY... They act all great intially, but then screw you on your way out the door. All they want to do is make money, and lots of it. I should have gone somewhere else for my bike. $15,583.00 out the door for an '05 ABS, so when I was seeing stuff like...
  2. F

    Go Buy a REAL Motorcycle!!!

    Okay, I'll step in here. Does all this talk about my lowly Ruger P85 mean I'm relegated to being less than you foks because I don't carry a .45? My lowly 9 mill just doesn't have the 'OOMPH' I need? I saw an ad for A SMALL S&W .45 that did a 2.75" circle at, I THINK, 50 yards, but it could...
  3. F

    Fat Hands

    Thanks, everyone, for your replies! I'll be getting an EZ-Air gauge now and will order a pair of the 90 degree valve stems before I replace my tires. Thanks again for the help... Ride safe! Jim
  4. F

    Fat Hands you get air in these freakin' tires? I scrape my hands on the discs front AND rear (although the rear is the worse of the two). I tried some tire valve stem extensions, but they were too long and I thought that the rear one might clank on one of the discs. I have the OEM Metzlers, and...
  5. F

    Replacement 'Moko' style Aluminum Sliders

    Skyway, Check's in the mail... Thanks for taking the time to do these! They look WAY cool!! Jim
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    Loctite v. anti-seize

    Man, I am SO confused.... I'll soon have a new set of Moko's, so do I use Loc-tite, anti-seize or what? I also have a new set of bar ends (polished) and I bought some chrome hardware to go with them. Which one do I use in THIS situation? I'm thinking anti-seize for Moko's AND bar ends...
  7. F

    Replacement 'Moko' style Aluminum Sliders

    Skyway, Thanks for the quick reply... I still have to get the standard Moko's first anyway, but I WAS curious. Thanks for the info... Jim
  8. F

    Replacement 'Moko' style Aluminum Sliders

    Skyway, What's the status on your sliders? REALLY looking forward to these, or did you change your mind on producing them? Just curious... Jim
  9. F


    Jill, It doesn't look like the guy in the cage was paying attention. Contrary to what you wrote, if the guy in the video HAD learned how to drive, he would've seen the much for England being "better" at their driving. I WILL, however, give them 10 points outta 10 for that...
  10. F

    Superbrace group buy

    Yep, still waiting also... I sent my order in the 28th or 29th of December, and haven't seen hide nor hair of it yet, but I expect it to show up soon. Mine's polished 'cause I couldn't afford a black anodoized one this time around. Jim
  11. F

    Torque Wrenches

    Hey, everyone, I posted this on another board and didn't get much response, so I thought I'd post here to see if I got a liitle better replies. I could use a couple of opinions regarding torque wrenches. I am specifically looking for one that will do 20-600 (or so) inch-pounds that doesn't...
  12. F

    Need pics, please

    Guys, I saw a picture (I think it was here) that had a 2005 FJR with polished Metissse sliders on it. Also, there was a place that had 15.5 oz. bar end weights that were starting to be carried by a new (I think) retailer... they have three (3) vertical lines on the bar end side, and...
  13. F

    SuperBrace Installation

    WC (or whoever), I'm not familiar with "anti-seize" compound. Is there a brand-name someone could recommend? How much do I use on the bolts? As I've stated before, I'm really new at this "maintain-it-yourself" stuff. I understand the concept of dissimilar metal corrosion, but what would be...
  14. F

    SuperBrace Installation

    Thanks for the help, guys... Okay, I think I understand...just epoxy the upright portion of the OEM guard to the back of the short Superbrace problem there. Sparky3008...Thanks for your efforts....don't know what I was thinking there. It's clear as a bell...(DOH!!) Also, thanks for...
  15. F

    SuperBrace Installation

    Guys, I am eagerly awaiting my gull-wing SuperBrace, but I will also take my old OEM forfk protectors off. Anyone got pics related to how to attach the old taller (original) protectors with the SuperBrace (sorry if there's something here and I missed it)? I'm a visual type, so for me, one...
  16. F

    SuperBrace ABS Exhange - old for new

    Well, ladies and gents, no more SB exchanges! I wrote Superbrace an email about exchanging my second-generation for the third-gen SB, offered to pay the difference, and this is the reply I got: <<Jim, Good Afternoon and thanks for the email. As we coming to the end of 2005, we are...
  17. F

    Dead Battery

    Thanks to one and all, and I just wanted to extend a special thank you to ScooterG for his "oh-so-wise" advice". A BatteryMinder is definitely forthcoming. Again, thanks guys...much appreciated! Jim
  18. F

    Dead Battery

    Okay, ladies and gentlemen, since I couldn't remember my previous log-in stuff, I had to start over, and no comments from the peanut galler(y/ies), please. This is embarrasing enough as it is, but here goes: Due to circumstances beyond my control, I have managed to not use my bike for almost...